Honda CB750K Gas Tank refurbish for 1976 SOHC HONDA K6

Well, I seem to be trying to do too many things in one go some days and must learn to relax and get to a slower pace and then get it all done. LOL!  Easy to say but they do say that integrity is the winning ingredient in the race for complacency , and to be honest, in my older age, I now seem to stop for a second and look back on things and try to dissect my days at the workshop and become more productive but in less hours, if that makes any sense, work smarter not harder my grumpy old man used to say.

So, I have been restoring an old 1976 CB750 Honda up in the barn, not to a show standard, just to be a nice clean daily rider, but sometimes things comes to a halt when I need to repaint the bodywork, but this time the formula works great and now have a superb Painter thn not only does a fantastic job, actually listens to what I want, then takes time to test colors and repaint if need be, until the job is how I want it to be.

Usually my artistic flair gets the better of me and I go into a winding road of turns, trying to get a super cool design that will wow many onlookers, but as this is for a bike that I really want to be head turning but in its stock factory livery, something that is super hard to do these days, but I am almost there with the bodywork for this Honda Four.

Now, I had a fella in Santa Ana that I have used many times in the past, and gave him my gas tank and covers, plus a few hundred bucks to help him with things and that was 6 months ago, he has buggered off and never responds to my plea, so Mister Police Officer will be collaring him soon with any luck.

I had to go on Ebay and pay an extortionate price for a fairly straight set of side covers and petrol tank off a K5/K6, it was labelled K5 but the Petcock was on the left side, making this a k6 model. Honda decided it was much safer to move the petcock to the left hand side of the motorcycle because that way if you run onto reserve whilst riding on the freeway etc, you do not have to take your hand off the throttle to turn the petcock onto the reserve position, thus being safer on the road and not slowing the bike down at all in that transition.

So, I asked my Painter if he could replicate the colors of Candy Antares Red, he said of course, then I enquired would it be necessary to purchase some reproduction decals, so he could add them then clear coat over the whole tank.  Of which he replied to me. “No, , as i can mask it and make the colors up in paint.  I was a little skeptical when he informed me that it wasn’t really a problem to attain the same effect with paint rather than a decal and he also said that the new decals will fade in time but the paint will hold true. So, I said I would trust him with that and said that as soon as the gas tank turns up from Ebay, I shall bring it over to him and see what he thinks about it.

My Painter has been spraying Motorcycles for many years and has high class clients, his time is not cheap but, he does amazing work and sometimes you just need to bite the proverbial bullet and go for it.

So, as you can see by the photo below, this was the fuel tank that I purchased off of Ebay, it does have a K5 note on it but it’s a K6 as you can tell by the petcock bung is on the left hand side, but i needed a tank that still had the old decals on the side so my Painter could measure them and reproduce them in paint, a tough task for many but not my guy.

It wasn’t perfect but it was a good candidate to the many I had seen on the net for sale, so this is what we started with,as you can see it is candy antares Red but it needs stripping completely so we can address any dings or scratches and then begin the preparation of this set up for my Big 4 Honda SOHC.

As you can see in the photo here, we have blocked the tank and made sure all is smooth and even, then Black base coat is added and it looks really good right now, the next job is to match the Gold for the design on the original decal, so this takes a little time to get right but with a lot of color test sprays we go it.

Aztec Gold is painted on the tank and this will really look nice when the clear is added later on in the process, but I am super happy with the progress and how clean everything is.

Here are the side covers, they were not in the best shape cosmetically but now bloc sanded and base coat added, these are almost ready to spray Gold, but they did need to be sanded quite a bit, and now looking good.

I am super glad the way that these came out and its all blended nicely, and when the Red is laid over these, they will give a fantastic Antares Red glow, something that I am looking forward too, this paint is top quality and will not fade in out Californian sunlight compared to many other brands I have tried over the 25 years.

I know that you will be thinking to yourself, this is too purple, but, this is not done yet and you will be super stoked at the look of this gas tank when its completed.

Just look at that, this is all paint and not decals, a lovely looking fuel tank for my K6 Honda CB750K model, this will be the Jewel on the crown when it’s all done and fitted.

The side covers came out really well and shall be fitting New Emblems to them later on in th week, but this is all worth the wait for me and super happy I went this route on the bodywork.

This still needs a buff but it looks fantastic in these new colors once more and once badges and lower tank trim are fitted it will look factory, I have always loved the K5 and K6 Antares Red.

So, there she is, stunning is all I can say, I have New Chrome Gas Cap and lock for it too, so this will be already to fit to my machine soon, and quite excited to get this on the bike, its the best parts when it all comes together as a cohesive piece.

All three sitting in the California Sun and I am taking it to my workshop where I shall put in the cupboard as I need to polish the valve cover this week, but then I can put this all on after.

This was a lot of work but completed in a timely manner, something that loads of painters I have used have always struggled with time management, but as he paints all the time for many Motorcycle and Custom cars, this was a fun job for him.


How much for a professional paint job like this?  Well, save your pennies as its $3500 but you can get a cheaper job and it wont last like this and I am more than happy with it, no runs, no curtains, no orange peel and, no decals to peel off.






It’s the Weekend here at the Barn

I have no clue where the days go these days to be honest, I get so involved with what I do and achieve in a short amount of time, it seems that life is shooting by at over 100 Miles Per Hour for me, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.  Coming up towards 25 years in the Motorcycle industry here in Southern California is quite daunting to some extent, a quarter of a century already is almost upon me, but I have many more ideas and parts that I want to make and offer to everybody and a few more tricks up my sleeve, although that sleeve is turning into the size of Gandalf’s one lol.

But stay tuned to the website as I will always have a feature on anything new for you all to see, I have started to sell more things Like Handlebar grips, lights and electrical parts with more stuff continuing to increase as the year goes on. Something to pretty up your CB750 thats for sure.

I have a few builds that I need to sort out and build and will have a few blogs on what I am up too soon, I love all the correspondence that I receive and I thank you for that, if there is Anything I can help you with, feel free to email me at and I will do my utter best to help you go in the right direction.

Peace & Grease Everyone and, get out and Ride.


Honda CB750K 1976 SOHC I have managed to revive.

Well, I thought I should at least out down on some what of a lost, the parts that I have either refurbished or replaced with New Old stock on this 1976 K6 Machine as its so easy to get lost in the many parts you need to sort out, to be able to ride a non running machine that had sat in a yard for many many years.


  1. Brand New 4 into 4 Exhaust system from Japan
  2. Brand New Exhaust clamps
  3. New Genuine Honda Horn
  4. New Genuine Honda Clutch cable
  5. New Genuine Honda Fuel tank rubber
  6. New Complete seat assembly
  7. New Genuine Handlebar Grips
  8. New Levers
  9. New Mirrors
  10. New Chrome Rear Shock Absorbers
  11. Powder Coated Rear Swing Arm
  12.  Chromed Stabilizer bar
  13. New Chain and Sprockets
  14.  Rear Hub rebuilt and polished
  15.  New Rear Rim and spokes
  16.  New rear Tire and tube
  17.  Polished brake hub with new brake shoes
  18.  New brake actuator arm
  19.  New brake rod and spring
  20.  Rechromed rear fender
  21.  NOS rear tail light assembly
  22.  New inner fender
  23.  New Battery
  24.  New Genuine Honda Coils
  25.  New Plug caps and plugs
  26.  New oil and filter
  27. Rebuilt and tuned carburettors
  28. New intake rubber boots
  29. New starter cover
  30.  New Clutch Cover
  31.  New OEM kick starter
  32.  New Oem Brake pedal
  33.  Rebuilt front caliper
  34. New exhaust spigots
  35. New fork tubes upper
  36.  Rebuilt lower forks and polished
  37. Stripped and Powder Coated Main stand with New Spring

I have a few more little things to do on the bike and then I can fire it up again, but I am glad that I persisted and continued to clean this big 4 machine up and its looking pretty cool as it stands right now.

She does sit at the right height now, as I have fitted the correct size tire in the rear, I need to clean up the gear shift cover and will do that this week, as well as the sprocket cover, this bike has many New parts on now, I would like to repaint the tank and side covers but no time at present and I have many other motorcycles to build, this is the original Candy Antares Red livery.

The exhaust system fitted really well, I am a dealer for this system and they come direct from Japan with the baffles included but not the heat shields, but I was super stocked at the fit of these and the chrome looks amazing.

I used New spigots and New flange clamps to set the pipes off, would seem sacrilegious to go any other way as the original ones were rusted and looking worse for wear, this is a nice fresh factory look i believe and super glad that I went this route. Not cheap by any standards, but chewap will not last so buy right and you will see the benefits further on in time compared with inferior copies of this system.

I have always loved the look of inline four machines and the Honda was such a popular choice back in the UK when I was a Teenager, I have had so many Honda’s in my life and continue to work or build them in my barn.

I did buy an aftermarket rear fender as the original was quite bad in the way of rusty deposits, but the aftermarket version that I paid $200 was utter rubbish and got my money back, so invest the $400 and  stripped and chromed the original fender and bought a New tail light assembly, sure looks nice now.

I have also fitted a New seat, the other one was ok but I wanted a fresh look and thought I may as well get another new unit to complete the bike and give it the right ride height, these bikes were a tall ride and have to be honest was surprised the Japanese Public could ride these as I am 5″11 and am tippy toed when sat upon this bike.

Sure, there are many more little things I can do to this machine but my plan was not to restore the bike to its New appearance in 1976, but to give it a fresh look from a sad and tired past of sitting in a garden to the elements for many years, but this will be for sale, I think $5000 is a fair price and, if I do more work, of course the price goes up, the exhaust system alone was $1600.

New Grips and Levers and cables etc help this old Lady become young again and of course I fitted stock mirrors for that 1970’s vibe and takes me back to my last years at school when I first saw a Red CB750K coming down the road.

The bike sits well and I removed the main stand and powder coated it and fitted brand New Genuine Honda hardware, I wanted to use the main stand as many have been removed over the years, plus it makes it so much easier to remove the rear wheel or chain etc.

The New tire and tube feels great, with New original DID rim and polished Hub with new internals and New brake shoes, Rod and actuator, this is a super set up and the New rear shock absorbers are the correct models for that ride height of 1976.

New footpegs and New Old Stock Brake pedal and New old Stock Kickstarter help clean this five hundred pound 2 wheeled Classic Thorobred up and give it a new lease of life, hoping that you are liking what I have accomplished on this 50 year old Motorcycle.

I took this out of the Original bag, cost me over $150 but its the Original and stoked that I located one not too far from me so there are some neat touches to this Motorcycle that you may enjoy looking at.

Now, the Carburettors are completely rebuilt, synchronized and are attached to genuine Honda NOS intake boots, I have old 1976 Velocity stacks on the bike but do have the original Airbox for the old girl. And also I fitted a New Clutch Cable and Covers too, Just have to fit a bolt in bottom points cover today.

The rear wheel is all rebuilt with New spokes and new bearings too, New chain and sprockets is a must and she really is a Classy looking bike, not yet found the title but am looking for it, I think the original owner has title and I have recently corresponded with him, so he may find it, if not I will sell with a Bill of sale as its been off the system for many years.

It does need a New front tire and I may fit another later on as I go along, but right now she looks really good and wanted to show the machine on my website as many people have been asking about the old girl.

Thanks for looking and I will continue playing with this CB750K until she sells, but of course, the More I work on it, the more the price will increase, but I do enjoy reviving these inline four beauties and hope you have enjoyed the pics and write up on this Japanese Iconic bike.


Happy 4th Of July everyone

I love having this day off, gives me time to reflect how lucky I am to live in such a great country, I have always loved living here and especially here in Southern California where the weather stays pretty constant and ideal for taking your motorcycle out and about.

I have much to catch up on and as my girl is heading back from the East coast, it will give me some time to try and sort the workshop out a little as I have way too many bikes in there that need attention, I dragged a few out of gardens and the K6 that I am working on never ran since the 80’s. I was just going to see if there was a chance I could get it running, but it has turned into a project that I should of left alone. But you know how that goes, when you think to yourself that you will just clean this up, change that etc, well I have done so much I should of ripped it down the frame and started fresh. But it should look nice when done and out of the way to give me a little room to start on another one.

The rear wheel I just could not clean up, due to the rust that had accumulated from sitting in a back yard with sprinklers that went off twice a day for years, so I had to pull the rim apart and located a new old stock 18 inch rear rim and purchased new spokes. Polished the hub and fitted new bearings.

Next up was the beaten up rear sprocket carrier, its seen better days but do not have a spare, I have a 78 one but the offset is different, so I will try and clean this up as best I can using my little buffer wheel and some compound, but it wont be too show polish as I am getting too pernickety with this and really just need to get it running well and of course riding well.

As you can see, the poor sprocket carrier has seen better days, bearing is fine and will repack with grease but need to clean it up a little before I attach that to the hub and then the sprocket as well as the Guard, but that is at the chrome shop as I am waiting on that.

Still a little more to do before I am happy with it but at least this is getting back together and I am now waiting on the rear swing arm I took out as I have sent that off to get powder coated as that too was rusty and needed attention from sitting for so many years. But will keep you updated as and when I work on this old girl, it will be fun to ride with all new parts and will be dead stock, I now have Brand New 4 into 4 exhausts for it that I purchased in Japan, so this will look pretty cool once done. I will ride it a little then offer it up for sale.

Have a great day and hope you enjoy what ever you are up to in the world, I thank you for all your orders too and if I can help just drop me a line.





Honda CB750 Super Sport Classic Cafe

I recently came across some old CD’s that I had tucked away in a drawer, glad I took some pics of some of the motorcycles that I have created, they say if you put them on the internet, it’s there forever, but that’s incorrect as I had quite a few bikes on there and cannot find them anywhere, so I was stoked to at least find a couple I had created and thought that I would share with you.

The bike started out as a stock 1978 machine that had seen better days and been neglected for a few decades, this was a good platform to use as I knew the Motor would at least kick over but not fire, so, with that in mind I set about pulling the bike apart and going a little out there with the color, the reasoning for this? Well I loved the old Yellow on the 400 -4 Super Sports ad thought I would go with that color ad it would stand out in the California Sun.

Taking apart in my old garage, where space was not infinite.

The Bike belonged to a Customer and he wanted me to go way out there and make this a head turning machine, if I remember correctly he was a Rocket Scientist, so I had to come up with something that would Blast Off!!!

Everything apart and now its time to see what to do, I started with the frame first, as that needed to be cleaned up then stripped before I could get it ready for any sort of paint.

Happy with this now, I have to media blast the frame to remove old paint and of course any rust etc, file any bad welds and spot weld back to good again, then it will be time to take to Powder coater and get some Sunrise Yellow on this to make a big statement in chassis color.

As you can see, this really is a bold statement- I really wanted this to turn a few heads for my Client and he has let me go ahead with what I ever i feel this machine may need to give it a wow factor, remember, this was about 2006.

Motor stripped and rebuilt with New cam Chains, belt slider and clutch etc, this will be like a New Machine when all back together, but- A long way to go as yet.

Like a Jewel now and ready to go back in the frame when I have completed it to a rolling chassis.

So, the Motor is now all painted and polished and awaits me to lift this 230 pounds of aluminum and throw it into the Duplex Cradle frame of the SOHC, but I still have to get that frame rolling, what I need to do is finish the chassis so its a roller, then I can get this lump back in the place it originally was placed in 1978.


I rebuilt the rear shocks with all new stainless steel hardware as I don’t want this to rust like it had done previously, and will take my time getting this together on my own.

I went another route this time as the 1978 Forks were in really bad shape, so I used a 1976 CB750F front fork set up, polished the lowers and fitted new tubes and completely revamped these with Progressive springs etc, this is a nice set up and very clean compared to what was on there.

Frame is back together, using an old 1976 front wheel to make it a roller as I shall be building new wheels for this bike, I also put pipe insulation on the frame so I don’t scratch the paint when I am fitting the motor.

She is now a rolling chassis, with this I got the bike off the bench and onto the floor then into the driveway, I used a 1976 rear wheel to fit in the back until I have made new rims up, but now is the time to see if I can fit this engine and that’s the last of the heavy lifting.

The Motor is now in, with the help from my trusty cat, I also fitted vintage speed equipment parts on the bike for that added bling, as well as new switches on the Ace bars and GT grips for that Nostalgic look and feel.

Fuel tank was a different matter, this time I wanted to fit an earlier K series fuel tank, so used 2 gas tank and sectioned them as I wanted a 5″ stretch for a long road race style petrol tank of back in the day, took a long time but sure looked great when completed.

It took quite a few weeks to get it right and I had another supersport frame I could use for a mock up so I didnt scratch the paint on the chassis.

Once that was all sorted I had to do the body work right here at home still as I worked in my garage all the time, lucky my neighbors are out all day so can bang, grind and sand with no interruptions at all.

Final fit of the gas tank and i like the stretch, not too much but just enough and an extra 2 gallons capacity is always good right?


I do not like 1977-1978 carbs and wanted to fit earlier versions, I only had old snotty ones in boxes that I had picked up at swap meets and yard sales, so a full rebuild was needed to get these to how I wanted them.

All cleaned up and synchronized and looking forward to fitting these to the motor and way easier and faster to tune than the flat tops.

I polished the original wheel hubs and used stainless spokes and attached them to CB750 Automatic rims as they are aluminum, bunged on some classic tread rubber and these look like they were from the factory.

This time I went with my CR style seat base and added a rear fender, fitted a Yoshimura exhaust of mine to give this machine more bark.

The bike is sitting well on those Automatic rims and glad that I made the choice to change to that as I have never like the 4 spoke set up that came on the 77 and 78 models, the Comstars as they were called were tin looking and I think, very weak.

Making parts fit that were not available for this bike always takes time and of course many failures, but I persisted and got the bike to where I wanted it so everything flowed.

I had an original Dunstall front fender that used to be hanging on the wall, I wanted to use it as it was from back home and very fitting it looks to.

I used the old Honda Super Sport gas tank decals from an old 400-4 as thats the color I chose for it and very cool it looks too, the bike was a hoot to ride with tons of low end torque.

It was a learning curve and I enjoyed the challenge on this bike, this was many years ago and I would change a few things now but this was a fun creation that was fun to ride.

You cannot lose sight of this in a parking lot, the color is loud and proud and the Customer loved it, a great stance to the bike too with that big long tank too its just smooth.

It may not be your style but I was super stoked to have a go at changing the sad tired original bike and give it a brand new life as well as a brand new look too.

I just wanted to share a few pics of this bike as I had lost them many moons ago and glad that I could load them up on my website for you to have a look at.

Thanks for taking your time to read my Blog on this Super Sport, of course I still make and sell parts and build Motorcycles, I always will as its a passion still for me.

Refurbishing the 1976 CB750K Honda Four

Here we are with another episode of tweaking that old 1976 CB750K Model Honda, she has been sat for so many years, I was initially just going to get her running and sell her, but I have grown attached to this machine and its my best year personally, so thought I would remove worn out parts and fit brand new ones. Still a ways to go and I shall blog as I go along but – Eventually this will start to look like it did when it came out from the factory. Except the paint as that’s a really expensive process these days but I may even have a go at that later who knows, so stay tuned….

I didnt like the patina on the footpegs, even though this particular machine only has 17,000 Original miles on her, she has sat many decades in a Back yard and the eliments have taken a toll on any of the parts and brightwork, you can actually see that the foot peg rubber has no wear at all, which is more validation of the low milage, but I wanted to fit some OEM parts and here is a set of New pegs that I will fit to the bike.

The same thing goes for the rear brake, it had heavy rust pits that even I could not be able to polish out, so I thought I would buy an OEM genuine Honda one and that will help clean up that area that does get neglected over the years on these machines.  Not cheap but rechroming would of been even more expensive, so this was the lesser of two evils.


The Original Kick starter also has pitting, so I managed to track down an original New Old Stock one and later on I shall probably get the original one stripped and chromed again but not right now.

The Honda should start to look like it originally did when it rolled out the door all them years ago and I am enjoying the time and effort to get this to where it really needs to be.

I removed the old clutch lever and thought I may as well address that issue with a New version and that will clean up the handlebar area somewhat as many people leave that part of the bike and I always notice that.

Now that looks a million times better and with NOS grips too I am more than happy to get on with another part of the bike now, I am in no rush at all with this k6 and when completed will offer it up for sale.

The poor headstock always gets left out, the steering stem nut and washer was begging to be replaced as well as the steering pinch bolt, I could not leave the bike with these parts like that.

I try to use as much Genuine Honda stuff as I can lay my hands on and this is the case right here, it is fantastic quality and you know not only will it fit, it will last many years too.

So, another job done and if I find anything I feel that needs sorting out I shall of course do it as I am on a roll now, although this is by means no restoration, just a revamp of tired parts.

The starter motor covers always rust as they are easily open to the elements, so I ordered a new one as this has seen better days, what do you think?

A big improvement and I could go on forever on the bike, just a few of the fundamentals needed to be addressed but I still need to rebuild a rear wheel as the original one is just too rusty to strip and re-use as its too dangerous to mess with stuff like that.  Next up is to fit the footpegs, a New old stock brake pedal and kickstarter to at least clean that side of the bike up and look more original now.

Looking very much like the bike it was originally at the factory and am pleased I went this route on this one, although still many more things I have to replace to get it to the standard I will be happy with, but each week that goes by I give this a nod of approval.

So, I will be working on removing the center stand and painting it as its looking a little weather beaten, its a big heavy part but I want to get that looking good, I may Powder coat it for long lasting life in all honesty, so stay tuned……



Honda CB750K 1976 getting a little more work completed.

I decided that whilst I have some spare time and a few parts etc I shall get into the K6 a little more and clean her up, as she has sat for so many years in a Back Garden, its only fair I revamp her a little and put her to a more Original style as to be honest, the 1976 CB750K Model was probably the best looking bike of them all and ran well.

So, I thought that I would try and clean up the lower front forks, as the factory clear coat has long gone and and as the sprinklers, hot and cold climates happen, the lower forks and anything aluminum takes a beating.

I jacked the bike up and removed the front wheel, I also made sure I used a pair of jack stands too, just to hold the chassis incase we get an earthquake here in Southern California, as 530 pounds is not so easy to pick up if its laying on the floor.

As you can see, the lower stanchions have seen better days, the pitting is caused after the clear coat gets eaten away by heat and moisture then aluminum will break down slowly in cold temperatures causing oxidization, of which you can see on the left fork lower, but I have refurbished so many of these over the years, I was not worried at all about cleaning these up to a more original look, but it does take a bit of dedication and hard work to achieve that goal, like anything else in life really.

After sanding the forks by hand, I start my process of buffing, using Block  compounds you can buy from shops, to my “Special” Secret Sauce that I have used for decades and slowly improved to get it to the standard that I like, yes its messy but that’s the reward afterwards when you see a shiny piece of art.

Its not a 5 minute process that’s for sure and the more effort you put in, the bigger the reward at the end, this is just its early stage and I increase pressure and change cutting compounds as I go along, remembering that this gets bloody Hot as you increase the pressure on the wheel.

As you can see, that is a good comparison with just a little bit of work, more to do but I am happy how this is going and people ask me how I get the finish on my Polishing, so thought I would share this with you lot today.

Yes, I wore gloves as these get super hot and being aluminum, they hold the heat for a long time, I am really happy how the forks are starting to turn out and am glad that I made the decision to pull the front forks and rebuild them.

So, a bit pf scotch pad, sanding block, then polishing will get you to this stage, I can go more but don’t want it too showy chrome looking and will rebuild these now, the upper tubes are total toast, as you can see below.

The forks at the top are always covered by the headlight ears but Honda did not take into consideration that the metal will sweat in hot and cold condition and of course rain etc can get down the forks and sit there, these forks are typical of the many that I have pulled out of the bikes over the years, so a common problem.

I believe Honda went cheaper on the chroming, using less on the forks as you don’t see it and putting money into the Motor, as I have seen hundreds like this and that’s always been the look when you drop the forks at the top. But I have a Replacement set of aftermarket ones ready to go.

I have always liked Polishing,I was taught at a old 17th century Barn when I worked for Rolls Royce as a kid and it always stuck with me and its so rewarding to turn something ugly into quite the jewel.

I use my circlip pliers to fit the snap ring into the lowers, a real life saver these are as you do not want to risk scratching the chrome by using regular pliers etc.

I try to use Genuine Honda parts where ever I can as the parts are top quality and of course guaranteed to fit perfectly, as many aftermarket parts do not.

I refitted the springs and will fill with oil when the wheel is on but still up in the air, that keeps the pressure off the springs and easier to fill the forks that way and not have the springs flying out towards your eyes if you put the bike on the ground.

So there you go, forks back on and they look so much better than before. I will be fitting New speedometer cable and New Tach and speedo gauges to clean it all up at the front, but she is taking shape and will continue to revamp her as I go along.  I will be fitting Brand New 4 into 4 exhausts to the New Honda spigots that you see in the cylinder head, also New footpegs and New kick starter and brake pedal, so keep watching and see how we go.



Summer time at the workshop

Well, the Californian Summer hung off for a while, but now it is in full swing and boy is it getting hard to work in stifling heat and humidity is up the ying yang right now, feels like I am in Florida to be honest, but the show must go on, I have so much to do but right now I am waiting on some help with my Barn doors to be hung, they are big heavy wooden sliding doors.  But once they are up I can start to organise a little bit more, it is lucky we have a large property as I can store old projects all over the place but need to get it all under one roof soon and be more happier when that does come to fruition.

Like many of you, we are always wrenching on things, for me I have New parts to make or to become a dealer for and of course, I have Motorcycles to build and projects to finish, but as the saying goes, ‘Rome was not built in a day”.

It seems I have spent so many years on my knees but to be honest, I feel comfortable that way, even if the bikes on a lift, I guess it goes back to grass roots or what you grew up with, we had nothing as a kid and made the most of what we had, if we were given something we would cherish it and improve on it, but I still have so much passion in creativity with parts and creations and hope that I never lose that flame for design and ingenuity etc.

I love all sorts of Vintage and classic stuff, from obviously Motorcycles, music, fashion and of course cars or trucks, my recently purchased F250 has been fun but I have to also wrench on that and have changed stuff so far to improve the ride and running, with more to do as this is my parts hauler.

I was at the ceramic Coaters and decided to take the back roads to my place as the traffic was busy and it was 100 degree’s, the old F250 has been great so far as it has not got hot, but the 390 seems to be having carb issues, it has the stock Autolite 2 barrel and to be honest even though jets changed, power valve changed, float level set and cleaned many times, it just will not start after a few minutes, so things will be changing next week to sort that issue out.  But had to pull over and take a pic of this cool vintage sign I saw on the side of the road.

I love Southern California for old shops and signs and seem to see something different every time I go out to be honest and thought that i would share with you as I love Vintage signs too.

My Birthday coming up Thursday and I will not be working that day and enjoy time with my girl Jennifer, we do so much together and the good thing is she likes pretty much the same stuff I do, so we really get each other, she rides to and that makes a huge difference and she understands the trials and tribulations of running a Motorcycle and Automotive business.

Just wanted to say howdy to you all out there and thanks for supporting me in what I make and sell, I love you all.


Keep your eye on the website for more parts and bikes soon, just got back from the Post office, sent exhausts to Hawaii, Puerto Rico , New Zealand and Brazil today.

More Exhausts on the go, busy times at Carpy’s Garage

Busy day at home and more 4 into 1 Exhausts systems are now completed, I have been busy as of late and just about caught up with previous orders, I love making these and getting them sent to all over the world.

These are the CB750 and Cb500-Cb550 Yoshi style systems, some of these will be Ceramic Coated, some will remain Raw and be packed in boxes ready for shipping etc, always good to be busy and more styles coming out soon.

I sent a few boxes off to Europe today, good to get that lot on their way to their Customer and they can get their own machine back on the tarmac, the Sun is out and that always gives you a little extra boost of work ethic, so got a ton done.

Well, I best get a few packed away in boxes and put in my workshop, but just wanted to share what i get up to some days.

Thank you for suppoerting me, I am a one man show and the show is going good.

El Diablo Drag Pipes Ceramic Coated Silver SOHC CB750 Chopper

Thought I would get a set of my ” El Diablo” Drag pipes Cerakote coated in Silver, they look like Polished Aluminum and the advantage of this is that they will not Blue like chrome does.

I have always liked the way cerakoted exhaust look and stand out to any weather compared to chrome, I fitted these to my Chop and love the way they look on the bike.

Is Cerakote exhaust worth it?
Cerakote is by far the best option available when considering high performance ceramic coatings. It lays down smoother than anything else we have found on the market, and it can be applied to so many different materials including engines and exhaust systems.
I have sold a few sets already and hope to be making more of these Drag pipes next month as I have almost sold out of my inventory.
These were easy to fit and I did away with the old Exhaust flower clamps and shims, these have floating flanges and sits in the cylinder head tighter and bolt on.
Available now and I ship world wide, I am here to help too, discounts on orders of 2 sets or more.