My Front Brake Is Stuck On, what do I do?

My front brake is stuck on and I cant move the bike.
OK, this happens a lot, the longer the bike has been left unattended in storage, the more the chance that the brake fluid has gone all goopy and gelled up.
Now to free the thing temporarily, you whack the caliper body with a Rubber mallet, this will shock the piston back a bit.
Bleed the brake until fluid comes out of the bleed nipple, you know, on, off, on, off etc.
Once clear is coming out, try the brake, if it still stick, then I usually take the back of the caliper off and then with the nipple locked tight, I simply press the brake lever until the pad and piston pops out.
Keep checking fluid levels in the master cylinder though.
There is 2 ton of pressure there and this will push the piston out, make sure you have some rags over it as it can POP under pressure and get brake fluid all over the joint, and paint does not like brake fluid at all.
I then take the caliper off, remove the piston and “O” ring and I then clean it all out with lacquer thinner.
I use a Dremel Rubber wheel and hone the bore of the caliper out to get any tiny corrosion marks out and then I clean the recess out for the “O”ring.
If the piston is pitted I usually make new ones on the lathe from stainless, that way it will never rust or corrode in the body again, its the rust pitts that catch the wall or the seal and stop it from sliding back into the caliper body.
Then – I simply fit a new ring and clean the piston up and put her all back together, re-bled and there you go, a functioning brake once again. Taa Daaaar! –
We sell a Brand New Piston though that is machined out of Stainless steel and this will fix the issue that you are having from your old piston.
Grab a spare, just in case your old one does take a bit of a crap and the pads are sticking.

Always plenty to do at the shop.



Wow! Almost Thanksgiving already- where does the time go I ask ya?

But I now have a New Helper- “Bailey Onassis Carpenter ” is now on the payroll, she is my security system and next year will be up to about 50 pounds of charm!

Just wanted to show all you out there that I have a great new addition to the family and boy am I happy.

She loves to sleep right now but I feel like this shop has a home feeling now and everyone digs Bailey when they see her.



Things here at the shop are as busy as ever, and we are going to be bringing out a few more other things, like more parts and more apparel too.

I have plenty to do and it is always great when I come up with another part or design.

We will be having all sorts of tee shirts, so keep checking back on designs, as you may well know, I am a mad Hot Rodder too and I drew the shirt above.

Below is one of our many lamps we are making at the shop and makes a great present.

I want to add more tee shirts and more things like exhausts etc for all models, like cb350,cb400 and I have a 4 into 2 set coming out for the SOHC next month .

So keep staying tuned to this website and we promise to offer more and more to you out there.


The exhausts are going well and getting great reviews with the owners, available in Raw steel, Black or stainless steel now.



Well here at C.C.R. we try and do all sorts of things and this time I wanted to show you a cool lamp we just made.

This is perfect for the Gear head in your family and am sure that they would like it in their garage, workshop or office.

I used my CB750 parts and a couple of Hot Rod parts to make this cool set up. and over 18 inches high this is a really cool look and is functional as well.


Good luck knocking it over as it weighs in at a nice and solid 30 pounds.


All made here at the shop I wanted to have that steam punk look and show that we are into mechanical things, the parts you will see are from the good Old CB750 HONDA and have used the Brake Rotor, The Clutch and basket,the gear tumbler, the gearbox and the front wheel spool, to turn this into a head turning Table lamp.

This has 2 lamps and a cord with a switch, so all you have to do is find somewhere to sit the thing, plug it in and there you go, a great shop lamp.

Have a look and see what you think, as this is a great set up and I know you will like it, plus its hand made and everything is what is in the shop.

Of course we can ship anywhere around the globe too.   Thanks for looking.


PRICE $249.00   714-996-4597