New Products Coming Soon

Well, its been over 23 Years now since I first started this and I have always enjoyed the journey, anything to do with 2 wheels is a plus for me and I am sure it is for like minded folk like you lot, who have followed me all this time and repeatedly purchased my products for your ride or friends etc.

I think I am now going to push the envelope a little more and start to offer parts on a wider range of Motorcycles as well as different brands too, making this a One Stop shop in a way, I always like to help people complete their ride and this will be a bigger website with a faster load capability.

I am pushing as hard as I can to continue to help everybody out, as I now have my Very Own Barn/Workshop now, I can start to slowly increase Products and offer them to you direct from my place, I am going to be trying a few different Exhaust systems and on slightly different models, as I want to cater for many cool rides that we all enjoy.

I will be visiting with a few well known Manufacturers of other parts too, so hope to cover an array of two wheeled Motorcycles and get you the best price for your hard earned buck.

My exhausts systems are still going well as I have $100 off them right now and as gas is so expensive I thought I would leave them at that price for a while and give you a great deal.

From completely rebuilt front forks that are polished, new uppers and new seals and springs etc, ready to bolt on and go for your ride, to OEM parts for your 500 -550 or 750 Big 4 Honda.

I hope to help you all and also I may start to make videos like I did years ago to see if I can help any of you when you get stuck on a project, you can always email me at with any questions and I will always get back to you, failing that, you can call or text me on 714-598-8392 for a faster response, I am here to help.

Thanks for looking and pass the word, I love what I do and hope that you do too?

Weekend is here but its going to be damn Hot In Southern California

I know, I know- I should not complain about the weather, but- I left the shores of Blighty back in 1997, this weekend it will be in the 90’s and I am lucky that I now have the Barn to work in, albeit no A/C.  Its surprising how much you can get done when there is a big ball of fire trying to make you evaporate.

Today I shall be packing up quite a few New exhaust systems, with more on the way, busy time of the year for me as people are wrenching on their machines and of course, with warmer temperatures, then riding season is at its most fruitful, I too love riding early in the morning as the warmth of the Sun begins to make the tarmac steam and for me, there is nothing better to clear your head than a crisp morning.

But parts have to be re-stocked and I am trying to get the New Place in some sort of order, so I can pick and pack my parts a little easier and then ship right out to my Customers, I am lucky as the Main Post Office is just down the road, so that means I can take them directly to the Loading dock to scan and load the packages and boxes onto the truck that is going out to deliver.

I am coming up with a few different parts too and this all takes time, but I am enjoying what I do and when you work from your own Workshop with no landlord hassling you, a lot of stress simply disappears.

Happy Sunday everyone and hope you get a little bit of time to be able to do some wrenching on your machine, let me know if I can help by phone or text, 714-598-8392.  keep building and keep riding.

Just doing some Electrical work on the Honda and Triumph .

The weekends seem to be busy but I managed to get some time to get out in the garage and first off I had to charge a new lithium Battery for Jennifers Triumph Bonneville, her old one was not holding its charge and over 2 years old, so- A new Lithium EarthX Battery was ordered and its ready to fit.  Also, I had some New LED Turn Signals that I made brackets for and then fitted these to the Harlequin Honda, but, they would not flash, meaning I had to make up some resistors to get these puppies working correctly.


This was a relatively easy job and think I may offer a little kit to sell to help people out in the same dilemma. Now, sometimes things happen and people ask me how I fixed the issue, so I thought I would add this video to show you what I did to over come the problem with the turn signals, I hope it helps you lot too.

I will be making the brackets soon and offering them on the website as well, it helps you from blowing fises or having to run to far off connectors in the harness.

wire extender

Here is the extenders I made for the job and I made sure the wires were the correct color with factory fitted ends that I crimped to keep in uniform to the stock wire harness, You can see the resistors i made up and wired and shall be offering these on the list of parts you can use on your motorcycle too.

wire resistor kit

Might look a little messy right now but once all made sure everything works, I shall shorten and tie up under the frame so nothing really seen, I will be fitting Colored Heat Shrink to match the wires, keeping everything uniform and easy to locate later if needed.


Cut some Aluminum flat bar up and made some brackets, of which I shall later water cut and offer on the website as these are always a hand set up for turn signals on any bike.


There you are, still in it’s Raw mode but now polish and will be ready to fit up to the bike on the top of the rear shock absorbers.


Now these are polished to a chrome like appearence and I can now go and fit these onto the Harlequin Honda and then I can mount the New LED Diamond Turn Signals to the Brackets.


Fitted to the top of the shock absorbers and now I can insert the wires from the signals and then fit the signal into the bracket and simply tighten the nut.

diamond LED signals2

Nice sturdy Diamond Signals that these LED’s will allow for other people on the road to see you, they are in a nice Polished Chrome body and will tuck nicely to the side of your motorcycle.

Diamond led signals1

These are a 3 wire system, I personally only use 2 of the wires, as the third wire allows you to use your signals as cruising lights if you need to.

diamond led signals3

Easy to fit and a real nice custom touch to your motorcycle, I have sold the Bulb versions for over 15 years but the LED ones are way brighter and will last longer at the end of the day.

diamond led signals4

There you go, all bolted up and another job completed on this harlequin Honda Custom cafe Motorcycle, its been a fun bike to build.

All wired up and functions great, so Glad I chose to go this route and have the reassurance that these turn signals can easily be observed from anybody at the rear of me when I am on the road.

Thanks for looking and I These great looking signals available but am just going to be making some wires kits on offer as well as the resistors so you can get the bike all dialed in in one go.