Heading to El Mirage Dry Lake for the weekend to watch the Racing

As many of you know, I have always liked anything fast but when there could be a world record at stake, then my eyes and ears are wide open, so this weekend, Jennifer and I will load up the truck and take the 2 hour jaunt up to the desert and to El Mirage Dry lake to watch the SCTA sanctioned races that’s held to close this years racing event.

This year I have way too much on to bring a Motorcycle out here but it was Jennifer’s idea to come out and camp,watch the Motorcycles and Hot Rods run as well as listen to the Coyotes howls and the stars sparkle out in the cold desert. Come on out and look us up as we always park up and camp out at Mid course.


El Mirage dry lake bed has been home to Land Speed Racing (LSR) for more than half a century. It is located just 30 miles east of a growing high desert community known as the Antelope Valley. Back when Land Speed Racing was young, a group of men that had been racing on the dry lakes for several years, decided to incorporate and create a new racing organization which would enforce safety procedures and promote the sport. Hence the birth of the Southern California Timing Association (SCTA).

​All of the various club members, SCTA board members, and all other event workers volunteer their time and energy to the benefit of the sport. Our events are wonderful for families and friends to join together for fun and the excitement that always follows Land Speed Racing.There are four (4) one-day races per year, June/July/Sep/Oct and (2) two-day races in May/November. Vehicle inspections begin on the day prior to the race (Friday/Saturday) and the racing begins early Saturday/Sunday morning. The race day starts with a drivers meeting, patrol meeting, announcements, and national anthem. The duration of the race usually lasts as long as the weather and course conditions hold up. All drivers and crew members are allowed in the starting line area with a signed insurance form and wrist tag. Spectators are required to stay behind the barricades, where they will have an excellent, but safe view of the operational area.Vehicles are lined up for the starting line according to their current season points standing.

All entries must be a member of one of the clubs within the Southern California Timing Association. But – there is a “Guest” option to race on the course for “Time Only”. All drivers MUST be licensed for the speed at which they will be racing.

​Overnight camping is always welcome on the lake bed with a few simple rules. No open fires, no waste dumping, and if you bring it in, you take it home. Speed and helmet regulations exist while on the lake bed and are strictly enforced. During the summer months it can get very hot, so shade is a must as well as sun screen and plenty of water. There is usually a food vendor, and the SCTA has a sales trailer for all the racing goodies. Racing on a dry lakebed can be very dirty and windy, so casual clothing is advised. All race information for the event is announced on a loud speaker and also broadcast on an FM frequency (88.7) for all spectators to hear while at the lakebed.As of 1996, the SCTA decided to return to one of the original sites which hosted many LSR race events until WWII.


Kiyo Builds a Triple Engine CB750 Machine for Speed.

Some of you that may be old enough to remember the Legendary Builder and Racer ” Russ Collins” May well indeed remember the triple engin monster of a machine called  “Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe”, This was named after the famous Rail line and Russ Debuted the bike back in 1973, when I was a mere 11 years old, little did I know I would watch this motorcycle in person and what a great feat of engineering for its time.   Featuring three nitro-burning CB750 engines mounted in tandem, the AT&SF was the first motorcycle to make a seven-second quarter-mile pass (7.80 seconds at 179 mph) at Ontario Motor Speedway in 1973.

The bike not surprisingly, the AT&SF was extraordinarily difficult to ride. A horrendous crash in Akron, Ohio, in 1976 destroyed the motorcycle and left Collins in a wheelchair for months, giving him plenty of free time to contemplate its replacement. It was during this long recuperation he dreamed up “The Sorcerer,” powered by a pair of 1,000cc Honda Fours tied together and tuned to fire like a V-8 then topped with a GMC 3-71 supercharger. The NHRA Top Fuel record that Collins set on the Sorcerer in 1977—7.30 seconds at 199.55 mph—stood unchallenged for more than 11 years. Collins was more than a decade ahead of his time.  But, the machine is now being completely rebuilt and the motors are almost ready once more.

49 Years after that, one of the coolest engineer/Builders has built his own Triple Engined SOHC machine and dreams of hitting the Salt for a record of his very own, Originally from the coastal city of Kumamoto on the Japanese island of Kyushu, Kiyonaga-san opened the Kiyo’s Garage workshop in Gardena, Los Angeles County, back in 2013. Back then Kiyo created a CB750 Custom Machine named “Cherry Blossom” Hand made stretched frame and a ATP Turbo with ARD Magneto. Ran really well at El Mirage dry lake.


Kiyos worked at the garage company for over a decade and was Yoshi’s top Mechanic/builder, he learned a lot from Yoshi and decided that it was time for him to get his own workshop in Gardena, so he set up shop in 2013 and has become a prolific quality Builder/Fabricator of Motorcycles.  His second machine was another CB750 Based Creation called ” Gekko ” (it means “moonlight” in Japanese).

Except this time, he linked together two CB750 motors, boring them out for a total capacity of 1,620 cc.Of which he ran at El Mirage and Bonneville on SCTA events.

So to complete the trifecta of Motorcycle and of course Engines, Kiyo decided to go with a trilogy machine that evokes his Japanese heritage with Motorcycles and Manufacturers, as well as his Engineering skills and Custom creativity, thus the “Galaxy” was Born.

The idea of actually building The Galaxy started to materialize when Kiyo and his wife, Kat, visited the Haas Moto Museum in Dallas, Texas, in May, 2019. They were there to discuss the museum’s acquisition of Cherry Blossom and Gekko — but Kiyo also presented the museum’s owner, Bobby Haas, and director, Stacey Mayfield, with sketches of his three-engined concept.

All three of The Galaxy’s four-cylinder power plants are 1978 Honda CB750 units with F2 large port heads. Each motor has been bored out to 836cc, and fully rebuilt with lightened and balanced crankshafts, heavy-duty connecting rods, performance cams and oversized stainless steel valves. Extra care was taken to make sure each motor’s internals conformed to the exact same spec. Each motor is fed by four Keihin FCR 35mm carbs, with significant work to the intake manifolds to help them run optimally. All three carb sets are linked via a rod and heim joint setup to make it easier to synchronize the throttle slider. But re-jetting is still a chore, given that there are 12 carbs to fettle. The entire setup breathes out through twelve custom-made exhausts.

This behemoth is powered by three bored-out CB750 motors which essentially makes it a 12-cylinder 2,508cc glory, a mean feat that really hasnt been replicated since the days of Russ Collins in the 70’s.

So much hand crafted work you dont even see, his attention to detail is unsurpassed and I can relate to the hard work that has gone into to create such a work of art.

Just to dial all three of these in with 4 Keihin FCR 35mm carbs to each cylinder, must of been a mechanical nightmare to say the least, so Kudos to you Kiyo for patience alone.

A very skilled and self motivated man that I have huge respect for and at some point try and make the trip down to his workshop to tell Kiyo in person about the way I enjoy his builds, I have known Kiyo for many many years and have always held him in high esteem.

Well done my friend and hope to see some great times placed on the dry lake.



Saturday and busier than heck

Its the weekend and I am trying to get so many orders out, thanks for being cool about waiting as some things like chrome parts etc take a while as some of my own suppliers are closed still, due to the Pandemic, so I have to try and locate other companies, but thank you all for sticking with me and I am trying my hardest to get all your parts to you. So not a big blog today as I have to run to post office then make some more parts etc, just thought I would add a little video i did a while back, when I was at El Mirage Dry lakes for a TV show.

The Vesco Honda SOHC 1974 CB750K Custom Built Brat Bike

Well, this was a super fun build that I did and it is not often that I purchase an old snotter and then, after building it, sell it back to the owner I purchased it from, but this was how it was, I saw that there was a SOHC 750 in a garage in the City of orange for sale and made arrangements to drive down and take a look at it.  once I got there and the garage door was lifted, I could see this sorry arsed looking inline four that was parked up, leaking a little oil and looking worse for wear.

I mean, it had everything there to make it look cool, but- it had not run for many many years and the young lad who owned it said he tried a few ties to get the bike to run but he lost interest and its been sat in the garage just collecting dust, so- we stood and kicked the tires for a while and eventually came up with a figure, shook hands and it took the three of us to push the old girl into the back of my van, but at last I had this old 750 in the Transit and had already worked out what I wanted to do with this 500 pounder machine.

The old girl is in my van and getting ready to drive home, I looked at the title and noticed his last name was Vesco- Your not related the the famous Don Vesco are you? I inquired.

Yes, he was my Grandfather, That is so cool as Don Vesco held many Land Speed records and had tons of 750 Honda’s back in the day, so I was super stoked to be able to own something with Vesco’s name to it, so, I drove home with a smile and half an hour later I pulled the old girl out and took a look at what I have to play with..

The Old girl was tired but, this is not my first 750 and as I have been creating Custom Motorcycles out of these here in the USA for over 20 years, I was quite eager to see what I had to work with but knew I had my work cut out if I was going to make a Custom creation out of this 1974 Honda.

Motor needs some love and had no idea if it would even turn over but I love these inline four engines and was going to see what it took to at least get to run and see where I can do with a full build on this 500 pounder.

The carburetors had seen rain, wind and snow by the look of it and the slides were stuck solid and as I have have rebuilt many of these rack of four set ups, I wasn’t too worried and thought I would strip the bike to where I need it to be and see where I am at.


I wanted to try and get this running, so I pilled carbs off and cleaned them up, fitted new jets etc and fitted new intake manifolds , as well as putting an old set of handlebars on as the clips on’s didnt fit right, I also hooped the frame as it was cut already and thought I would add my own style seat and see if I can at least fire it up, I had a 4 into 1 exhaust that I make that was in the rafters, so pulled the old rusty Kerker off and fitted mine, added an oil Pressure gauge so I can see where we are at if the old girl fires up.

The rims were too rusty, and was lucky to have an Original set of Lester wheels in storage that I could use on this bike, so fitted them and added some new Bridgestone tires and fitted one of my drilled brake rotors to the front end too. This bike went together really quickly and in the space of a week I was ready to fire this puppy up and see if it would even be able to move under its own power, I had spare parts in my garage or in my storage so it was a zero cost other than the tires to put this Honda together.

With rebuilt carbs and my 4 into 1 system cut down to a more aggressive loo, I was eager to see if this will fire up, it had compression and spark so I kicked her in the guts and she fired up right away with a nice brak from my exhaust system, I knew this would be a fun bike.

I made the handlebars and the seat too and this was probably the most comfortable bike I have ever ridden, I was so suprised how much fun this bike was and it had linear power too.

Well, I was happy at the way this bike was looking but the gas tank looked horrible just black and wanted a cool Custom 70’s flake look set of tins on this bike now.


So, I thought I would use the original tank that was on the bike, but wanted to get rid of the factory gas tank fuel cap and make a custom set up, just to be different.

I cut the old neck off and then ground it all down to make sure this was flat to the tank, I made sure there was no gas left in this tank before but it had been empty for about 7 years lol.

I make a gas cap kit now and this is how I did the conversion on this tank, as you can see, I fit the weld in Gas Cap Bung into the opening on the top of the petrol tank.

It sits in the original location really well, I simply ground all around the gas tank to make sure I have a good ground and then simply tig weld the bung in place, for a neat smooth Custom look.

All welded and to be honest, I do not need to grind the welds as I shall be doing a little body work on this to smooth everything out, so this will be covered up anyway.

I used a Harley screw in Gas cap and this really gave it a custom but Classic look, I was really happy at the end result of this and glad that I went this route on the bike.

Now that looks a lot better with the Custom 70’s style paint and am happy I went this route in the end, the 750 looks pretty tough like this.

This bike turned out great and even though I wasn’t finished with it, I wanted to get a few miles on this bike before I finally completed the other bits that I wanted to do. As you can see, the Vesco bike is on the Dry Lake at El Mirage where Don Vesco himself races bikes and broke records and the day this was fired up, Team Vesco did over 400 mph at Bonneville, so I thought this was fitting that i was at a SCTA meet in El Mirage with my Girlfriend Jennifer.

This has a great stance and is so comfortable to ride, the drive train works smoothly and my aggressive 4 into 1 barks like a scolded dog, I fitted an Led headlight that is 5-3/4 inches with internel led turn signals to make it all legal for the road. She sure looks swell out there in the Desert.

I like the meaty Bridgestone tires that were shoe horned onto the Lester Rims, those rims came of a CR750 Race bike and I had them in storage for almost 20 years.

I love it out here at El Mirage dry lake, if you can get a chance to get here for the SCTA racing, you should, I loved taking the Honda out here and I think it felt at home to be honest.

So there she is, the Vesco Honda Four, a brute of a bike and it looks pretty tough out there in the So Cal desert, I am so glad I went ahead and built this machine.

Now it was time to take the bike back home to Las Mirada but what a great time we had out on the dry lake, watching the Hot Rods and Motorcycles race on the Lake bed.

My Girl Jennifer takes the reins as I help a broken down Motorcyclist on the race track at El Mirage SCTA event.

So, I now get ready to put the Vesco bike in my Van and take it back home to my garage and figure out what I am going to do with this Motorcycle.

So, I sit the bike on the drive way and I am think of what else I might do to it, and I have to write a few emails to customers etc, it was when I got on the computer I see I got a message that I had been invited to the OG Bike Build show in LA and its in about 4 weeks, heck! I could maybe strip this bike and redo it to how I want to and show the bike, of which is a tall order but heck, why not eh?

So, even though it is a tall order, I had to come to the decision to take this bike and strip it to the bare frame and begin a cool build for the OG show, I shall still keep the Gas tank and side covers the same and the Handle bars etc but the rest will get some rework.

The strip down begins, I want this to be a trick frame when I am done and now is the time to take the bull by the horns and remove everything from this 500 pounder and make this a head turner.

I am taping the frame where I will be cutting and making quick release Custom Pieces that make engine removal and cylinder head removal way easier as the stock frame is so difficult to remove the motor when in the cradle.

Top frame removed and I shall be fitting my New  Steel tubing Frame kit that I now offer on my website for the 69-78 CB750 Chassis.

Heave ho and away we go, I have removed so many engines on my own over the years, there are many ways people do it, some lay the frame down etc, but I like the old school brute strength of removing the 230 pound behemoth, I always go this way and then put the motor on a milk crate as its about the same height as the lower frame rails, I am always knackered afterwards though.


Well she is out at long last, time for a cuppa and an Ibuprofen lol- But seriously, the Motor is out and now the hard work begins, you too will notice how dirty and grimy a frame becomes after being used for 40 years and this thing has more oil on it than the Tin mans Elbows.

I Have welded the New removable top Rails in the chassis, now time to cut the right Lower side of the frame, so I can make a removable side for the 750 Four.

As ypu can see, the top rails and side rails are now in place, looks bloody awesome and not seen this EVER done before, I wanted to really push the boat out in the short amount of build time that i have on the Vesco Honda, I bet people wont even notice it when I am done.

Make sure all the weld area’s are clean and my Kit that I sell will work great for all of your machines from 1969-1978 and glad I have made these kits to be honest.

See, all nice and shiny, and soon to be ready to media blast all the paint on, prep and paint for a Custom Color and this time I think I shall go with a metalflake Silver, to keep with the Custom 70’s paint style.

All media blasted, she is now ready for the start of paint, this will take some time as i want the thick flakes but this will look great in the Sun against the Gold of the tank etc.

The race is on, and as you can see, I have the Silver Flake paint on the Chassis and I went ahead and chromed the rear swing arm, just for that added Custom look.

I have to rebuild some front forks, I went ahead and machined the fins in the lowers and polished them, then I needed to add new seals to the old girl for new life.

I use a piece of Plastic tubing and gently tap the tubing onto the seal and this easily presses the fork seal into the stanchion with no damage at all, so easy to do like this.

Custom look and even have chrome topper caps on the Original black covers, just to give it some nice bling and look a little different from the rest out there.

New tubes, springs and I set the pre-load using 4 stainless washers, as I dont like using that Plastic shit that many fork places offer, washers is the old school way and I also use Automatic Transmission Fluid instead of gear oil, another old school way.

Time to work on a custom rear brake Hub Assembly and I shall strip these, clean it drill the holes for aeration and cooling the hub and then polish it and fit new brake shoes and actuator arm to it.

All done and am happy at the look I was after, a nice custom touch that I do and offer this service to many people and is available on the website.

Front brake rotor gets the same treatment, I do all this at home and use my old drill press to make all the holes and then countersink both sides, for me, its therapeutic to be honest and boy does it look good when finished.

Now I just need to clean it up, paint the center and I shall be ready to mount on the Original 1977 Lester mag wheel, now for the cool pics below.

You can see the Custom paint nicely, all seems to flow really nicely and am super stoked I got the job done in time and it runs like a top, this sure is a stunning Custom bike and am proud to have completed such a creation, I just went for it and there you go, I have never built a bike twice but it was well worth all the hard graft.

Rebuilt and polished Caliper, Rotor is polished and painted and braided brake lines too, I did all I could think of on this machine, it really is a head turner.

Vintage style metalflake Candy paint with fish fad aways, captures the spirit of the build and hope that you like the direction I took on this SOHC bike.

Custom master cylinder, new switches, hand made and triple chromed handlebars really do set this build apart from many but- I hope I have inspired you to have a go at your machine now?

I wanted something a little different on the exhaust set up and thats why I thought I would go with a stainless steel 4 into 2 into 1 performance set up and boy does it sound sweet.

I did so many tricks to this bike, I machines some upper fork covers to match the lowers and this time I went with a Custom headlight that is so different than the others that you see, it is pleasing to the eye and I just cannot stop looking at this bike.

You can see the detail and the quick release chassis rail too, hope you like what I achieved in such a short amount of time?

Custom drilled levers, hand made front fender and a machined bucket out of 6061 Alloy to house the GPS speedometer, all flows together on this 74 CB750 Honda.

The Devil is in the detail they say, I did as much as I could in the short amount of weeks I had, but so stoked the way she turned out in the end, well worth the hard work.

Riders view, thats a GPS speedometer and I had to hand make the housing , this really is so cool to look at from any angle, so many tricks on this ride.

Re-charged shocks with Custom machines finned covers and 2 inch allot risers,make this Brat bike sit to the height I needed to sit my fat ass on top of.

Oh yeah- I even painted a Vintage Skid lid to match the paint scheme of the bike and think it worked out pretty good.

The stainless exhaust systems has a deep bellow that gets your attention, and this breathes so well it gives you Linear power all the way through the band.

This has been a fun adventure, not sure I could warrant another build so fast but this was a fun challenge and the cool thing is that the original owner that I puchased it from loved it so much, he bought it back off me.

So many cool little Custom touches I did on this bike, I would have to take a long hard look to remember what I actually did.

Sitting in the parking lot in Downtown LA, I got many cool remarks about the Vesco Honda and so glad that I made it in time to show people what this bike is about.

Hard to top this build but, I love creating them and hope I can continue having fun with this old 750 Honda bikes of the Nineteen Seventies.

Just goes to show that with a little imagination, there is a lot that you can accomplish on something, I was certain I would get this completed for the show too.

Plenty of eye candy and color, hope that you like what I have managed to create.? The good old SOHC Honda Four.

Took me some time to figure out the finned aesthetics etc  but the long process worked out really well and all seems to flow very well on this Custom Build.

This bike does look really well in the sunshine too, all the nuts and bolts are stainless steel too so no rust ever.

The Vesco Honda sits pretty level and you will be surprised how comfortable this Motorcycle is, I sure miss it already. LOL.

A tough bike, super strong Motor and sits well, this will last many many miles and hope to see it again one day.

Thanks for taking your time to read about this Vesco Honda build, I hope you have enjoyed what I have created?

Sat in my driveway before I took it to the Original owner in the City Of Orange.

Well I guess its onto another build, hard to top this one though.

At the OG show in LA where the Vesco Honda made its Debut and many people gave me the thumbs up.











Welcome to the home of Danish Beach Racing, some great times it looks like here in that Viking part of the world and fun times on the beach Racing all sorts of cool machinery.

For a long time it has been a dream to revive the history of Danish vintage motor racing and, in particular, beach racing.
In the years 1919-1924 the island of Fanø gave home to some of the most legendary riders and drivers Europe had to offer. Makers such as Mercedes, Citröen, Fiat, Opel and many more were represented, although almost all were in the hands of private daredevils.

Sadly the races on the beach of Fanø came to an end, with the tragic death of a 15 year old boy, by a tire loss from the wheel of Sir Malcolm Campbell’s Bluebird racer.
Campbell did, however, set records at over 130mph on the 1km stretch.

In the same years, races were being arranged on the west coast of Jutland, but was eventually shut down due to local regulations.

Fast forward to modern times, a group of enthusiasts in the Hot Rod & Custom community has finally succeeded in landing the necessary approvals for a vintage style race on the Island of Rømø.

Like Fanø it benefits from extremely wide and long beaches, with a hard and flat surface.
Naturally no speed records will be set, but it is our ambition to create a true time pocket with pre-ww2 cars and motorcycles in an up-to 1947 styling and engineering.
The modern version of our track will be a 1/8 mile drag strip.

Obviously we have TROG here but its no way as good as any of the European events, the spectators cant see hardly anything over here on the beach races but back home they seem to have it all figured out. Hopefully it will change here, as the more that come to watch, the more that may get into our Hobby?

So if you can get to Denmark, check out the Romo Motor festival, its a real trip of Nostalgia.

Plenty of long Sandy beach and people taking the 1/8th mile to relive what was done many years ago.

Model A above seems to be having such a great time on the beach and if this was in Black and white, you would think it was the late 1940’s.

Envious of this Flathead set up but what a great look, so 1940’s Post war, I love this Roadster.

Adrian Smith bought his Aluminum Speedster along from back home in England, for some good old fashion Sand spraying and he had a ball.

Nice to see Motorcycles against Hot Rods, just as it was way back, what a great experience this must be?

No Christmas tree Lights here, the good old traditional Flag start, thats the way to go and an awesome photo here of the Flag girl and the 5 window Model A just taking off.

This 196 Ci KK Special is so European Pre-war it is bang on the money and he raced it pretty hard by all accounts too.

You would swear this was Southern California by the Licence plate and Roadster, McCulloch Blown Flatty, what a sweet set up.

Love this 1929 Roadster, Hope to get a Top like that for mine eventually, really digging this Hot Rod as it takes off down the Beach in Denmark.

Photo credits from now on are from Stefan Sell of Vintage Photografie

But what a shot,  Really dig this snap, it captures what Community and commeraderie is all about in the Lifestyle that we are all a big part of, wether having a completed Hot Rod or Just a fan, this pic tells the story right there.

What a Killer shot, thats Love right there, a passion for sharing and enjoying this fantastic era of our own and this is one more superb capture of happiness for sure.

There goes the Red Oxide Roadster, a period built Hot Rod and throwing the sand up at the Racer behind, love these photos as at least it makes that you feel that your there.

Love this Model T Roadster and having a VHRA plaque is kinda cool to see as well as I too am an early member of this club.


More T Vicar? Love this Purple Roadster with nice back rolled valance and 1950 Pontiac Tail lights as he sets off on his 16 inch Firestone’s on a Channeled body.

Above, this geezer is checking out his competition as he lets go of the clutch in a race up the Danish beach, I cant see the tail pipe so maybe some short headers are the go?

I am totally into this Roadster, Supercharged Flatty is something I can only dream of but there is one right there on the beach, fella has old A2 Jacket and Chino pants, very cool ww2 look.

Come in number 12, your time is up, this AV8 is another period looking vehicle, a lot of time and effort goes into these machines and they sure look great, twin 97’s and raked windshield.

That’s a big dollar Roadster anywhere these days and so glad they took the Hot Rod out and raced it on the beach, Henry ford would love this sort of stuff 86 years later.

How cool is this Tank Shift Indian? I would love such a machine and Boy he sure mist of had fun with this on the sandy beach of Denmark at Romo.

It is always nice to see other rides too, I mean back in the day there would be everything competing and this Speedster really does look the part of the GOW crowd.

This Model T is pretty cool with Gina Huber and Marvin C Jensen at the Helm and, being so high, it gets out of the sand better than most.

Another rare early Harley, look at the rear sprocket, as big as a Ferris wheel, I bet that hooked up as the flag dropped? Nice job mate.

A reall sweet Indian and two buddies hanging out on the Beach, what a great day and look, even blue skies too.

Now thats cool to see these days, a Vintage Husqvarna, love this and would of liked to have wathed this race with the other machines up the 1/8th mile track.

Talk about Dapper Dan, what a get up this Geezer has and an awesome Indian there is nothing not to like at all, some great period machines made it to Romo.

The good old J.A.P. engines were super strong in endurance racing and of course, more famous for their Speedway motorcycles.

This Five Window Model A Coupe sits really well and the sneaky header turn outs just in front of the cowl is a very neat look.

Something for everyone and these 2 very different Roadster were cool to see, hope they raced each other, looks so So Cal eh?

Here we have Timo Mattmuller and his Girl by their 29 Sport Coupe with a neat ole 4 Banger.

Friends for life I should think thats a nice Harley, I am sure that they all had a blast here at Romo?

So much Vintage Tin at Romo, its a must for avid Nostalgia and one of these days Jenn and I hope to take the trip to Denmark, and see for ourselves.

Here is Sussanne Ruppel with her 30 Special and what a great rig this is as well, love seeing Women with their rides too, great job.

Looks like a stock 29 Roadster and having fun on the Danish beach with friends

No real info on this fun photo but the guy center and to the right are Fred and Greg, the Notorious Custom Surfers..

So, this is Greg with his Channeled Roadster, Scalloped too and like the color scheme to this Hot Rod.

An eerie look early in the morn as the dew and mist just start to clear and so reminiscent of the days when in So cal they lined up on the Dry Lakes to race everyone in the late 1940’s.

Adrian Smith had his Buckland Special he built with his own hands here, sitting next to Krister Lindblm with his Oxide painted Roadster, nice pic at the start line.

I have no information at all on this bloke on his Indian but he will not be left that clean for too long as soon as he clunks into gear and lets that clutch out on the beach, fun shot though.

All ages all sorts of machines, a great event for sure, a little far away from us but one day maybe ventue out to Denmark and check this Romo Event out.

Getting set to take on the sand and the other competitor of course but it looks to be a Happy event and am sure this will get bigger and bigger as the public I am sure become aware to it.

A Vintage extravaganza to be enjoyed by all.

Chrome Dome atop of his Noggin, Flight Goggles in place, this barnstormer is ready to take them all on in his 29 Model A.

Having fun is what it is all about, heck, bring your Beer Goggles along and enjoy the ride.

Thanks for reading my little Blog, I didn’t take the photos, you can thank Stefan Sell as he is a great photographer for these shots that I have shared. Have a Great weekend everybody.

Right, time to play with my very own 1928 Model A Roadster.











Bonneville Salt Flats part 2

OK, the previous Blog took me so long as the photos were high quality and the download time kicked me right in the Spuds, but, I have a few more photos left but these I took with my phone, so not great clarity, but wanted to share a few more photos of the great times Jennifer and I had at Speed Week in Bonneville.


Above is this A-Bone Pick up, as we all hung out outside the Nugget Casino and Hotel in the evenings, this was a super place just to have a beer and look at other peoples rides, chew the fat with many people that had traveled from all over the globe and we all had one thing in common and that was of course Speed Week.


Check out this Pick up, very cool and old school as it had swooping fenders with rear skirts, a lot of work went into this rig and I sure loved the way it sat in the weeds, great job of it.


Envious of the Hop Up coupe, just take a llok at this really Period machine, I mean sat on cross ply 16 inch Firestone’s on 40 ford steelies and unchopped too, such a treat for me to see this.


Just when you think you have seen it all, this El Gringo loco truck was just bad ass, very cool, I am sure it bumped around on the tarmac but loved the style of this pick up.


Studebaker trucks have always been cool, almost Custom from the factory, I see this has old school ribbed bumpers and sporting 2 sets of 1939 tear drop lights at the rear, tight looking rig.


My God, Drool factor is off the hook, this Brown Suede Oxide three window was the epitome of Hot Rodding, complete with Black-walls and Stainless Hair pins, I just loved looking at this, Schroeder Race track steering box too as you can see the Pittman arm hanging out the side of the cowl.



I loved this three window as it even had an original 1932 Utah License Plate, what is not to like about this really Nostalgic Hot Rod.


How about this for a sight for sore eyes and when I say sore eyes, thats from the blinding glare off the Salt Flats today, the Rolling Bones Club drove down and they took their rides onto the Lake and when they came back each night, they pulled in at the Nugget, what a super rare sight it is to see all this Hot Rods in one place and covered in salt too. GULP!


This Slammed Hemi powered 5 window was popular with many people, the owner was super cool to chat too, as were everybody at this event, something a few events dont have any more and this place was ooozing with Camaraderie.


Just look at this sight, so much rare tin and not many places you will see as many as this in one place, it was Hot Rod heaven with out a doubt and I enjoyed every minute of it.


More salt sprinkled here than a bag of English fish and chips and every one of these rides had Salt from the lake on it, it must of taken a week to get it off, sure hope it doesnt start to rust these old bodies apart.


Just another view of the behind of these great cars , I doubt I shall be lucky enough to see anything like this line up again, unless I travel to the East coast and check the “Rolling Bones” group out.


If you ever get to Speed week, you will know that the evening meet up is a great way to wind down from the Hot weather on the salt, it was still hot out here in Wendover but a cold brew helped to cool you down.


Look at this, a gasser Corvette, there is a piece of History right there, who has ever heard of a slow Corvette? So this must be a heart attack to drive about?


” Any Salt with that Sir” This pick up with Beer Barrel grill got many looks and I saw this quite a bit blapping about at the Lake in 100 degree’s +.


El Cheapo is right but I bet he had a million dollars worth of fun on the salt?


This Business coupe was tough as old boots, loved the chop and look how nice and close the rear bumper is too, so much work in this car.


This long Closed Cab pick up had a nice Black Flatty in it with Dual carbs and 36 Torque tube headers, very cool and traditional.


Oh my, this was just the coolest Roadster there, loads of Patina, loved the Canvass top, raked and chopped windshield and the commercial lights with those Tractor Firestone tires.


How could I not take a photo from the other side too, this was in the parking structure of the Nugget Hotel and casino in Wendover, what a great show there every night for speed week.


Check this ride out and it sits so well too, had more white powder over this than a cocaine addict with a sneeze! Loved the Black steelies and white walls too.


The Flying Brick seemed to get all over the place, yet hardly any salt on it, I saw this cruising all over the courses of the salt flats too.


We saw this Model A Roadster on the way up to Wendover when we stopped for some grub just outside salt lake City, I was so surprised that a show car with custom metal flake paint would dare to take their machine on the Salt, but he proved me wrong, great little ride and it was fast too.


Tough looking 5 window Model A with a small block, cal custom finned covers, Sanderson style headers and a deuce grill with Louvre’d insert was a great attraction, I really liked it.


5 window parked up was covered in Bonneville’s finest, the roof wasn’t even chopped and thats quite a rare sight theses days, I wasnt a fan of them rims or tires but, each to their own eh?


This pick up was pretty wicked, loved the Patina and the stance, looked to have radar style 5 spokes and I bet this was a real smooth ride to where ever it drove up or down from.


I took this with my phone and wasn’t sure if it would come out any good, but am pleasantly suprised with it, this was a fun area to be in, just by the side of the Nugget Casino in Wendover.


Loved the smooth lines on the Custom Sled, this really did have a lot of work, Nosed, Decked, Frenched, you name it, funny to see the Salt around it like on the rim of a Sangria Glass.


You can beat a drum, you can beat an egg, you can beat an opposing soccer team, but you cannot beat a traditional 50’s Model A 5 window coupe, such a wicked ride I never tire of seeing.


All the way from Washington, this Highboy was a classy ride, a really nice 1932 Roadster with the deep Ford Blue gave it a Nostalgic style that is always popular no matter what year we are in.


Here is its twin Brother, No license plate else you would think this was the same ride, Instrument Dash is cool too, but, great minds think a like eh?


Now this is right up my alley, Road or Garden path, how can you not like this Roadster, the flatty sounded awesome when it pulled into the Casino parking lot, you cant beat the sound of a flatty.


Liked this Model A complete with Knock offs and traditional rear tail light , being fenderless makes this A-Bone look a lot taller as well, come in number 46 your time is up!!!!


I really did like this Roadster, the proportions were right, even the chopped Deuce grill shell was bang on the money and loved the 32 Headlights hanging from the side of the rails.


If you look behind the cars you can actually see the salt lake, so not that far away from all the action, Wendover is the place to stay if you are coming to Bonneville but, book early or camp out.


If you get to the Nugget Early, you can grab a good spot to park your ride as this is where the car show starts every night, it goes on all through the night too, always something cool to look at and everyone is super friendly too.


I was sat down at the start line on the short course, a Customer of mine that I made some Megaphones for in Lawton Oklahoma, said he would be there with his pops, its a big lake so doubt I would find him, well this chap stood next to me said. “Carpy” What the heck, he was only parked right next to us, small world eh?

If you can ever make it out to Utah, do it, its a great place to watch History happen and one of the most friendliest events on the planet, so glad that I had the opportunity to go.

Lee munro’s First run on the Indian.

This spins out at 138 MPH but gives you just an idea of what is going on inside a cage.

Well, this is how 435 MPH looks and feels, bumpy and squirley as hell.

Here is another angle from the cockpit.

89 Year Old grandpa has a go in the coupe, spins out but what a great experience for the chap.

Last Run for speed week, watch until the end as some great camera angles, loved the last bit filmed from the rear.

Spin out, sure gets Gnarly out there.

Double Indian Scout engine Motorcycle.

Lee Munro on the long course gets to 186 MPH

Here we are with a Thruxton R having a go on the salt.

So there you go, a fun time, if you can ever make it to the Salt Flats, just once, you will then totally get the experience that we did and watch History happen right in front of your very eyes.


It is something I shall never forget, Speed week was always a place I wanted to visit to watch Hot Rods and Motorcycles Race and now that empty box has a huge Tick through it.


Thanks for following my 2 day Bonneville Blog, many people let me know that they enjoyed the write up and I hope that just looking at the photos made you at least smile today.


This Brings a close to this chapter but thats not the end, as for me I am so lucky to live in Southern California, as there is a dry lake there called El Mirage thats 90 minutes from me, and will be venturing out there next month, but a fond farewell to Speed week as I now get it and hopefully one day you can get out to this infamous Lake Bed in Bonneville, Utah.


Join the SCTA and be a part of this great organisation, as well as help Save the Salt too.


I might see you at El Mirage sometime, if you see me, come and say hello, always great to meet like minded people.


Thank you to ALL you Racers, the Teams and their hard working crew, the whole S.C.T.A org, the Bonneville Nationals inc and of course the people I met from my Old boss in Australia and my mate Shug & Ruby May, for getting there and breaking a record, what an awesome deal.


Hot Rodding started right here and thanks to people like you, it continues to grow and prosper with all your help and participation. Thanks for reading.


Bonneville Land Speed Racing is a unique sport that consists of very determined people who drive hot rods, roadsters, belly tankers, lakesters, motorcycles, streamliners, and even diesel trucks to "shoot the salt" in a simple quest to have their name added to the list of many record holders. Many years ago, the Bonneville Nationals Inc. (BNI) was formed. It's main focus would be to produce the annual "Bonneville Speed Week". The BNI hosts a spectacular week of racing each year in August, which is the highlight event of the LSR season. Speed Week consists of six days of racing (Sat - Fri), weather and conditions permitting. Entrants come from all over the world to participate in the week long event. Spectators are allowed to walk through the pits, view the vehicles, and talk to the drivers and crew members. Public parking is south of the pit area, on the west side of the race track, outside the cones. Be sure to bring a hat, dark glasses, sunscreen and shade from the sun. Don't forget a camera with lots of film/memory/tapes, because you will want to remember everything you see and hear. Binoculars are also a great idea since the race vehicles are at least 1/4 mile away as they travel down the course. The salt flats are located approximately 88 miles west of Salt Lake City, UT on I-80. The spectacular scenery and racing conditions at Bonneville make it one of the most popular areas in the world for speed. The colors, excitement, people and smells are some of the reasons we race addicts return to the salt, year after year. Better known as "Salt Fever". CATCH IT!



Bonneville Speed Week was such a Blast

Well, there is a massive tick in the box on my Bucket list, My Girlfriend ” Jennifer” took me to The Bonneville salt Flats in Utah for the 69th Speed week, what a great time we had, I always wanted to know what this place looked and felt like and now I know.

So many Land speed records set and broken here, its the mecca of speed for internal combustion engines thats for certain.
Below is what over 400 Miles an hour is like, jeez, that must be an amazing feeling and scary too at the same time.

Now, this is a long Blog, with tons of photos that I have taken my time to select and add, so this may be a long read? But will be well worth it, it was such a great experience for me and wanted to share it all with you out there in internet land.


It was great to be pretty close to the Salt Flats as we cruised into Wendover, a somewhat sleepy town but not for Speed week, I could see cars parked all over the place, we drove into the parking lot at the hotel and noticed white powder deposits in odd places, then figured out it was salt, where people got out of their vehicles and stamped their feet to knock the excess salt off before heading into the Hotel.

Although there were salt trails everywhere in the hotel, the reception and Tons of it in the elevator as we took it to the second floor.

We had come prepared and taped down Black Trash Bags on the Carpet of the Hire Car, and when ever we got in the car, we took out boots off and put them in a big plastic bag, saved so much cleaning later when we had to return the car too.


So, driving to the Salt Flats itself was only about a 10 minute drive, once you got on the back road, there it was, miles and miles of white Salt and cars driving around like ants on sugar.

My Buddies from Sweden were there, love these guys and are hoping to get into the 200 MPH club with their 5 window 1932 Coupe.

I was totally immersed in History, and you really cannot explain the feeling of excitement and trepidation of setting foot on this world of speed Lake that for so Many years, people have raced against the clock.

The Swedes had it figured, as the salt to me was surprisingly wet and sticky and would fill the bottom of your shoes up super fast.

The weather was Hot but as long as you had your head covered, you could bare the temperature of the Blazing Sun reflecting up from the Salt bed.

Below we see our Swedish Buddies get out at the Short course and ready to run, the salt was bumpy and quite a few of the Racers spun, but the Swedes kept their toe down and got a great run under their belt.

Taking it all in was fun, watching machines getting prepared to watching them take off or get a push off at the start line, hearing the Flathead Motors was awesome too for me.

Watching the bikes were great too, one of these days I shall attempt this .

Below we had an altered Coupe with a Trash can front nose fairing.

There were many different classes at this SCTA event and that made for some great spectating, Bonneville has 4 Courses , so you could see a lot of cool rides and get so close to the action too.

Next up was this Red Roadster, real long gears too, so cool to hear these Motors and unless you are hear, you really cannot feel the excitement as they attempt a World Land Speed record.

So Glad that we got to make it to Bonneville as this truly is a tick in the box and maybe one day you will be here where I stood?

This was us just pulling up at the Short course, the Glare from the Salt is unreal.

There were plenty of break downs and I noticed it was a really bumpy course here.

Everyday we got up early, head brekky and then made our way to the Salt Flats, thats just a few minutes drive from our hotel.
Below is just a snippet of what its like to Run on the Salt.he gets to 228 Miles per hour, Holy Moly its Bumpy!

Jenn and I really enjoyed being on the start line, everyone was so friendly too and a really good way to see maybe the start of a New World record run .

There was a lot to see, I enjoyed watching the Motorcycles take off, its not an easy task and the course was pretty bumpy this year.

I was so surprised how wet and sticky the salt was and also your mind at first was trying to tell you that is snow not salt, but the heat soon woke you up to that realization.


Here I am at the staging lanes for the first time, such a great experience to be here, for so many years I have wanted to visit Bonneville, and now I am here to witness some all out racing.


It did take a while to get my head around that we were actually here, hope that at some point in time you lot can make this trip to Utah and experience it first hand.

Another Roadster this time, gets pushed off to start, ran pretty hard too and I am sure that the team were happy to get off ok as this day many either slipped and missed a gear, spun out or shut off.

Another guy getting ready to run but shut the phone off to save the battery, but you can see the expanse of Saly lake where we were standing, this was the short course, but to my right was the rookie course and to my far left was the long track for the 300 MPH Racers.

Meanwhile, here we are at the Long Course staging lanes, great place to hang out and chat to people, its a very friendly place to be if you are into Lakes racing.

At the salt, it is hard to find where you are sometimes, as it all looks the same, although I knew the mountains were to my left when I came in, but its a strange feeling for sure.


So, here are a few photos that I wanted to share with you that I took, nothing fancy but at least gives you a little insight into the location of this Salt Lake and what goes on there.

There was so much to see, I dont want to bore you with too many shots but there are a few I took that I like and wanted to share, I loved this Studebaker that was parked up in the middle of nowhere, and took a pic as we were driving up to one of the course, it kind of shows you the depth of the left side of the Lake but there is so much more to see, 9 miles of it .


Below is another shot I thought you may like of a 5 window Coupe, cruising with the Rumble seat open, I bet that sold must of got everywhere and it sticks like glue as well.


Below:  Towing the Roadster to the staging lanes was a common sight, this ran hard and fast and loved watching these leave the line and then disappear into the distance, with just the roar of the engine and every now and again the radio loudspeaker some where would call out who it was and the time and speed they were hoping to achieve on this Blistering day in Bonneville.


Another Roadster, this time a 1929 Model A Modified takes to be towed to the staging lanes, this has been around a bit, judging by the Blue Oval Bonneville Decals that are on Display.


Here was a Roadster thats a show car, I mean its bang on the money, the Hot Rod was absolutely stunning, but I fear that the Roadster now will be showing a few battle scars after the Speed week as Salt really does destroy anything it gets hold of, paint, Bushings, Joints, Springs, Steering etc, it will be an absolute bugger to try and wash off I tell ya.


A few more of this wicked Roadster to show you it was a really well built rig and from Oregon, sure hope its still in one piece thats for sure, Salt really will knacker parts up big time.

The Sun Beat down but I was surprised how well we coped to be honest, you kind of get used to it, plenty of Sun cream, loads of fluids and wear a hat at all times.

This guy was running around, I bet the chain is totally Bollocksed now he has got back home but- sure he had a blast on this Rocket.


A few bones must of been rattled whilst driving this Channeled Jalopy, its clean right now but after a few feet there will be Salt all over the ride.


Here is a super tidy 5 window thats sat on the Salt flats patiently, complete with 39 Tear drops, Original 1933 Plate and from our neck of the woods, this has had a long journey to get here.


Look at these pair, I mean, they are awesome, I had read about the Roadster a long time ago and noticed it was from British Columbia, this is a well known ride with super cool Kaiser tail lights, the same as I am going to run on My A-Bone, I wanted to chat to the owner but when I came back they had left but great to see this machine in real life, it was killer Diller.


Next was a hemi 5 window Model A That ran around quite a bit on the Lake whilst we were there, sat really well too with Tri- power set up and Sanderson Lake style headers too.


We drove about , just like so many others, it was great just taking it all in, loved it all and enjoyed listening to the 400 MPH Stream-liners blasting by on the long course as they screamed along.


Jenn drove me around as I took a few shots with my camera, but some of the lake was really tore up and almost lost my fillings on the short course staging area, rough as hell. This Model A must of banged along, giving their 2 passengers in the pick up bed quite a ride for sure.


I also saw this Pheanton driving about all over the lake, they surely got their miles worth out of this 1929 Model A and it looked great with dropped headlight bar and commercial lights.


I saw so many Hot Rods in the Pitts and we drove about the place just taking in all the atmosphere, people were so friendly and more than happy to show you their vehicles parked up.


Below is just some of the “Rolling Bones” That made the trip from the East Coast, every morning they were on the lake and every night outside the Nugget Hotel covered in Salt head to toe.


So many cool rides to see and take in, I am so glad we were able to make it this year, this was for my 55th Birthday and what a present it was from my Girlfriend Jennifer.


I am not a fan of Bottle Green but- I would of quite Happily driven this Three window all the way home to California with a smile on my face, wind was getting up a bit too as you see the flags moving about, but the breeze was well received on this day as I had been boiling my head off until then.


We saw a few Motorcycles had ventured from near and Far, from France, Australia, Italy, England, Scotland and even from the Ukraine, that sure is a long way to travel but all rode well too.


I loved this little 175cc and it did over 100 MPH, what a super achievement that must be, I had a 197cc Villiers years ago  and that wouldn’t pull a cock off a Chocolate Mouse.


Getting ready for their turn to take it out on the salt, I had to laugh at the amount of U-Hauls vans and trucks that were there, and bet they all said they were going on a fishing trip and not race on the salt. as these vans and trucks would be totally knackerd in a few weeks with all the salt rotting the frame and suspension away.


The skies were Blue and it must of been great taking your Hot Rod there but now I have been, i would never take my Model A on the Lake bed, it would destroy the shocks real fast.


Below, was this cool wagon, and a big fan of the dry lakes just by looking at the License plate.


I like seeing the different vehicles out on the lake bed and this Chevy was cruising all over the place for days, he sure likes driving this Impala.


This 1929 Closed cab Model A was so nice, it ran like a top and the 4 banger just purred along the lake bed, its a really cool set up and has Nostalgia Patina all over it, Braaap!


Here is such a sweet Roadster, I love it all, from the Chromed and detailed dropped beam axle, the the Commercial headlights and the Schroder steering set up, a rare machine too.


So many cool photos I took and didnt want to just have a little blog, as Many of you asked about posting pics of our adventure to Bonneville, I try not to write too much so you can absorb the photos and get an idea of what we were so luck to be able to see whilst we were there in Utah.


A varied amount of great rides to see today, loved this Channeled pick up the front grill assembly really looked good sat on the deck, It ran around all day and a fun ride for sure.


Above, the Martin Bros Three window was Blapping around, very cool ride, complete with a 4 inch chop,, Halibrand Q/C and a Nice set of 16 ” Steelies on Black walls, cool Push Bar too.


Look at that 5 Window, tough as nails, love the stance and the color too, everything on this ride screamed out Yester-Year.


Custom made top was so cool, way better than the Bop Tops I have seen, he said a lady he knows made it for him and it hugs the Roadster so well, Need one for my Model A one day.


How about this for a cool shot, Three different models and all very cool in their own way, these guys were super cool and always ready to have a chin wag about their rides here.


Blue skies all of the time we were there and this was such a big tick in the box of life for me, so stoked that my Girlfriend thought of this as a present for me to go and experience it all.


You never know what you will see driving about and as the lake is so long, you can drive for miles and check all the cool stuff thats being raced or just enthusiasts rides that drove there.


The Hop Up Coupe seemed to be all over the Lake and it must of been such a blast to drive this on the Lake of so many World records, I really liked this 5 Window Coupe.


Check out this Three window, so many really Nostalgic rides that made the trip to Utah for the 69th Speed week here at Bonneville Salt Flats and boy did I enjoy it with Jennifer.


Not the best of shots but I tell ya, the Lake was really bumpy and, I was only in the pitts, the road to the staging lanes was like the Moon and its hard to take photos moving.


How much fun is this then, cruising about in your A-Bone with one of your buddies, this must of been such fun and they drove this all over the place, saw it for 4 days blapping about.


I was blown away when I saw the Marroon Coupe, a Westergard style Kustom and sat on the salt, not bothered that is worth probably a hundred Gee’s, But what a line up here, had to take a photo of these three as they sat there just basking in the Utah Sun.


If you can handle the heat, there are so many great rides to go and check out, this guy drove his show car down from his shop in Portland Oregon, just to get to the Dry lakes.


Modified 34 Roadster Being towed out, this thing looked fast just being towed, how crazy must it be at 200 MPH+ in a Roadster?


This is as close to a Rocket as it comes, the stream liners run over 400 MPH in some classes, these really do sound awesome as they came by flat out on the long course, great noise.


Miles of Salt to drive on and this Tudor looked timeless, he was all set, even a cooler in the back for cold beverage on the Hot Day in August out here in Bonneville, Utah.


Yeah, the fenders are dented, the paint is flattened but this Pick up is still going and going strong too all week, Windows open and a real neat push truck to add to the fun here on the salt.


This was flying along, caught this shot as it deployed its chute at some crazy speed too, many streamliners spun and we did have a bad crash but the driver made it ok lucky enough.


Great shot of these 2 cool people that brought out their Indian Motorcycle, they are set up, keeping cool and awaiting their time to take this Vintage 2 wheeled Motorcycle out for a run.


I really loved this Old crow belly Tank Lakester, I had one of these about 6 years ago, these guys were lucky enough to complete it and race it out here like they did in 1949.


Little Model A pick up parked opposite the long course, so it can sit there and watch some of these Streamliners reach over 400 miles Per hour, its so fast that if you blink, you could miss it.


You can see on the staging lanes that there is a super low Motorcycle, going to try for its class record and behind that is a wickedly cool Three window Coupe that is all set to go.


Something for everyone here at Bonneville and how cool was to see these 2 little speedsters parked up, they must of had a blast on the way up to these staging lanes, so cool to see.


This Model T Roadster was bad to the bone, so well engineered too and quick as hell, I took a little time to check this out and was amazed at the amount of great work that was done.


This Brown Oxide 5 Window Model A was really tidy and amazingly enough it had room inside it, not many do, so kudos to the builder, really great A-Bone my friend.


This T- Tanic was a head turner thats for sure and he drove the heck out of it all over the lake, a nice touch is the Propeller on the rear.


Hurry Up and Wait was the order of the day at many of the starting lines, I have to admit, El Mirage is way better for time to race, there was always a long wait between runs, the drivers must of got so hot waiting to get onto the start line, and when they did they had to wait for what seemed to be an eternity to get their machine fired up and onto the start of a run for a record.


Come on mate, get it fired up, poor chap had a few issues and these guys pushed it around for a while and in over 100 degree heat must of been exhausting for them but thats how it can go.


Bugger this I am knackered I can hear him say, there were a few machines that gave up the ghost AND I think a lot of it was due to sat in the staging lanes for way too long and over heated.


This is a whole new meaning to the saying ” Just look at them T’s and A’s.”


This Model A pick up got a lot of attention, and rightly so as its so well put together, fully fendered too, loved the frog mouth intake over the gas cap.    “The Flying Brick”


There is that Hot Model T Roadster on the line, about to get push started, I liked the style and build of this machine, many hours of work spent to get this to this stage, loved it.


There goes 662 under its own steam as it makes its way down the short course, hoping to make good time on this blistering day, unfortunately the Serrano had no information on this car.


Great to see a few Motorcycles make their way onto the course, they too must of been so hot in the staging lanes but they waited it out and when time came, they gave it their all.


Getting under way on the Rookie course, this fella has a go in the 100 degree heat, it is great to see some of these Low, Long and fast Motorcycles making an appearance at speed week.


When you first see this, it looks like there may be a collision about to happen but the van was waiting to cross whilst this Roadster started its run on the short course, but it sure was slick this day.


Sat on the start line as another competitor had spun out, the driver cooks, whilst the sun bakes, but this belly Tank is ready to run, but this ran well and sounded awesome on the pipe.


I never tire of looking at Lakester Belly tanks, these were the first to really get some fast times after ww2 and I get a kick out of seeing these old style machines and hope you do too?


This 1939 Sloper complete with Moon discs and many Bonneville decals was getting ready for its run of the day, the Sun was Hot and so was the driver inside, a heavy Hauler for sure.


At last, the Belly Tank now gets the go ahead and the Push truck starts it job by getting this to enough speed so he can dump the clutch and then take off and attempt a good run today.


A Belly Tank and a Stream liner these 2 scream ” Lake Racers” and to think that back in the late 40’s, many of these belly Tanks were on this very Lake, all competing to be the fastest there.


Check out this neat Model A Pick up, whats not to like on this Californian ride, it drove around most of the day we were there and was reliable as hell too.


My Swedish buddies ALL took turns to drive this 5 window Coupe, it is a really reliable Hot Rod and built many years ago by another Swede, so good to see them there on the line.


Off they go and I am sure they all had a blast, as the Coupe ran pretty hard, although the short course was pretty bumpy and wet in places too so a lot of slipping and sliding some places.


Looks like a bucket of dough was ploughed into this Red Roadster, cleaner than a cats arse thats for sure, but it aint going to stay that clean once it is taken off that trailer and onto the lake bed.


There is the old pick up, still bombing about and was so reliable, you think it would over heat in this weather, but it just carried in as Normal, where many cars would not.


Few More Motorcycles were off and running, always love watching Motorcycles and I am sure that the ride was not as smooth as it looks out there as we drove along the staging lanes and it was so bumpy that at times I almost dropped my camera, some of the Salt lake needs some major work to get it back up to scratch again.


Going for records is not easy by any ways or means, this chap was going for a three wheeled record on an Old Indian Chief, I loved hearing that engine as it bimbled its way along the course.


Talk about getting down to the bare bones, this crazy contraption may look mad, but he has a good chance of getting a record with it, if his back holds out on that bumpy course.


Way off into the distance this Roadster made its way up the short course, the Sun reflecting on its fenders looked cool, I watched this until it went out of site, and thats a fair way I tell you.



This bike struggled along but he kept it at the speed it was meant for as this was the rookie course but I am sure he was smiling all the way, as I would be out on this most famous lake bed.


As I said, there are Many styles of vehicles here at Bonneville, so something for all to enjoy and the sound of some of these motors as they take off is absolutely mind blowing.


There goes ole faithfil as it pushes that Black Roadster off the start line and onto the course for the run, loved seeing the Push truck doing its job, probably been doing these for decades here.


My Swedish buddies all had their runs and all did very well indeed, I hope to see them when they are back at El Mirage as they take this coupe there quite a bit and its great to watch.


Just off the main Salt Flats was an area that people were driving about on, most probably dreaming about racing on the flats themselves one of these days, but everyone was having fun here.


We noticed that many people camped right next to the lake bed, you cannot over night park on the salt flats but just off the bed is a lot of land that people park their rides and camp there.


There is always things to see, even when you head out of the salt flats and back to Wendover to our hotel, the place is a great area where people meet up at the nugget in the evening and they have a car show there, but just here on the outside of the salt flats, these camp grounds have all sorts of rides parked up.


How cool was this A Bone, Loved the Magnesium’s on the front and a real old 60’s style that made me smile at the gas station as we were about to head out to our hotel in the town.


Some of the area around the Salt flats and just outside Wendover, were places you could set up camp and be real close to the Salt, this green 5 window looked at home parked by his RV.


Now thats a clean pick up but a few minutes later it will not be, hope he gets to the Car wash as soon as he gets off the lake, as the Salt is brutal to anything it touches out there.


Good old 232 from the Rolling Bones gets to blap about, such a great stance this Roadster has and loved everything about this Hot Rod, just so period like time has stood still from the 1940’s.



Look how long this Roadster is, so many different styles, classes and unique builds that you just really never know what you will see next out here, just a super time and people having fun.


The wind got up, looks like some easy up’s lost their tops as this what ever you want to call it bimbled by, some unusual contraptions here this year but thats what makes it so cool.


Classic Pick up on a bit of a cruise as the mid day sun starts to move a little, giving much relief to many, as it sure is hot, as the salt reflects the heat all day long here at Bonneville.


Great Resto Rod having a Blap around the course and taking in the great Mountains of Utah, I cant emphasize enough how bike this lake is as photos do not justify it at all.


What a wicked red 40 Ford Coupe approaching us, this was a real nice 50’s style machine and I am sure many 40 Fords have driven across this lake in past years in many guises indeed.


This 57 is a rare find these days and of course in this condition I would be a little worried in a few weeks when the rust starts but probably a life long dream like me to be on the Salt Flats.


Start ya bugger start, not the sort of place you want to break down on when you have no Hat, no water , no water and of course, no gasoline!!!!


Every now and again, you get the jaw dropping look, and this is what I got when I saw this driving along the Salt for the first time, how cool is this, a real nice period style that gets driven a lot.


More old tin on the Lake and I thought I would try and capture all I could as many cannot make it over here and asked for me to take photos, so hope it isnt too boring for you?


Just taking it all in I bet?


How wicked was this? So much engineering, great angles, smooth hand made bodywork, surely was a work of art for sure, I didnt see it run unfortunately but I stopped and looked for a while.


Waaaaay off in the Distance, we noticed that cool Roadster having some professional shots taken, what a great backdrop that is to have a photo of your ride to keep, I bet it came out excellent.


I took a few shots as we drove along in the car, so glad that we had AC in the vehicle as it was so hot out there, but everyone seemed to handle the temperature fine and carry on as normal.


One more to just go OOOH and AAARRR to!


A fantastic machine and boy does it look good in its natural steel patina, against the mountains of Bonneville Salt Flats, and I am glad I got the opportunity to see that Roadster here today.


I loved the Model A and it certainly got around the salt all the time that we were here, many of the cars came from California, we even parked next to one car that was from Fullerton too.


  This steel Closed Cab Pick up also ran all over the place and it really did run smooth and sounded great when the headers were un capped.


Here is a shot from the rear end as it drove out the what looks like the middle of nowhere, these guys must of just had a ball checking out all the cars and bikes that attended this event here.


I didnt see this Model A make a run, as we were on the Long Course I think when the 5 window too its drive, but this sure is a wicked ride and Ford Blue with a 4 Banger as well, very clean too.


The Flying Norwegians made a great set of passes in the New Belly tank, such a great bunch of people and well organised too, hope to see them at El Mirage soon too before they fly home.


Check out these mid 1950’s Gumball Red Cushman Scooters, looks like Father and Son Team, I saw these right out by the short course and they were having a great time on this vintage rides.


Loved this 28/29 Roadster, Reminded me of the Cover car in the 1952 Edition of Hot Rod magazine, loved everything about this set up and I am sure it was so nice to ride out here?


Just 2 more rides that were parked up in the Pits behind the Bean Bandits Club, the temperature was getting high this day and the A/C was struggling to keep up in the hire car too.


One way to destroy a good condition Triumph TR is to drive it on a Lake bed full of salt, I sure hope they got it all off the underside of this Convertible as these are getting hard to find like this.


Above, this Model T and Trailer seemed to get by with No troubles at the Lake, he was all dialed in and needed nothing as he carried it all in the Box trailer, sorted guy eh?


     Well, another good idea is you can use your pick up as a work bench to hold some of your parts as you get your race car ready for the next round.


Now right there is probably the most comfortable seat you will ever find at the salt flats, you are not going to feel any of the bumps on the short course today thats for certain.


This was a full on show car with every detail you can think of, takes a brave person to take a Vehicle like this onto the Salt thats for sure.


Model A Coupe and a Studebaker Pick up sit by the Honey Bucket Crapper, think I would rather use the other Bucket under the Coupe.


This truck was doing great service as all the Honey Buckets seemed to be clogged up.


This was a Great looking Model A, with recessed firewall and a Hemi wedged in place of the 4 banger, this didnt have any hitch it its git along at all.


Plenty of places to go and see some cars and bikes, the pitts were a long drive to some of it but so much fun though.


Few more Rolling Bones out there, gotta love these guys and their Period Hot Rods.


How Bitchin is this Coupe, I mean it is bang on the money, what a serious piece of kit and loved everything about it.


Hubba Hubba, you have to love this 3 window Coupe, sits right on the money as well.


As I said, always something great to see when you are here and boy did we see some cool stuff at Speed Week.


These Three Amigos were having a Blast.


We followed this guys back as they drove past our Hotel, but just a fitting end to Bonneville Speed week for me, such a Blast and thanks to my Girlfriend Jennifer for taking me out to this event for my 55th Birthday, something I shall always cherish for sure, and thank you all for reading and looking at my photos and videos of Bonneville, I really did have a tremendous time.





Ever since I was a teenager, I was intrigued with the American Hot Rod, I loved the Country, the Lifestyle and the possibilities you could achieve with hard work and, determination.

Back in the UK I even had a Hot Rod, a 1932 Three Window Coupe, chopped and channeled, this Hot Rod was a Nostalgic style that reflected what I was into.

carpy hot rod

Then in 1997 I left the shores of the British Isles, jumping on a Big Silver Bird to the other side of the world and landed in Australia, another Hot Rod Country that really loves mechanical machines and anything that moves on 2 and four wheels.


I built a 58 Work truck and had a 29 Roadster that I was finishing, but things in life happen and had to sell both but sure was a cool look.

carpy f150carpy f150acarpy-truck5


In Melbourne I worked for Norm Hardinge of Aussie desert Cooler, helping him with the manufacture of Radiators for many Hot Rod and Customs cars, this took me all over Victoria and NSW and never was there a sad time, they are big Hot Rodders and the only way of topping that was to move to the United States of America, the Land I dreamed of living in from Middle school.

carpy falcon

Feb 2000 I arrived in Southern California and 17 years later here I am and love it, I now own a period style 1928 Model A Roadster, complete with a 1939 Flathead V8, just a little 221ci Mill thats fun for me and hope to add rare speed equipment later on.

Well, in 2000 I was lucky enough to head to Muroc Dry lakes with a bunch of Hot Rodding Buddies and was fortunate enough to drive Drew Pietsch’s ’28-’29 Dodge Roadster around this famous dry lake, where even the Space shuttle would land if it was too windy in Florida.


So, coming up in August is Speed Week at Bonneville Salt Flats, a place that I have only dreamed about going to and watching all sorts of Hot Rods and Motorcycles giving their all to try and acquire a record of speed over a timed area. And as it will be my 55th Birthday, My Girlfriend Jennifer Sun is taking us out there to experience the life, racing on the salt.

carpy belly

Obviously I am spectating but who knows, the bug may catch me and I will have a go on a bike or car if I can get enough sponsors, always a cool thing to try.

carpy el mirage6


So, I am so looking forward to that and if ANY of you are attending and see a Sun Burnt Limey walking around with a Gorgeous Hawaiian Girlfriend, then that’s will be me, come and say hello.

on July 16th SUNDAY at: El Mirage Dry Lake 20471 Mountain View Rd Adelanto, CA

Royal enfield 1

I will Also be at El Mirage next weekend and riding my Red Royal Enfield about ,if ya fancy a little blap on it let me know, so if ya around, just let me know as I will be there early in the morning on Sunday, until the evening about 5pm and will be heading home. it is a superb place to spectate and watch the racing, as well as being able to get close to the start line and watch them go, I love it, some speeds in excess of 200 MPH too.

Drop me a text on 714-598-8392 if ya gonna be up there, I shall have an easy up and generator and a couple of chairs as I like to park half track and watch the bikes and Hot Rods run, then jump on the Motorcycle and go to other parts of the track. So i can see the Start and the finish and see them flat out.

bonnevile salt

Here is a little bit of History for you, but I am sure that you are familiar with it. I hope you enjoy this little Blog I have created today.

– This was filmed in September, 1932 at the Bonneville Salt Flats. Ab Jenkins is testing the new, 1932 Pierce Arrow 462 cubic inch V-12 in a 24-hour endurance run. His average speed was 112.91 mph.

For years the Bonneville Salt Flats was the home to land speed record attempts but these were for elite drivers like Sir Malcolm Campbell. After World War Two, Hot Rodders wanted to test their metal on the salt but officials balked at allowing these people they saw as Juvenile Delinquents defile their Salt Flats.

Silent 8mm but great footage none the less.

Anaheim Rod and Custom Open day

Well, has it been a year already? Wow! Time sure does fly when you are having fun and that’s exactly what they do have at Anaheim Rod and Custom, a totally cool shop that caters for a plethora of styles and genre’s of Vehicles, Motorcycles art and sculptures.


Now- the weekend of Fathers day is perfect for you lot to attend this Open day show, I mean Pomona will be the Fathers day show at the fair grounds and to be able to head to Anaheim Rod and Custom afterwards will be a great treat.

Where is this?


Anaheim Rod and Custom Open House

Saturday, June 17, 2017
3:00pm 8:00pm
Anaheim Rod and Custom
539 South Central Park Avenue East Anaheim, CA, 92802 United States


Last years Open House was superb and so this years is bound to exceed the great times we had in Anaheim, Matt and Becky Sue were great Hosts and sure made everyone welcome.

Bring your ride along and joining in the festivities of a great family orientated company that oozes personality and exuberance in the Hot Rod and Custom fraternity, you will meet cool like minded people, have food, drink your favorite tipple and listen to some awesome music from bands and assorted tunes coming over the speakers.


If you want to have a great, enjoyable time, then head out early to get a parking space as this place will be full up by late afternoon.


Any more info you can contact them on: 714-203-6589


Dont miss out on a Golden opportunity to meet a great company and to meet up with old and New acquaintances,and you will enjoy everything that’s going on here.


So, bring your Hot Rod, your Classic, your Custom, your Motorcycle, jeez, your Vintage Pick up, even your cool beach cruiser, you will love the atmosphere at this place.

Jennifer and I will be there, either on our Triumph Motorcycles or in our 28 Roadster , and really are looking forward to see you all too.





My 1928 Roadster

28 roadster1

Well, here it is, my 1928 Roadster, with a Flatty hooked up to a 1939 Box. But, it needs some work and over the next few weeks, I hope to have this running well and driving down the road.

28 roadster 2

I shall be changing this to a more traditional AV8 Roadster of the era I really love and that’s post WW2, I will be selling the top and making a lower version with chopped windshield too.

28 roadster 3

I am looking forward to changing the look and this is pretty good shape too, even though it is cool, there is a lot of re-work that has to be undertaken.

28 roadster 5

There is the beloved flathead, the very first V8 came from ole Henry Ford himself, but the Motor sits too far back so need to move an inch and half forward to make it right and no vibration.

28 roadster 4

Below is a list of things that this A-Bone already has. But the note to the side is what I am changing.,


1938 v8 motor late 24 stud
39 rebuilt trans
40 ford juice brakes front and back
40 ford master cylinder
New hoses and plumbing
New shoes and cylinders
Edelbrock polished intake
Edelbrock Aluminum heads
Original A radiator modified – Changing to a Original 1932 deuce grill shell and insert later.
Rebuilt generator – Its junk so I have purchased a Powergen.
New Distributor
New battery – Battery is only 6 volt, so converting to 12 volt. And repositioning .
Original model A dropped axle
Original banjo rearend- been gone through- The Banjo is going to be changed for a Columbia rear end I have.
Rear drum locks
Original model A Steering column- Pulling that out and fitting an F1 steering box.
Stromberg 97 carbs only one hooked up
Electric fuel pump
6volt – Am changing over to 12 volt.
New cloth spark plug wires with rajah ends
1935 Wire wheels
New 1934 v8 caps
New Firestone bias plys
Original unsplit bones – Rears will be getting 1936 Radius Rods.
Slanted windshield- Will be replacing with a 2 inched chopped windhsield.
New Smithys dual mufflers- Replacing with Race headers and New pipes.
Original Points ignition

Limeworks 40 Ford steering wheel.

New X member and re worked pedal assembly.

flatty Motor may 2016

The electrical is a disaster, the guy who had it did a terrible job and I am having many power issues now and am trying to source the issue as this is still a 6 volt system, so nothing wants to turn over long else the battery will die. This is all going to change as I shall have it converted to 12 volt as it makes for far more easier starting and can see at night with no dim Glow from 6 Volt bulbs.

flatty2 may 2016

This will still need a ton of work and I hope I can get there soon as I want to be able to drive it in the next month or so as I love the look, just mechanicals need sorting.

flatty 3 may 2016

I shall be fitting a 2 inch chopped windshield and later get a chopped top for it and of course I will lower the seat a few inches to allow for that.

Above will be the New X member that will be going in place of the shoddy one some fella attempted at welding in with some cheap stick welder, so this is going to be gone through and make sure all is safe and strong, as my Girlfriend will drive it too and need it to be roadworthy, right now I have a few issues to get ironed out but will get there bit by bit.

The Motor is now going to be moved forward, as well as the rest of the running gear, the Muppet who originally fitted the flatty put it back too far and the motor was pushed against the firewall.

Takes time, Money and Patience but I shall be keeping the Roadster in memory of my dear MUM.

I will run with No bumpers later and will also be taking the A-Bone Radiator and Shell out, and replace with a genuine 1932 Grill shell and insert as I have always loved that look.


This will be such a fun Hot Rod and dream of the day I take it for a run across El Mirage dry lake later on, as thats been a dream for so many years.

Above, 1936 Rear Radius Rods, these will be fitted to my Model A to give it much added strength for the V8 Flatty Motor.

Later on I shall be making this 1936 Ford Dashboard, fit the 29 Model A Gas tank, as I love this Post war style that was popular in Southern California back in the day and will simply swap out once painted and gauges fitted etc, but that’s a little later on down the road, but exciting stuff none the less.

my 28 body 2

I want to make sure this A Bone is safe and with a X member I know the chassis wont be flexing as much, as I have seen so many crack over the years on the shitty roads we have here in California as the freeway beats Hot Rods up for sure.

my 28x1

As you can see, the body had to come off for a number of reasons, and one was to move the engine forward and secondly to be able to fit the X member and over riders correctly, glad we have got to this point,

my28 x

A better solution than the crap that was one there before, and also Bungs were welded in chassis to make fitting Roadster body easier.

my 29a

Up in the air and soon to be laced back on the strengthened frame and I will be feeling a lot happier for that.

my28 motor2

Flatty Motor is a 24 stud 1939 Era with Edelbrock heads and intake with three 97 Strombergs, The Radiator fan is now replaced with new bearings too, and the 6 volt system has been removed and 12 volt system now lives there with a one wire powergen to make sure I have plenty of electrical Voltage.

my 28 body 2

My 28 Roadster Body is in pretty good shape, Later on i shall be replacing the gas tank with another as I will be fitting a 1936 Dash in the old gas tank area.

my 28 body1

Looking forward to when she is sat back on the rails and can get on with a few other things as she will be having 1936 Ford wish Bones on the rear and I have a 2 inch chopped stainless steel windshield to fit, along with a 1948 F1 steering box with a Limeworks 40 Ford style steering wheel.

The 1936 Rear Bones were cut and shortened and the welded and will make a big difference in the Rigidity on the rear end for sure, as this is a proven Formula from back in the day.

The complete X member kit is now in place with Boxing plates and this really is a good thing for me as I will feel a lot safer, I have seen many stock Model A frames that have stress cracks as they fitted a Flathead and the power does cause a lot more stress on the chassis, this was a Hot Rod Fab back in the day too.

Well, the stock winshield posts have gone and now a 2 inch chopped Stainless Steel set up is in place, looks way better now and am stoked to have it on the Roadster.

The Body is about to be plopped back onto the rails, all the old nuts that sat under the frame have now been replaced with threaded bungs, so no more struggling to hold the nut with a wrench under the chassis.


Now I have the 1936 Ford rear Radius Rods in and the Handbrake cable from 40 ford to Model A in Place, things are getting closer to be finished.

Slave cylinders are all good , as is the brake shoes etc, bit of adjusting to do but on step closer to getting her ready for a road test.

New fuel line will be added to the pump, filter and to the Strombergs.

New OEM 1939 Fan assembly but with New bearing and to help with Battery, a New Powergen, this goes from a 6 volt ride to a 12 volt.

Limeworks 1940 Ford steering wheel will be fitted to the F1 Column I have and wil be smooth to turn now, before, the notchy A Bone Column was a nightmare.

I shall keep the Model A Grill shell for a little while but have a genuine 32 one to replace it.

Reworked Model A pedal assembly will be fitted today, then the handbrake will be made to fit the 39 gearbox and a New floor to be added too.

Bit by Bit she will get stuff done, wont look much different but will handle so much better than it did when I first got iy.

Hope you like how she is turning out, this is something I shall keep as it is in memory of my Dear Mum!

Steering Column is in, just needs the tube cover to go on but it looks the right height, although I want to lower the seat somewhat.

I am glad how everything is working out as this needed a lot of work that someone had thrown together badly.

I have a Limeworks Steering wheel on that F1 Column and it looks great, great value for money. Also fitted 40 Ford pedal tops to Model A pedals.

Looks great in Black and White photo and wont be too long now before I can have a test drive.

Next up was to make a handbrake for the Rod, as there was not one in it at all, so a hunt for a few parts was needed as this A Bone now had Juice brake, lucky for me I located the handbrake, the wires and attachments as I need to be able to have a handbrake in this Jalopy.

Sat back on the floor for some more work, wiring needs to be addressed and as she is now 12 volt, make sure the bulbs are changed in the 6V lamps etc.

Bit more done but the battery will be repositioned, then, new wiring as well as securing the F1 steering box and fitting new switches for fuel pump and ignition etc.


Up next was some floor work that needed to be rectified , as the original is just wooden and I did not want that, this body is now sturdy to the chassis since the X member kit was added, and the doors will not pop open like many stock version do when the Ford goes up a drive way hill or a dropped kerb etc.


These are hand rolled and sure look nice in steel rather than ugly timber.


You can see that the Model A pedals have been reconfigured and now have 40 Ford tops on them.


Feels more like a Hot Rod now, rather than a Resto and will not be long until I can test drive her.


The Motor now runs and is smooth, only running the middle Stromberg right now but hope to use all Three later on once all the bugs have been worked out, straight through pipes for now until later in the year when I remove the fenders and run as a high boy and will use 1936 Torque Tubes for the headers like they did back in the Dry lakes days.

I am so glad that she is running Now, sounds quite smooth now that is fitted with a New Old stock fan and as she is turned from 6 Volt to 12 volt, she will fire up a lot easier and no more dim headlights.


Well, time has just tocked on a few days and I am glad to say I at last got the chance to drive it for the first time yesterday, mind you it was 100 degree’s outside.

my rod7

Sitting pretty, this was a big moment for me, I dreamt of having my own Roadster in California for ions, and now here I am and its great.

my rod 2

She sits well but have to tell you, the rear shocks are shot to bits, so I will need to find some slightly longer and robust versions, maybe Pete & Jakes, but have to weld on shock mounts as the person before set these up for standard car shocks with no clevis at the top, but that’s all repairable and even though it bumps pretty hard, its so much fun.

my rod1

I am happy at the style right now as I parked it outside my Motorcycle shop in Anaheim, it was 100 degree’s but I still drove it around and smiled all the way.

my rod3

I will eventually remove the fenders and grill and fit a Genuine 1932 Grill shell and change lights and that is what Hot Rodding is all about.

my rod6

Looks way better with the 2 inch Windshield chop and eventually I will get a retractable top but not just yet, but- I do need to cut the seat riser down about 4-6 inches I think.

my rod8

The seat is Bone stock Model A and I sit too high, but I will try and locate another seat Riser and channel it a few inches to sit lower and have that early look too.

my rod9

The flatty runs pretty good and right now, just on the middle 97 Stromberg but hope to hook the other two up at a later stage, once I have worked all the bumps out.

my rod10

Having a bit of fun with a 1956 Flying Cloud Airstream,as these are the coolest trailers and easy to tow because they are so light and balanced well.

my rod11

Yes- reverse does work and had to get used to the old style clutch pedal and it worked really well indeed on this AV8 Roadster of mine.

my rod14

This looks like back in the day as I put it in Black and white, Classic lines and thought I would share with you.

my rod15

Eventually I will locate a 1940’s trailer and be able to tow it to the dry lakes.

my rod17

My Girlfriend loved it, it was fun driving it on the road for the first time, albeit 100 degree’s out and I live about 13 miles from the shop, so as I pulled into our street the radiator started to puke hot water out of the top cap, but that’s to be expected from the summer heat. All was good later on in the evening when I drove it around the block with Jen to try it out.

I have more plans for the Roadster, I will change the Radiator and the grill shell for a 1932 version and will remove the fenders too, then use 1936 Torque Tubes for headers and run them out the sides for an older style of Hot Rod, the car is always an on going challenge but that’s what Hot Rodding is all about.

So stay tuned for more on my 1928 Roadster…………………..


So now its time to get a few miles on her and work all the bugs out of it, that all takes time, money and patience.