Sunday and plenty to do in the Garage

Hey you lot, hope things are OK with everyone?  And you are trying to get on with your Motorcycle Project in this Pandemic. I am still flat out playing catch up and thats a good thing to be busy.

With the weekend crashing by so fast, its hard to sometimes catch up on a daily Blog, but I try as I know many people read what I am up to etc and like to hear from readers of the things they are doing to their 2 wheeled machines in this strange times that we are in right now.

I have a multitude of things I have to try and get sorted, over 50 more exhausts to build, more Tee shirts to design and I have a 550 Honda to Rebuild Carbs, a Triumph Scrambler that needs a service and a bunch of Customer orders I need to pack and get ready to ship for tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be my 58th Birthday, hard to believe that I am approaching that bloody Golden age in 2 years, but I feel like I am in my 30’s and thats because I have a great girlfriend that helps me in what I do and achieve, and having a strong support system is paramount when it comes to a business.  And with Jennifer at my side, we can accomplish much more than if i was trying to do it all on my own. She rides her Own Motorcycle and I am so fortunate that she has the same passions and interest as I do, we make a great team.


Well, I am going to get a few things done but I was thinking of things I may like to do some day and I thought about Hill Climbing on two wheels, its a fantastic sport for spectators too, maybe one day I will have a go, id prefer a Vintage bike but hey if the opportunity arises, I’d give these bikes a shot. Have a great Sunday everyone.


Always here to help if you get stuck on a project at home.

Well, with all this lock down around the globe, people are getting bored, but- on a good note, people are getting into their long term projects and want to finish it in this time that we all have at the moment, so as of late, I have been running around like a headless chicken . Trying to fill orders, answer emails and texts as well as phone orders and questions, and try and build a bike and design parts, its all going a wee but mad but, I continue to push hard and try and come up with new parts etc.

I am going to be making braided oil Lines for the 77 and 78 CB750 as they are  longer than the other models , so in a few days you can look out for them and maybe help me and pass the word that more products will be coming out of the shop soon.

Once all this pandemic settles down and we are all healthy and back on track with life, I shall shall continue to make parts for Motorcycle and Hot Rods and some other services I may be offering too, so keep checking back on the blogs at least, as I try to be your one stop shop, many follow but I really have a passion for this and I push hard every day in what I do and hope that you like what I am making these days for your machine.


I am hoping to be manufacturing more exhaust systems and may delve into a few more Models too, as I seem to be getting quite a few inquiries into other Honda’s and system styles, so there is something I am now looking in to and will of course share any news as and when I am ready to share with you lot.

I love all sorts of machines, this was My Ducati that i should of kept, boy what a fun toy that was to blap around the twisties here in California.

If you need anything, just drop me a line at and I will do my hardest to help out or even just advise, thats what I am here for and maybe steer you in the right direction if you get a little of course in your build etc.

The main thing is to have fun, we have all been there at times of the crossroads, just as you think you are making headway, there is always a fork in the road, or an obstacle that you do not think you will be able to get around, so just drop me a line, call or even Text me, and I will be here to try and help you out of your dilemma. 714-598-8392




Sunday and I am busy in garage

Well, no day of rest for me today as many people need parts for their rides, so I have been burning the proverbial candle at both ends, as I know what its like when you start on a project, you want to try and get as much completed as possible whilst you are still all fired up about the idea right?

So today not much of a Blog but a little tv show I was featured that you may or may not have seen, just thought I would share it.

Right, I got to get back into it as I am making Kick stands this afternoon.

Time to kick back and listen to some sounds whilst you work in your Garage

Well, Saturday, its here at last, not sure what you lot are up to but I have been flat out with orders for Customers as many people are trying to get some of their long term projects done whilst they have a little down time.

Thought I would share what sort of tunes that I like to listen to, some you may like, some you may not, but at least you have a little insight to what turns my dial.

Below is the delta Bombers, a superb band that have taken the Globe by storm.

Another Killer band is Al & The Dampers, with his husky voice, this Bopping band is all killer and no filler.

And who cannot resist Bottle Neck Blues?

Working from home during this time?

Well, the world has changed dramatically in the last few weeks and, for the worse- But, we are all keeping our hands clean and away from our face etc and Social Distancing is the new Norm.

Now, I have been quite buy as home at my shop inside the garage as many people are restricted to their home quarter’s, and to try and alleviate any frustrations and of course anxiety, people are trying to work on their projects or hobbies- And in our fraternity, that means working or creating a motorcycle that they were hoping to get to at some point but were busy with life in  general etc.

I like to build bikes at home, less stress and close to the kettle for my favorite brew etc and I am sure it is the same for you lot as well?

There is something satisfying when you create your own machine, even just adding some Custom parts to individualize your motorcycle, and I receive many emails complementing me on the parts and service that I give via my website or over the phone etc, I really enjoy taking something that is old and tarnished and revamp it into to something cool and unique in many ways.

I try and do everything my self, but on things like the chain Guard etc above, I make the first one and then make a fixture and take it to a steel bending company to press out more, as if I didnt do that, I would be making chain guards all month, and that can burn the candle down real fast, but, as these times right now are tough, many supply shops are closing temporary and this holds my orders going out a little, but- if you lot can be patient like I am sure you will, as soon as I receive my materials, I can finish orders I dont have and ship right out.


Wishing everybody a healthy weekend and if I can hep you at all you can email me at call me on 714-598-8392 and even text me on the same number.

Thanks for reading.



Have a Great weekend everyone

Well, the end of the week is here and the weather is surprisingly cold here in Southern California, but this weekend I need to work on parts for the Vesco bike that i an trying to rebuild for a show in March in La for the OG Show, so I am flat out right now but enjoy the challenge.

Hope that you may time to wrench on your machine or even get lucky enough to take it out of the weather is not too bad, but- this time of year, many people are in their Shed, garage, Workshop, tinkering with their 2 wheeled machine and if you need help on parts or even advise, this is why I am here as we are all a big family.  I will also try hard to get you on the road as soon as possible.

I need to get another Master Cylinder for the Brat bike that I am creating and the one you see here on the Revolver Caff I built will be what I need, these work so well and are brand new, affordable and can run up to 2 Rotors too as it has a good size piston in the chamber.

I will be busy all weekend working on revamping parts and polishing parts and maybe some welding too, I get more done on the weekend than I do during the week, I think because I have so many emails and phone calls and texts to reply too and I do that all week.

Have a great weekend everyone, you can order 24-7 on my website and you can email, call or even text me still and I will reply, have fun and hope to see some of your creations soon.

Wishing Everybody a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

Well, it is that time of year already and this time Jennifer and I are taking our first Christmas Vacation, we shall be in Hawaii to enjoy all the Islands and the delights of the sights and sounds of the Pacific as we shall be on a cruise ship. The website will be manned and I can still answer emails etc by phone etc.

Parts will not be shipped until January 3rd i’m afraid as I am away from the shop, but sometimes a Vacation is needed and hope you all understand?

Many thanks from the bottom of my heart for ALL your orders, emails and phone calls, its you that keep me going and I am glad to help you get your machines on the road.

More parts coming in the New year, so stay tuned to the website and I hope to be making more videos on the Daily Blog as well as maybe looking into pod casts etc for your enjoyment and, participation etc.

Enjoy this festive time of year, go out and ride if you can, and if the weather is too bad, stay in and work on that Motorcycle you have in the Garage, shed, back yard, the New year is just around the corner. so enjoy this time and look forward to hearing from you.

I will still be on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter too.  Facebook is Carpys Cafe Racers or Steve Richard Carpenter. Twitter: 750racer Instagram: Carpys_garage

Thanks for everything Folks and have a wonderful time this week.  Aloha and mele kalikimaka


Royal Enfield Continental GT seats that I make.

Hey there you lot

Well its the weekend and finally got around to do a little Blog, work is busy and sometimes I simply run out of time to get on the Computer and type out a blog everyday, I do try but this week has been crazy busy.

carpy RE

Today I made a Seat for a Customer in Australia, he has a Royal Enfield Continental GT model of which I first started to make when these models first came out, and continue to make things like Seats, Chain guards and Turn signal brackets as well as coo headlights etc.


The stock seat is OK but just not big enough, I prefer to lose the rear fender/ Mudguard, although if you want, you can still fit your stock one if you so wish.


I also Frenched in a pocket for the LED Round tail light assembly that will sit snugly into that recess and this tail light is a stop-Running tail light.and to be seen is to be safe is my Motto and I am happy the way these looks when all fitted.



The Seat assembly is made from a Robust Resin and Glass-fiber, it is also gel Coated in a Gloss red to look like the Factory Red, but- You can of course always paint if you have a different color bike.


I upholster in a Black Naugahyde Material and you can choose whether you would like White Diamond stitching, Red, or Silver, as well as a choice of piping color options.


I also use the Vintage style snaps to give the seat a little more Nostalgia and the good thing about this is that you can simply pull the cover off and store your registration under the foam.


And, it is high density foam that I use, that way this is way more comfortable then the stock material that is used originally and use the same Foam in ALL my seat Products that I produce.


Also, another good thing to know is this is made by me here in California, not over sea’s, I purchased one in Vietnam just to have a look, man it didn’t even fit the frame, so a lesson there, stick with who you know and trust.


You can contact me at anytime or if you like you can even text me on 714-598-8392 so I can respond a little faster, I am here to help, this business is My Passion.


Many thanks for looking, I hope that you may have time to check out the rest of the website and I continue to add more parts all the time, so always check back for cool deals and products.



So if you need to hop your Machine up, well, you know where to come. Thanks for Looking, Peace & Grease





Old footage of back in the day and what we are into.

Well, I have seen this footage before but cannot remember for the life of me if I have Blogged about it, thats old age catching up you see.

I grew up with Motorcycles and many being just hand me downs or something I have managed to resurrect over time as I simply didn’t have the money back in the 1970’s, I left school in 1978 but in 1972 and 1974 Arthur Scargill put the Coal Miners on strike and again and a  decade later, he led the union through the 1984–85 miners’ strike, a major event in the history of the British labour movement. It turned into a confrontation with the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher in which the miners’ union was heavily suppressed.

Many people were unemployed over 3 million to be exact, and seeing as we only had 50 Million people as the population that was a huge loss in the countries earnings and it was hard to afford anything at all, especially new.

Then we discovered Hire Purchase, the never never as we called it, you can buy something new on tick and just pay for it out of your wages every month, how cool was that.


But watching this video I realized how lucky I was to have just the piece of crap bike and do my own wrenching to make it stand out from the rest but- apart from that, I wanted to be the fasted bike around and did all I can to squeeze every last possible drop of HP from my machine, no matter if it made the motorcycle regularly break down, you knew your bike and had parts to fix it.


I can relate to this Ton up crew, they may of been 10 years before me but the working class folk didnt change at all for another couple of decades, now we have a middle class and consider myself to be in that guise but I am not embarrassed at what we didnt have as I was super stoked with what I did have.


So I wanted to share a few videos with you today to show the good old British spirit and even as it may seem a little suppressed, we made the most of what we had and still do today. And below you will see some News reel that shows what went on at the Bank Holidays in Britain.

Now my Old Man is a Cockney, a bit of a hot head and was a Teddy Boy in the East End of London, Walthemstowe to be exact, a real Cockney as he was Born within the sound of Bow bells.
Now, everyone talks about the fights at Brighton with the Mods and the Rockers, its well documented indeed these days.

Screen Shot 2014-01-15 at 14.40.56
My old man went there once in a blue moon but would prefer to go to the other Beach resorts of Clacton on Sea or Southend on Sea, and that is where many dust ups occurred between Mods and Rockers, many big seaside resorts had these Bank Holiday brawls and many flocked to be part of it as with failing Youth clubs and strict families, Teenagers needed to blow off steam and this is what they did.

1953 Newspapers Clapham Common

Not just them, in the 70’s and 1980’s thats what me and My Brother did too, I’d go to Brighten or up the East coast to Great Yarmouth and Mods and Rockers would get into it there, looking back I am a little embarrassed about it but its my life and my old Mans- And I wont hide the fact that is what went on in my youth, just part of life at that time I suppose.

Also we had Whitsun Holidays just like another bank holiday we would all go to the Sea Side and they were known back then as the Battle on the beaches.

So I wanted just to show a few Videos on here to give you a little understanding of what went on, its all water under the bridge and I have some fantastic mates that were Mods, we all get on but back then we were like 2 opposing football teams.

Plenty here for you to watch and take in and see if you can get your head around this rebellious era that was so much a part of my life.

Some of the videos will show real footage etc and just goes to show how the Young generation were rebelling, when positives and Negatives touch, well, of course you are going to get sparks.

And now we see more and more women riders and I really love it, my girlfriend Jennifer rides and so enjoy seeing her take off down the tarmac.

Lets get more Women on Machines its so much fun, when the two of you do the Ton.


We meet up and go on rides and even have a camp out soon at Joshua tree its going to be fun riding with my Girl.



Thanks for reading my Blog today, be safe out there and if you ever want to join us you can check out our rides on we have one this Thursday too.

Meet & Greet

Thursday, Jan 11, 2018, 7:00 PM

11 Rockers! Went

Check out this Meetup →


Have a great Wednesday and if you want to come check us out at the 59 Club Orange County Section, it will be great to see you.



Happy Saturday out there.

Well, I have always thought Kenneth Williams from the good old carry on Movies was such a character, here he is explaining about Thermo Coupling.

Well, the weekend already but thought as I had unusual stuff on today’s quick Blog, I would add this.

Hope that this weekend you enjoy your motorcycle, or at least maybe even do some work on it, most places North of us have snow and ice, so many will be tucked up in their sheds, but gives you time to get a little bit of wrenching done in time for when the Ice thaws out and eventually the Sun beams down again.

Zündapp snow plow

We are so Blessed with good weather in Southern California and I do not miss the snow and ice on the roads back home in the UK and and and and and so much snow on the ground I was stuck inside and cannot get out to things, well then its time for the big guns to come out.

arctic cafe

Be safe out there what ever you do and wishing everyone a Happy and Safe New Year.


Right i am off into the shed in a tic, but right now I am also adding New parts to my website, so if ya snowed in, you can look at all the goodies on offer on here. Happy Saturday.sporty