Working on Greenday HONDA CAFE BIKE today

Well, time and tide wait for no man whats that about? One must not procrastinate or delay, as in Let’s get on with the voting; time and tide won’t wait, you know. This proverbial phrase, alluding to the fact that human events or concerns cannot stop the passage of time or the movement of the tides, first appeared about 1395 in Chaucer’s […]

I have been invited as a 20 year Long term builder for the Sturgis Exhibition this year in August.

Well, with everything going on right now, I need a little pick me up and a little while ago I was invited as a long term Builder to exhibit a Motorcycle I am building from scratch, to display at the Buffalo Chip at Sturgis this year- but, with the Pandemic, everyone was held up in […]

Balancing on Craziness !

hey you lot, I am super busy trying to Balance all the work thats come in and it is no easy thing but- I wanted to show you this amazing video of a Trials rider ing balance, not much more to say but I am in awe of this. Thanks again for all sticking with […]

My Old Thruxton was a Fun Machine

Having a day to remember this afternoon, remembering my 2013 Triumph Thruxton that I bought as stock as the Proverbial Rock in Brea and then set about changing a few things as I went along and get it to the style and menacing Gnarly Growl of the mufflers as I hit the apex of a […]

Exhaust Orders going super strong right now

Hey you lot, wow! Is all I can say, so many exhaust orders plus tons of parts going out the door, trying to keep up all the demand for parts for you to complete your Motorcycle Projects, so you can get out on the tarmac and blow all of lifes cobwebs out of the New […]

Saturday and busier than heck

Its the weekend and I am trying to get so many orders out, thanks for being cool about waiting as some things like chrome parts etc take a while as some of my own suppliers are closed still, due to the Pandemic, so I have to try and locate other companies, but thank you all […]

Working on Customers parts they send to me

Well, I have been really really busy as of late, many of you are at home and are now working on some long term projects, and this is the perfect time to catch up on them “Need to do” lists that you have mentally noted and tucked into the back of your skull, and I […]

Always here to help if you get stuck on a project at home.

Well, with all this lock down around the globe, people are getting bored, but- on a good note, people are getting into their long term projects and want to finish it in this time that we all have at the moment, so as of late, I have been running around like a headless chicken . […]

Sunday and I am busy in garage

Well, no day of rest for me today as many people need parts for their rides, so I have been burning the proverbial candle at both ends, as I know what its like when you start on a project, you want to try and get as much completed as possible whilst you are still all […]