The Milwaukee Special CB750F HONDA SOHC

Well, here we go with another Model, this time a CB750F model, yes, the old Super Sport, I like the 750F models mainly because of their Disc rear brake, as the K model has a Drum rear, and this machine has some good lines to it, this was a basket case sometime ago and I plod along adding then taking away as I am not happy until the penny drops.

The Penny may not of dropped far but I think I am almost there with the design and the over look is quite sleek and streamlined, The Motor is rebuilt as well as the carburetors, but I have been to and from on the seat set up and after 6 or 7 different set ups, I came to the conclusion to keep it simple and will be fitting one of my Own Rocket Four seat assemblies to this bike and hopefully get it painted soon.

I think I am going to go with Smooth side covers, these were something I was experimenting with as one side had a hole in it, but I prefer at this time a smooth side cover and will paint a graphic or something on the side once I have come up with a good scheme.

Always something going on in the shop but need to get this completed and painted etc. then get some miles on it and then offer it up for sale for someone to enjoy, but a ways to go with this machine , am enjoying the way it is going at the moment. New rims, pretty much New everything, so this will be a fun and reliable Motorcycle when it is completed and on the tarmac, stay tuned……….


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