Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride 2015


27th September 2015 – A global classic styled motorcycle event that raises money for prostate cancer medical research. To raise awareness and support research into Men’s Health by bringing together dapper riders of classic machines, Cafe Racers, Bobbers, Custom motorcycles, Trackers and undefinable two-wheeled creations.

info@gentlemansride.com  www.gentlemansride.com

27th September 2015 – A global classic styled motorcycle event that raises money for prostate cancer medical research.

OK, here we go, the clock is ticking and, this year I am looking forward to attend this ride and hope that you too grab your Dapper clothing, stick on your old style Skid lid and sling your leg over your Cafe, Bobber, Brat, Tracker, Classic Motorcycle and meet up with us for this fun and epic adventure that is sure to make even the Mona Lisa Smile. plus, anything to do with prostate Cancer research is always something I would support, this ride begins the same day , All over the world, so be part of a Historic ride and just have fun!

This will be a really good fun ride and a chance to meet other like minded folk who ride two wheels like us.

I have no idea what I am going to wear but will give it a go and am sure i will have a laugh doing this.

It is great to be able to have an event where you can just enjoy the day with no hang ups and also that many other people will be there dressed just as crazy as you.


So remember the date and come out on this fun day with your Motorcycle, I know that you will love it.

Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride 2015 will take place on September 27 th all over the world.

As soon as I am given the details where to meet up, i shall post them on this blog, so keep checking back and support a great Cause!

Cool TT shots

 A Picture tells a thousand words right? So lets not beat about the Bush as this chap Martyn takes some cool shots that I was sent today, will try and get more info when I get it.



















































Lane Splitting in California .


Motorcycle lane-splitting — the rush-hour time saver for bikers that enrages many drivers — may be poised for formal legalization.

California would be the first state to sanction the traffic-evading tactic, already widespread on traffic-choked freeways of Los Angeles.

The state Assembly is expected to approve the legislation as soon as Thursday, and supporters believe it will clear the Senate as well.

The measure would allow motorcycles to travel between cars at speeds up to 15 mph faster than the flow of traffic, up to a speed of 50 mph.
Motorcycle sales up, motorcycle fatalities high
Motorcycle sales up, motorcycle fatalities high

The bill’s legislative backers cite studies showing the practice is safer than trapping bikers behind cars, which leaves them vulnerable to more serious rear-end collisions. But their proposal has riled both detractors and supporters.

“Lane-splitting is inherently dangerous,” said Thomas Freeman, a passionate opponent of the practice who said his opposition movement, hosted online at stoplanesplitting.com, has more than 1,000 members.

While some motorcyclists applauded the action, the American Motorcyclist Assn. called for even less restrictive rules.




“We don’t like this bill,” said Nicolas Haris, the association’s western states representative. “It goes a long way in the right direction, but it falls short.”
Harley-Davidson’s LiveWire steals scenes in ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’

Harley-Davidson’s LiveWire steals scenes in ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’

See all related

Lane-splitting — a common practice in European nations — has been a fuzzy topic in California. The state has never expressly forbidden or allowed it.

Technically neither legal nor illegal, the practice has had the tacit approval of the California Highway Patrol and the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Motorcycle industry veteran Bruce Steever — who commutes on the 405 Freeway and invariably lane-splits during rush hour — applauded the proposed legislation, restrictions and all.

“Those numbers make me happy,” he said of the speed limits. “There needs to be a codified law.”
On two wheels, it’s all open road
On two wheels, it’s all open road





The AMA’s Haris, despite his organization’s complaints with the bill’s specific language and speed limits, said he hoped a new California law would inspire legislators in other states to adopt similar laws.

Legislative bodies in Washington, Oregon, Texas, Nevada and Tennessee have already considered, proposed or voted on lane-splitting laws. To date, none of the proposed legislation has passed.

The California bill, which has broad support, is being spearheaded by Assemblyman Bill Quirk (D-Hayward). He coauthored the measure with Tom Lackey (R-Palmdale), a former California Highway Patrol officer, and Kansen Chu (D-San Jose), who became interested in the topic after a staffer’s nephew was killed while lane-splitting at high speed.





The speed limits were determined with the help of the CHP and a safety study by UC Berkeley professor Tom Rice.

@WhatareyoudoingDave? My fastest speed is 72 mph and I get annoyed by drivers speed to my rear end and flash lights for me to get out of the way. I know this is a tangent but I am interested in drivers thoughts.
at 10:41 AM May 28, 2015




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That study, scheduled for public release soon, investigated 6,000 California motorcycle accidents — 1,000 of them involving lane-splitting — and concluded that legalizing the practice was safer than outlawing it, Quirk said.





“The study found that lane-splitting was safer, compared to being stopped in the traffic,” Quirk said. “Oftentimes motorcyclists would get rear-ended. Motorists just don’t see them.”




The bill appears to have momentum. It passed the Assembly Transportation Committee with a vote of 13 to 1 and the Assembly Appropriations Committee by 16 to 1. It now faces a vote in the 80-member Assembly.

If it passes there, it would face a similar review and vote in the Senate.




Until recently, both the Highway Patrol and the DMV published guidelines for safe lane-splitting. But they removed the guidelines from their publications last year after opponents complained that the agencies appeared to endorse a practice that critics argued was not legal.

“The ambiguity gave riders the idea that they had a free ticket,” Lackey said. “These parameters will alert all motorists to the safe practice of lane-splitting.”





It has also been a hot-button topic. Motorcyclists view it as a special California legal loophole. But some drivers view it as a dangerous or unfair way to get ahead in traffic.





“Motorcyclists know it’s not safe. They just want to get from point A to point B faster than the cars,” Freeman contended. “We have drivers who are talking on their cellphones, who are texting, who are daydreaming. And this other distraction makes it a virtual circus.”



Former Los Angeles City Council member Dennis Zine had 33 years’ experience in the Los Angeles Police Department, 18 of them as a motorcycle officer. He said he himself splits lanes, at safe speeds, but thinks the principal issue with the proposed new law is ticketing a motorcyclist who is breaking it.


“Unless the pursuing officer is on a motorcycle, the officer in a patrol car cannot possibly apprehend the vehicle that is splitting lanes,” Zine said. “The bottom line is there is no law if there’s no law enforcement.”





Lane Splitting is Legal in California

Lane Splitting / Lane Sharing - Legal in California - Road Sign

  1. Lane splitting by motorcycles is not illegal in California when done in a safe and prudent manner.
  2. Motorists should not take it upon themselves to discourage motorcyclists from lane splitting.
  3. Intentionally blocking or impeding a motorcyclist in a way that could cause harm to the rider is illegal (CVC 22400).
  4. Opening a vehicle door to impede a motorcycle is illegal (CVC 22517).
  5. Never drive while distracted.
  6. You can help keep motorcyclists and all road users safe by:
    1. Checking mirrors and blind spots, especially before changing lanes or turning
    2. Signaling your intentions before changing lanes or merging with traffic.
    3. Allowing more following distance, three or four seconds, when behind a motorcycle so the motorcyclist has enough time to maneuver or stop in an emergency.

In simple terms – pay attention while you’re driving, don’t be a jerk and keep an eye out for motorcyclists and other vehicles. Oh, and please stop texting while driving before you kill someone.

Check out our lane splitting resources & links page and the latest lane splitting news.

Want to support our efforts? Buy some ‘Share the Lane’ stickers!


Some safety videos that now make me laugh.

As a kid I was a little bit of a tear away on anything with 2 wheels, yeah- I did all the safety courses but sometimes, life’s experience on the tarmac, is the only way to really learn, I remember these Safety Video’s on the telly and some Motorcycle events and still laugh at them today, I just wanted to let you into the things that I grew up with and hope that it brings a smile to your face today as we start another week.


This short piece of footage is the first couple of minutes of a film released as a B movie in British cinemas in 1977 and is taken from an original 1977 copy of the complete movie I have on Super 8mm cine film. The total length of the film is only about 15-20 minutes long and covers all aspects of the motorcycle scene in Britain at that time.

Another safety video

This is a Classic one from the 1960’s, enjoy:

This commercial below is one that I will always remember.

Another Classic commercial.

Thanks for watching and hope you enjoyed some of these.

My Alloy Bike JUST featured in great hard back book !


I was s stoked today when this book came thudding onto the hardwood floor in our will call area.

I now sell these from my parts page $50.00 ready to go and the BEST hardback book out there, makes a awesome Gift!!!



Flipping through this huge packed book and plenty of high quality photos to please everyone.

There she is, these were taken at the Sturgis show last year ad so stoked to be a part of this culture.


Michael lichter is a superb Photographer and journalist, as well as a motorcycle rider too.



A Nice write up and brilliant photos taken of every bike there at the show.


I will be grinning for a number of days now i have this in my collection.

A fun time in my life, I love what I do and always cool to hear from like minded people.

This is a way of life for me too.


If you get a chance, grab a copy as it is packed with brilliant photos of top builders from all over the country.





Available from me right now.









Dirt Quake is an awesome event for anyone to attend if they have a motorcycle,  this is held on the Eastern side of the United kingdom in a town called Kings Lynn in Norfolk. This is the flatland part of the UK and how do I know that, I went to school in the next county in Suffolk and used to go to Kings Lynn to watch the speedway there as I was an Ipswich witches fan and they were rival teams, the Kings Lynn Knights were their name but changed back to their original 50’s name the Stars.


So, in this quaint Saxon town you can now hear the rumble of a different tune, and thats road motorcycles in a cool event aptly named Dirtquake.

Below is the trailer for Dirtquake 2 but then we have shots that I have taken from the internet, via face book and the bike shed back home in the UK  and also friends sent me some pics  to try and show what goes on there.


We need it here in So-Cal as it would be a blast, no attitude, just fun.



Dirtquake 3 has just finished and they had a great time, along with The Ilse Of Man Marvel “Guy Martin” has a go and enjoys it.


Use any bike and get some good tires and have a go.


So just some cool photos and vids to look at today to help you through the Hot times here that we are having weather wise.



There are some really cool photos that I saw on The bike Shed and Facebook and just thought that you may not have seen them and to try and keep you lot updated as to what goes on back in the UK and all over the globe for that matter in the Motorcycle fraternity.

I really like this event as nobody cares what you look like, its to have fun and in fact, they encourage you to go out on a limb and just have fun.



























Scott Summers Photography — with Guy Martin.


Ian Heartfield of the BSMC…

Scott Summers Photography — with Guy Martin.







Scott Summers Photography — with Maxwell Paternoster.




With Ross Sharp.






With Ame Pearce and Vikki van Someren.












Guy Martin of T.T. Fame even gets in on the race and loves it.










Hope you enjoyed the blog, we need something here at the local speedway like Costa Mesa, it would be Epic.



Time for a break soon as its been so mad here.

Well, almost the weekend and I have been contemplating letting Dakota run the shop and I take a week off with Jenn and go and have some fun, it has been some time since we have got to be out and forget about work, it sometimes just takes over our lives and we forget that there is life after 6pm.


I do have a few New products coming out and I can always add them via my trusty lap top if I am away, or need to answer something important etc, the wonders on the internet, but I don’t want to be a slave to that electrical monster.


I enjoy meeting people and talking about the many styles of motorcycles I love, but you got to try and take some time to kick back and rejuvenate- else you will crash and burn big time.

So I am going to see what to do and where to go so that I can get my creative juices flowing more freely by getting out of the workshop for a little but, but not until maybe September -October.

But I have some time to go to a few more shows, as well as maybe organize a few rides and maybe, just maybe try and arrange an event here in So-Cal for people to ride down too.


I love meeting like minded people, newbies and anyone interested in the motorcycle industry or lifestyle.




The amount of people I have met from not just in California, but all four Corners of the world- ( Does the globe have corners being round?)


So, a few more weeks and in that time I should have the NEW website pretty much ready to launch as we have a few things planned for the bikes we deal with and not only CB750 as I have branched out to Triumphs, be it THRUXTON, Bonneville or any of their brand and of course the Royal Enfield,

Life is fun and I am looking forward to more things to come from our shop.

So, enjoy life and have fun with what you do, wankers will always be wankers, but- don’t let them get to you, if you have a smile then that’s the best answer to anything.

Now go and enjoy the weekend, as I know that I am.


Dakota Takes the Win At Irwindale Drags!

Irwindale – Series Five of the Summit NHRA and Dakota is points leader right now!






Well, the morning when we got up I could tell that the temperature would be getting high, and sure enough, by 11am the ambient temperature was jumping high and I was sweating like a Duckling walking through a Ferrel cat housing project.

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Dakota is leading the points right now and needs to do well once again and that’s no easy task as everybody that he races is fast and on the ball, so when we pulled up, Dakota had done a first run to check the bike and the times and was running well with a 5.72 1/8th mile on his ZRX 2014 Bronze star Racing group Kawasaki.

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Flying his colors of all his sponsors, Kawasaki, Lucas Racing oil, Penske racing Shocks, MTC, Shinko tires, Mavtv- Kota was fairly upbeat with his times, just that the track temp was jumping up and the tire was lighting up in different places.

His Dad was racing too  Aaron ” Twist of the Wrist” Pine and both on the same Factory machines, which is great to see.

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The same for everyone else but this can be so frustrating to a rider as they constantly have to change tire pressure, clutch weights and of course suspension etc, so no 2 runs are usually the same as the day goes by.





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 Tony Pellatera gets all set with the flying froggy Le Top, Tony has been racing for many moons and he can light you so easy.



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 The Flying Froggy la top sits on his Classic Green Machine and is a fun guy who loves racing.

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 Tony was unlucky this weekend but racing can be cruel like that. Awesome machine that screams like a scolded cat!

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Dakota and Le Top sit in the Sun and await the call as they are on the staging lanes and boy was it warming up, it was a dry heat today so if you can sit without your gear on for as long as possible was key here this weekend. Although Dillan should of worn pants looking by the amount of skin he was showing that day!  Ha Ha.


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The field was going through the traps quite fast so not too long of a wait in the Sun.


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 Aaron and pops await the call as the temps slowly start to creep up, like cheap Boxers!

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 Dave Miller was interested in a Yellow pink specked butterfly as he is quite the expert.

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 Dakota and Le Top sit and get ready for the race ahead, Kota dialing a 5.68.

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 The french Connection contemplates his chances against The Lucas oil machine.

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Dylan forgot he had pockets .

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 Troy Gonzalez has a go, but had trouble on the line as he had a dry tire and lost a wee bit of concentration but a super nice guy and he loves to compete.

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 Tony Pellettera sits and awaits his fate against Dave Miller.

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 Aaron lighting it up.

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 The bike was almost the same as Dakota’s but had a little bit of tire slipping, and this is always frustrating, kota had that issue here a few meets ago but some ya win and some ya lose.

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 Tony and Dave get into the box and get everything set at the water box and now Game on!

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Both these bikes are louder than pink sweaters and always great to watch compete.

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All set as they stage and get ready for the fast Green light.

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 Dakota lights the tire up good and proper as he prepares to get the big W!

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 Kota in the right Lane and the flying froggy in the left, two Kawasaki’s get ready to do battle.

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 All set, all Focus and all Dakota this time!!!!!!

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 Number 6 the Flying froggy, Le top did well but had gear change issues quarter of the way up the track.

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Below, Aaron comes back from his run and had no luck with the tire slipping.


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 Mr. Dave Miller on the one eyed Octo, gets another win!

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 Temps were picking up as the day got along.

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Kota’s Dial in time for the next round.

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 Below, Dakota keeps a record of all times win or lose as this is always a great way of seeing how the set ups were on previous races etc.

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Troy didn’t have a good meet this time but he will be sure to be back for the next one.

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 Dave Millers machine is consistent with a capital C.

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 All set to let the hammer down as he runs fast times once again.

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 Le Top takes a run to see how the bike is running as he went out against Dakota.

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Kota runs well and gets the light and is on his way to the Final.


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Is this weather gonna cool down?

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Dakota compares timing slips to see if any adjustments need to be made.


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 OK its on like Donkey Kong, Dakota Kai and Dave Miller Battle it out in the Final, kota needs the win and wants to keep ahead in the points.

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Trying not to get too hot as the time is coming close now for the Final Round.

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 Dylan check and sets the rear tire pressure as they now get ready to get this done!



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 Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner, Dakota Kai gets the much deserved win, a bloody good and close Race and so much fun to watch.


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 So it was actually a Lucky 13 today for Young Mr Sun, great job Lad!



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Kota seems to be collecting more cups than a NFL laundry cleaner.


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 Dakota’s little Brother Gavin sits on his Dad’s bike, he is already racing and winning at 8 years old in mini dragsters, great racing family.

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 Someday Gavin, you can race ya dad and ya brother!

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 Dad and Gavin take a little ride.

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Kota heads up to the track for the photos at the end of the day!

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I took a shot of Gavin Staging himself on the Christmas tree light.

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 End of the day but a great result, next stop Fontana.


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 Taking a few shots before we all head home, it got bloody hot and was nice to be able to feel the breeze that started to come in.



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 Dakota and Dave, the finalists kick back and its all friends, this is a great series and the camaraderie is second to none, or in Dave’s case, Second to Dakota!!!

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 Group shot and a big thanks to Lucas Racing Oil, Kawasaki, MTC, Penski Racing shocks, Shinko Tires, Bronze Star Racing group, Muzzy exhausts for helping him get to another final.


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On the Strip and enjoying the win is a great feeling.


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A good ending to some tight racing.

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A  Fun team that gets results.



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Hey Dad?  You need a cap like me a Kota!

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This was a great meet, try and come and watch, you are all welcome and this is a great sport to be into.



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 All smiles for a super result for the Bronze Star Racing group and all their sponsors.

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 Adam LaVelle takes many cool photos and poses with the lads.




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Its all smiles as they soak up the win, the Sun and the sticky track.


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 Winner Winner, what’s for Dinner?

Kota running a 5.72 and getting the bike where he wants it.





Kota and Dave Miller in the Final

Now some great shots below from Adam Lavelle of Loose Nut Photography, he is always at the track and if you need a Portfolio to just some cool shots to send to Gran, this guy is a really cool fella and will hook you up with what ever you need. Don’t be afraid to speak to him, unless he is eating a Donut!



Great shot Below of Dakota and His old man  Aaron ” Twist of the wrist” Pine.




Aaron lights them up to get a wee bit of traction, but alas, the tire slipped like a baseball outfielder on a rainy day. And Below Dakota does the same thing but he is lucky that his set up worked out for him at this meet.






Pops Pin and Aaron doing the High 5 as Dakota brings home the Bacon.




Back on the track, looks lonely out there but not for long as 5.71 Seconds flies by.






Here we all stood to be part of the day and a great result, boy do I love the drags!!!!




Was it a Hot day?

Shit Yeah!


Great Job Dakota! Now next week is Fontana, lets get this out of the way as its like a sauna there.


Watched a few cool rides race today too.





Yes please, I love the 55, even with the scratch down the right side.

An entertaining day for sure as for us, we got some cool sights and sounds of the City work guys that were rebuilding New Power cables and watched them dangling from helicopters in between race rounds.





Plenty to do at the shop


Well, the weekend was here and I have a ton of stuff to get done and out the way but that’s a good thing right?


Sunday we were at the drags watching Dakota race as he is still points leader at Irwindale and at Fontana.

Right now I have a few exhausts to try and get figured out, I have started on the GS1000 exhausts and now I shall be tackling this Z900 as well as a Kz 1000 and some other models that I have been asked for.

Busy time of year at CCR and I shall have to start to burn the candle at both ends for a bit to get the workload out of the way.

Just wanted to do a quick blog and let you know what we are up to as of late.

Also building this little bar Hopper Brat style machine for someone out there, with an old CB550.

But now it is time to get this exhaust done for the Z900 as this bike is going to Japan and I have orders for quite a few already out there, so must crack the whip and get things done.

GS Suzuki’s are getting our Exhaust treatment

Well, here we are with a couple of killer machines and we are going to be making some Yoshi style exhaust systems for these 2 and 8 other GS bikes for a Customer of ours.

It is always great to make stuff for other machines and I have been approached a few times from Suzuki and Kawasaki owners so this is the result and we shall be making some very cool exhausts for these machines.

These bikes were super fast in their own time but when the Yoshi style exhaust is fitted, this will sound just like the day when these guys were busting up the tracks in production races.

This bike has many modifications and hauls balls, so with a new bike and tune, this will really be a neck snapping experience.


If you are a GS fan, then you will understand how cool it is to have 2 in our stable to work on.


Yeah- I am digging the brake set up too.

29 Smooth bores gets the squirt to where it has to go.






So stay tuned on these two heavy weights. Below is a Wes Coley style  machine from back in the day and that will be great to make an exhaust for as we shall be using one of the original catalogs to copy from.



Wes Cooley was the premiere rider for Yoshimura in the first AMA superbike race of 1976 in the Daytona 200. They took 4th and only got better from there with 3rd the next year in ’77 . Cooley’s unorthodox riding style wowed the crowd by coming into the corner with the back tire skidding and smoking only to gunn it out the other side on the kz1000. After a few seasons Yoshi switched over to Suzuki as the factory team in 1979 and dominated with a 1-2-3 sweep consisting of Ron Pierce, Wes Cooley and Dave Emde. Unlike the Kawis the Suzukis had power and a chassis that handled which showed when Steve McLaughlin won the ’78 title on a Yoshi built GS1000 and Wes won the title in ’79 and ’80.



The GS1000 was based around the successful GS750, which was the lightest of the 750’s available at the time. What Suzuki wanted was a simple design, that benefited from solid engineering and light weight. And they succeeded. The GS1000 was only slightly heavier than its smaller brother, which was quite an achievement. By lengthening the stroke of the (relatively short stroke) GS750 engine from 56,4 to 70 mm the cylinder displacement was enlarged from 748 to 997 cc. The lower end of the GS750 was strong enough to cope with the 1 1 liter cylinder displacement but the list of modifications was longer than just adding 14,6 mm to the stroke. The redesigned 750 engine put into the 1000 was actually lighter than the 750 engine! The power output in 1978 was given to 83—90 hp depending of the export country (differences in environment and noise regulations).



 Even in other aspects, the GS1000 was in many details based on the GS750, introduced a year earlier. The GS1000 had five speeds, chain drive and tubular steel cradle frame like the GS750, but there’s many differences between the models, not just cosmetic (the fuel tank and the design of the rear end of the bike being the most obvious differences). The suspension of the big brother was more advanced, using air and oil dampened front fork.


 None of the GS1000 models were sold in its home country, Japan, where selling motorcycles with larger than 750 cc engines was not allowed until 1990, the VX800 roadster being the first model sold in Japan with a piston displacement larger than 750 cc.


The GS1000 was arguably the best one-liter four-cylinder of its time.



The first GS1000s arrived to shops in February 1978. At first the model was called GS1000 (without the E). The first models had conventional rear shocks but in May 1978 they were replaced with gas/air suspension, covered with chromed steel tube.

The final version of the GS1000 differed in couple of details from the pre-launch model, presented in 1977.
Click on the image for larger format.

A letter ”S” after a Suzuki model name normally means that the engineers have basically mounted a cockpit (bikini) fairing to the bike to make it (look) more sporty. That’s even the case with the GS1000S. I believe it was the first standard Suzuki sold with a fairing.

GS1000S was based on the GS1000E but didn’t have its pneumatic rear suspension. The fairing gained the bike’s weight with 5 kg (11 lbs) and included a clock and oil temperature gauge on the instrument panel. The rear wheel diameter was increased from 17 to 18 inches on the S model.

Apparently the German version of the GS1000S did have the pneumatic rear suspension and had a 17-inch rear wheel. Slightly different bikes were sold in different parts of the world.


The GS1000S is also known as the Wes Cooley replica. The GS series worked well on the track, too, Wes Cooley and Yoshimura winning the young AMA Superbike Championship for Suzuki in the late seventies. The Suzuki GS1000S actually homologated the fairing for race use in the AMA Superbike class. It was very fast bike, being one of the absolute fastest motorcycles in the world. In today’s standards, the model was a suicide machine with poor high speed stability but back in 1979 it handled as well as its competitors.



The beautiful GS1000S was manufactured under two years, 1980 being the last model year for the GS1000S. Then the GSX1100S Katana took its place being the fastest and sportiest Suzuki motorcycle. Apparently the nickname ”Wes Cooley replica” came some time after the model was released and the model was never officially known as the Wes Cooley replica by Suzuki. Apparently the GS1000S started being called that after Kawasaki released their Eddie Lawson replica years later.
In 1979 Suzuki introduced even a custom version of the GS1000E called GS1000L. It had same mechanics as the GS1000G but had high handlebars, stepped seat, leading axle front fork, smaller fuel tank (15 l/ 4.0 US gal) and short cut silencers. 19-inch wheels.

The GS1000L was manufactured between 1979 and 1981.

I shall be riding both machines here at the shop to see how they differ as this will be a rare event and I want to a least sample these heavy hitters for my own experience.

So stay tuned for more………….