Happy Monday, Here’s some cool Video’s

Wow- Monday already and I guess it was a hard start for you lot today as it was for me too, and I think today I shall continue with a few more videos to try and help your workday fly by, or at least give you something different to look at on your lunch break etc.

road safety6

Below is a video from back in the day about road safety, always fun to watch as our machines have changed a lot , as well as the traffic speeds too.

road safety5

It is from Los Angeles in the 1960’s and boy, to see no traffic in the towns is weird these days, it also makes me laugh when the public service film and the AMA both tell you to. “Dress Neatly” as they want you to give a good impression to your neighbors. ha ha ha


And how about this, some rare footage called “Rode Safely” This was filmed back in 1955 in Liverpool, and its some cool footage to watch on a Monday and shows how things were so much different back then, compared to today’s traffic and Laws etc.

I had to laugh at the “staged crashes” and the Old style of hand signals that have changed in the highway Code back home. This is as funny as hell to watch and I am certain that these 13 minutes will have you cracking up.

Onto part 2 now of “Rode Safely”

16 minutes of awesome footage, and for me this was thoroughly entertaining, showing me what Back home like in 1955, when there was only half a million Motorcycles being ridden on the British roads.

road safety3

Be safe out there but you don’t have to dress neatly OK? LOL.

road safety4



Visit to see this summer exhibit here at the AACA Museum!

Mods and Rockers were two conflicting British youth subcultures of the 1960s.

This exhibit examines the “Mods & Rockers” era in the UK.


The Rocker subculture was centered on motorcycling, and their appearance reflected that.   They generally wore protective clothing such as black leather jackets and motorcycle boots (although they sometimes wore “brothel creeper” shoes).   The common Rocker hairstyle was a pompadour, while their music genre of choice was 1950s rock and roll, played by artists like Eddie Cochran, Gene Vincent, and Bo Diddley.

The Mod subculture was centered on fashion and music, and many mods rode scooters.  Mods wore suits and other clean-cut outfits, and preferred 1960s music genres such as soul, rhythm and blues, ska beat music and British blues-rooted bands like The Who, The Yardbirds, and The Small Faces.

The exhibit will feature approximately 12 period motorcycles and 12 period scooters, along with material culture, photographs, and interpretive posters.

Not your average motorcycle / café bike exhibit…




AACA Museums In PA Logo Image - The Antique Automobile Club of America



Guest Curators:
Rob Kain
Janet Mulligan Bowen
Dave Russell

Remember to sign up for our Keep Up to Speed Newsletter so you will always know what’s new!







AACA Museum
161 Museum Drive
Hershey, PA 17033

Phone: 717.566.7100
Fax: 717.566.7300

The Humble beginnings of the 59 Club.


This is an article published about Father Bill when he passed away and his own words on the start of the club, It describes our first links with the ACE and how they are part of our history with few words by an early member Palladin

My Memories of Father Bill and the 59 Club are still very vivid.
By Palladin
I got to know Father Bill reasonably well and found him very approachable and down to earth person, very likable but did not suffer fools. I remember him coming to the Busy Bee on one occasion and he was in a bad mood he had just come off his Bike and damaged his new gloves, we had a laugh at the time as we thought he would like to swear to relieve his annoyance.
Father Bill always used to tell of his first visit to the Busy Bee when some one drove in one door and out the other, I have to admit that was me in my young silly days just 17 but should have known better.


I did not meet Father bill on that occasion but as a result of his visit to the Bee a group of us when to the opening of the 59 Club in October 1962. The last time I spoke to him was after he retired about 18 years ago the Busy Bee Club were having a reunion, I was asked to contact him and invite him to attend. I eventually made contact with him and we were talking about the times at Hackney Wick I said to him about the Dorchester and the other things that we had done, I can’t remember the exact word but it was along the lines that he had met so many people over the years and it was difficult to remember names so it would be difficult for him to remember it I said my name, I said that in those days my nick name was Palladin, he retorted I remember you you road though the Bee on my first visit.

I wish he had remembered me for a good deed.
Whilst I have all the photos and cutting from that period I have managed to loose my original membership, I was below 10 I think number 7. So myself and my friends from the Busy Bee where there right from the beginning.



I was fortunate enough to be invited to afternoon Tea at the Vicarage., to go to Blackpool with Father Bill and stayed overnight in a church hall it was the first trip arranged by the 59 club. The most exciting and memorable was to the “Fleur de Lys Ball” at the Dorchester where a small group of us won a draw to go to the charity Ball and represent the 59 Club. I am fortunate to have had a lot of pictures in Books and Magazines to remind me of that time.



Father Bill was still active in later years it worth reading his story. It is interesting that in 1991, when he was over 70, Wrangler jeans invited Father Bill to spearhead a new advertising campaign, for which he was photographed under Southend Pier astride a 1960s motorbike. When he was approached by Wrangler, Father Bill sought the advice of his rector, who told him: “Of course you must do it. Good for the Church to be seen doing ordinary, rather silly things.” ( Bill was chairman of the 59 until his death a regulary attended AGM’s)

By 1964 the 59 Club was the biggest Motor Cycle Club in the World with 3,800 members, the club was immortalised in Giles cartoons. I am proud to have been a member of the 59 Club to have been there on the first night, to have been one of the first to join and to have part of it in its early days. Also being lucky to be in the right place at the right time to be involved with events such as the Dorchester also to have had the opportunity to get to know Father Bill, his passing is a sad loss to all those that knew him.

The Rev William Shergold, priest and motorcyclist, was born on October 17, 1919. He died on May 17, 2009, aged 89

By Rev. Bill Shergold. From Magazine of the Fifty Nine Club, November 1966




For the next two or three years I used the bike for pottering around my parish, but the thought never entered my head that one day I would start a club for motorcyclists. Most of my time was taken up with the youth club, which had just been launched by the Revd. John Oates. Perhaps I ought to say a word about this club because it answers the question of why the club is called the 59.

“The club which we now know as the 59 Club started in 1962 as a section of the already flourishing 59 Club of the Eton Mission.”

This was the club we started in January 1959 with Cliff Richards as our guest star. We called it the 59 Club because we wanted to get away from the rather stuffy image of the traditional church youth fellowship. It was immensely successful from the start and many well-known recording stars came to visit us. The most fabulous evening of all was the night we were visited by Princess Margaret and her husband, together with Cliff Richard and the Shadows..

By this time the motorcycle disease had really taken hold of me. I traded in my C15 for 1959 Speed Twin and began to enjoy the thrills of a bike. I even bought a crash helmet(police-style with peak) and a leather jacket(three-quarter length, of course). Then one day I read in the daily papers that a special service for motorcyclists had been held in the newly opened cathedral at Guildford. This struck me as odd because cathedrals tend to be rather respectable. But it gave me an idea.

I caused a minor crisis at the hospital by riding my bike into a rainwater down pipe and smashing it. Bob sent me along to the North London branch of the Triumph Owners Club which in those days had its headquarters in a Quaker meeting house at Stoke Newington.
I shall always be grateful to the members of the TOMC for the way they welcomed me and backed up my ideas. Up to this moment I had been very much a lone motorcyclist. Now, through the Friday evening meetings at Stoke Newington, I found myself enjoying for the first time the fantastic comradeship of the motorcycle world.

Meanwhile plans were slowly taking shape for our big event which was now fixed for a Sunday in May, 1962. We had roped in the local road safety officer and we sent out dozens of circulars to all the motorcycle clubs in the area. Then something happened which was to have a profound effect on the whole future course of events.


One day, while I was talking about the service with some of the lads from the Triumph Owners Club, somebody said: “Of course the people you really ought to invite to your service are those young hooligans who go blasting along the North Circular Road.” “That’s all very well, ” I said, “but I don’t’ know any of them. How can I get in tough with them?” “If you really want to meet them you should go along to the Ace Cafe.” “Okay,” I said, “I will!”

Until know we had thought only of inviting members of highly respectable motorcycle clubs to our service. The other section of the motorcycling fraternity was completely unknown to me. I did recall, however, a magazine article I had read some years before whilst waiting to have my hair cut. It was the sort of article which appears from time to time in the American Press, describing the activities of the Hell’s Angels. It was lavishly illustrated with pictures taken at the Ace.


It certainly wasn’t calculated to inspire confidence in anyone proposing to visit that cafe for the first time.
The more I thought about it the more alarmed I became. The time I chose my trip to the Ace was a Sunday afternoon. Had I known more about the habits of young motorcyclists I certainly would not have chosen that particular time. The Ace is about 13 miles from Hackney Wick and I set out with several posters rolled up on the back of my bike, hoping that I might persuade the proprietors to put one up for me. Unsure of the kind of reception I should get, I wrapped a scarf around my neck covering up my dog collar. Just past Staple’s Corner about a dozen bikes ridden by sinister looking figures in black leathers roared past in the opposite direction. I felt almost sick with fear.



By the time I had passed under the bridges at Stonebridge Park, I was in such a panic that I opened the throttle up and fled past the Ace as fast as I could. Then I realized that I was being a coward.

So at the next intersection I turned back. Again panic seized me and I went past. Then I turned back a second time and finally rode into the forecourt. By this time, the Ace was practically deserted. I ordered a cup of tea and sat drinking it, my face crimson with embarrassment. I left for home with out getting rid of a single poster. But I consoled myself with the fact that I had at least penetrated into the lions’ den, even if the lions were in fact out on the prowl.
Several weeks elapsed before my next attempt to reach the boys at the Ace.

In fact It was the night before the service was due to take place that I finally summoned enough courage to go there again. This time I made no attempt to conceal my collar and I went armed with a bundle of leaflets which said: “This is a personal invitation to YOU to come to church next Sunday for a special service for motorcyclists.” It must have been about eight o’clock on the Saturday evening when once again I entered the forecourt at the Ace.

It was packed with bikes. Hundreds of boys were milling around, laughing and talking. “This is it, ” I thought, “I shall almost certainly lose my trousers or land up in the canal.” I rode up to the nearest group and went straight to the point. “I want you all to come to church tomorrow.” Looking back I am amazed at my own nerve- I, a middle-aged clergyman invading the stronghold of one of the toughest groups of youngsters in the country.
There was no joking, no mickey talking. Instead they came crowding round, bombarding me with questions: “What’s it all about? Where is it? How do we get there?” Someone brought me a cup of tea. I never got inside the Ace at all- people kept coming to talk with me outside. All in all it was the most fantastic evening I have ever spent.

At midnight I managed to get away to snatch some sleep before making final preparations for the services at three o’clock the next day….. And what a service it was! Several days before I had issued a kind of press release, hoping that the papers would give us some advance publicity and so ensure we had a congregation. Only one paper mentioned it beforehand, but they turned up in force on the day itself-I suppose there must have been a dearth of murders and international crises that weekend. In addition, BBC and ITV sent news teams and I think there was a newsreel team there as well.

The theme of the service was that we should dedicate our bikes and ourselves to God’s service, endeavoring to use the machines in a responsible sort of way. In my address I compared the present-day motorcyclist to the knights of old and suggested that we should try to uphold the same ideals of courage, courtesy and chivalry.

To drive home the idea we had arranged for a number of different bikes to be placed inside the church-symbolizing the offering of our machines to God. It was a strange assortment, ranging from a Tina scooter to a magnificent Manx Norton which had been raced the previous weekend.
Looking back I suppose it was a bit of a gimmick to have the bikes in church. I never intended it that way. People bring cabbages and marrows to church for the Harvest Festival and no one complains. It seemed to me perfectly natural for those who love motor bikes to bring them into God’s house.


I can’t imagine how we got through the service at all. There were photographers and cameramen everywhere. The church looked like a film studio with all the lights and trailing wires. Yet despite all these distractions there was a wonderful atmosphere of devotion and reverence.
Next day the papers were full of what had happened at Hackney Wick. Here are some of the headlines: “The Knight Errant’s of 1962 – Ton-Up Kids in Church”, “Ton Up Bikes Are Blessed”, “Pictures of a 100-mph Gang that may Cause a Storm”, “Blessings by the Ton”, “A Vicar blesses the Ton-Uppers.” One paper rang up the Bishop of London at midnight to ask him what he thought about it all!


On Tuesday several papers published cartoons, the most famous of which was by Giles in Daily Express. I wrote and told Giles how much I had liked his picture and to my delight he sent me the original drawing signed by himself. This is one of my most treasured possessions and occupies a place of honor in my study. I was a bit overwhelmed by all this publicity.

But for me it had one great advantage. I couldn’t care less about having my pictures in the papers. What did please me was that almost overnight I had made friends with the boys at the Ace. Press cuttings and photographs poured in to the vicarage, so I took them up to the Ace and showed them around.

The lads were delighted at receiving some good publicity for a change. In the past any mention of them in the press had been unfavorable. I soon became a regular visitor at the Ace and got to know some of the lads quite well. One of them even invited me to his home to have lunch with his family. Others began to tell me about their mates in the hospital. At this time, also, I received considerable “fan” mail, some of it complimentary, some of it not so nice.

One anonymous letter warned me of the dire consequences that would follow if I continued to associate with these “leather-hearted louts.” From these letters, but above all from the conversations with the boys themselves, I soon began to realize that they were virtually an outcast section of the community. Because of their dress, their noisy bikes and their tendency to move around in gangs, nobody wanted them.

Dance halls refused them, bowling alleys told them to go home and change into ordinary clothes. Youth clubs were afraid of them. Even the transport cafe’s didn’t really welcome their custom. After all, a motorcyclist consumes on average a cup of tea or Coke every two hours.

A lorry driver or a coach tripper will spend five bob on a meal and be on his way within 30 minutes. I was becoming more and more convinced that what they really needed was a new kind of club which would combine the personal and friendly touch of a youth club with the free and easy atmosphere of a transport cafe or coffee bar.

My difficulty was that our premises at the Eton Mission were already being used almost to capacity. And in any case, Hackney Wick is such a difficult place to find in its maze of one way streets that I doubted very much if it would meet our requirements.
Eventually I decided on an experiment. It so happened that the 20th anniversary of my ordination was approaching. Instead of having a party for my Parishioners I decided to throw a party for my new friends from the Ace. It was a tremendous success. About 80 turned up, thus proving that the situation of the Eton Mission was no obstacle.

At this point I was fortunate to come in contact with two existing motorcycle clubs, both of which showed real interest in my plans for a new club. I well remember being approached outside the Ace one day by Mick Ingarfield of the Friendly Club, who invited me to HQ at Hammersmith to meet their members. About this time, too, I met Garth Pettitt of the Sunbeam Club. Garth is an astonishing person – he holds some high position in the Civil Service but thinks nothing of arriving at a Mansion House reception on his SS Norton and changing out of his leathers in the gents.
There two clubs were tremendous and I can never adequately repay their kindness in supporting me in these early days. Eventually we decided to make use of Saturday nights – the only time when the halls were not being used – And to launch the new club in October, 1962.



As a matter of fact it was never intended that it should be a club at all – as witness the affectionate title of the Vicar’s Caff which it was soon given. The question of finding a suitable personality of the motorcycling world to open the club was solved during one of my weekly visits to the Ace. I was sitting at a table drinking tea and showing photographs to a crowd of the lads when I noticed at the next table a gentleman of more than ample proportions.



How he managed to fit himself into one of those funny swivel seats I have never discovered. He was obviously bursting with curiosity and in the end could contain himself no long. He introduced himself as “Harold Harvey” and asked if he might see the photographs. It appeared that he was a photographer and often went to motorcycle race meetings to take action pictures. He said that he might be able to find us a suitable guest. As a result of this chance meeting we not only secured the services of Alf Hagon on the opening night but the Club acquired its first adult helper.
I would like to pay tribute to all that Bob Harvey has done for the club since its inception. In order to publicize our opening night as widely as possible we prepared some handbills which I took around to places like the Busy Bee, the Dug-Out, Woodlands, Johnsons and of course, the Ace. I never found it easy visiting a cafe for the first time but in the case of the Busy Bee I was lucky.


A German TV company was making a documentary film about British youth and asked me to put them in touch with some young motorcyclists. Off I hurried to the Bee to find motorcyclists to take part in the filming. I needed no further introduction at the Bee. We spent hours making the film and the lads had a wonderful time. I shall never forget riding three-abreast down the Watford By-Pass at one o’clock in the morning with a TV camera filming from the back of a van and enormous arc lights blazing in our eyes.

We have to thank the Daily Mirror for another bit of useful publicity at this time. Among my many letters was one from a keen motorcyclist in America. He enclosed a type-written prayer which was widely used by members of his club. I trimmed it down and had it printed on cards, small enough to carry in a wallet. The problem was to distribute it. I have always shrunk away from using my friendship with the boys in the cafes to thrust religion at them.
So I hesitated to hand out the prayer cards myself. Instead I sent one to the Daily Mirror who were kind enough to give it quite a splash. I received applications from all over the country.


The most amusing was from an MoT examiner who asked for 50 copies, explaining that he proposed to give one to every motorcyclist who came to him for his driving test.

The article in the Mirror was also occasion of another cartoon at my expense. This time I was provided with a wife – but not a very attractive one. She piloted a sidecar outfit while I perched precariously in a gothic-looking pulpit balanced on the chair. I was pictured with a megaphone, calling out to the passing motorcyclists. The caption read: “I’ll say one thing for the vicar – he’s determined to get through to us.”

Well, the message certainly got through. At our opening that October evening we had an attendance of about 100. They were the first of thousands; and they were in at the humble beginning of what was soon to become the largest motorcycle club the world has ever known.



Carpy’s 2 cents worth:

I remember reading some of these in the little books that floated about and is so great to re-read this article, I distinctly remember Father Shergolds experience on the North Circular to the Ace, because we lived not far from there in North London and my mum even closer grew up in Enfield Middlesex.

The Rocker subculture came about due to factors such as: the end of post-war rationing in the UK, a general rise in prosperity for working class youths, the recent availability of credit and financing for young people, the influence of American popular music and films, the construction of arterial roads around British cities such as the North Circular Road in Middlesex and North London, the development of transport cafes and a peak in British motorcycle engineering.

And now it flourishes all over the globe and me being proof of that as I am the President of the 59 Club in the O.C. area of California.

We always have fun and if you are into these like we are come check a ride or meet up with us on:



Insane Meat Slicer Turbo Visor from back in the day!

As a kid, I used to think that this was nuts even then and now, well how frigging crazy is this invention to see, I cannot imaging the distraction from the noise of this circular Buzz saw that screams around at the speed of sound to “Fling” off any H2O that maybe sitting on the visor.

So Today I thought that I would show some of these Crazy inventions and make you smile today, but- in all the many decades of riding I have done back home and all over Europe, I have never encountered one of these.

Were there ever any injury’s from this contraption at all I wonder?

Even the infamous Formula 1 race car driver Graham Hill tried this insane idea out.


So I wonder what happened to these things, as these were very antiquated inventions.

So I did a little research and bloody hell, they still frigging make them.

Some use them for Go karting and racing, how mad is that?

So . Pardon the Pun-it has actually come full circle?


So keep your eyes out for one of these, but I bet you hear it coming before you see it, it is sure to sound like an old Bi-Plane losing power.

So, what is there now that maybe knocks this into a cocked hat?

How about this then?

Now there cannot be anything more embarrassing than this contraption.


So, stick this on your Christmas list.

Socal Norton Club‎ 36th Annual Hansen Dam Ride and Show SUNDAY!

 Ok, this Sunday is coming around super fast and I shall be heading down to Hansen Dam for the Norton Owners Club 36th Meeting that is annually and boy what a treat this is.
Last year was my First attendance at the Hansen Dam ride and boy did I have fun there, a few hundred bikes turned up and the ride through the canyons was brilliant fun, no need to race but you could give it an ear full if you so required, but I sure did have fun on My Thruxton.
I will be going again with my crew from the Orange County 59 Club and take in the atmosphere of this well represented Norton club.
What time:
at 7:00am – 3:00pm
3 days from now · 85°F / 60°F Clear


Hansen Dam Recreation Park

11770 Foothill Blvd, Sylmar, California 91342
Schedule of events:
8-9:45 Coffee, Donuts and Show Bike Info
9:45 Riders Meeting and Announcements
10:00 Ride leaves via Osbourne/Foothill/Little Tujunga
1:30-2 Return to Dam for ride pins and Best Bikes Show and lunch
2:30-3 Show Bike Awards in six catagories
Catagories are:
Best Norton
Best Triumph
Best BSA
Best British Custom
Best British Other
Best of Show
Bikes in show must participate in ride.
This is the best motorcycle show by a dam site.
Directions: 210 to Osborne St. exit #8 Foothill Blvd. west, left on Osborne St., left on Dronfield Ave., right then left to lower parking lot.
This is a great event and for all classic Motorcycles, if you want a fun day out on your two wheeled machine on Sunday, then this is the place to be at.
You will see a few faces you may know there, I saw Barry Weis there and he is such a fun guy to chat too.
Also you will see Many unique machines from Norton, to Greeves, it will all be there and a great hang out before the ride into the twisties.
 If you see us, please come and say hello as this is one of the friendliest meets I have never been too, other than the VJMC as their events are super cool too.
So get ya arse down here if you can as it is a memorable ride and so many cool classic machines to look at.
I hope to see you, give us a wave if you are on the run as this sure is a fun day to ride your motorcycle.
If you would like to ride with us , then get up early as we shall be at Alea’s Cafe on the corner of Miraloma Ave and Miller at 7am remember you have to change your clocks on Sunday morning at 2am.

Alea Cafe

3371 E Miraloma Ave, Anaheim, CA

Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride 2015


27th September 2015 – A global classic styled motorcycle event that raises money for prostate cancer medical research. To raise awareness and support research into Men’s Health by bringing together dapper riders of classic machines, Cafe Racers, Bobbers, Custom motorcycles, Trackers and undefinable two-wheeled creations.

info@gentlemansride.com  www.gentlemansride.com

27th September 2015 – A global classic styled motorcycle event that raises money for prostate cancer medical research.

OK, here we go, the clock is ticking and, this year I am looking forward to attend this ride and hope that you too grab your Dapper clothing, stick on your old style Skid lid and sling your leg over your Cafe, Bobber, Brat, Tracker, Classic Motorcycle and meet up with us for this fun and epic adventure that is sure to make even the Mona Lisa Smile. plus, anything to do with prostate Cancer research is always something I would support, this ride begins the same day , All over the world, so be part of a Historic ride and just have fun!

This will be a really good fun ride and a chance to meet other like minded folk who ride two wheels like us.

I have no idea what I am going to wear but will give it a go and am sure i will have a laugh doing this.

It is great to be able to have an event where you can just enjoy the day with no hang ups and also that many other people will be there dressed just as crazy as you.


So remember the date and come out on this fun day with your Motorcycle, I know that you will love it.

Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride 2015 will take place on September 27 th all over the world.

As soon as I am given the details where to meet up, i shall post them on this blog, so keep checking back and support a great Cause!

59 Club Ride to Vintage Motorcycle meet up in Huntington Beach!

I just want to THANK YOU all for coming out and having fun with us, it is always great to meet old and new friends, If you want to come out and join us just check out www.meetup.com and in the search put carpys cafe racer meetups and we will pop up with our schedule of rides etc.

And if you would like to be a part of the 59 Club and want to know more about it, check it out here.


59 Club History


What a great day we had on Sunday, Blue skies albeit the Sun was Baking in Anaheim, but- once we saddled up at Alea’s cafe, we headed towards the sea and I tell you, it was a welcome feeling of the cooler temperature and sea breeze as we approached Pete’s Grill on Brookhurst.

We had a nice little turn out today, about 12 came to the Cafe to meet up and it sure was nice to hear all them exhausts hitting different tones as they wound the loud button up and we headed for the freeway.


The ride was at a nice pace as we had some new people attend and great to meet them too, we stayed in formation and headed up the 91 to the 57 past Anaheim Angels Baseball Stadium , I moved up and down the group and so awesome to see and hear all these cool Motorcycles as we wind our way towards the beach town of Huntington.



We stopped off just down the road to get gas and bloody hell its already gone up 75 cents a gallon since yesterday, sneaky buggers!

We tend to fill up here as the freeway is about 500 yards ahead of us and easy to get to places from here when we go on a ride.

The other side is Arco but they tend to serve laquer thinner most of the time.

We all gassed up and seeing as the price of petrol is sky rocketing in So Cal, glad we were on Motorcycles.

I think Bryan below was texting the Government to say they are gouging us!

Below, I have a quick Chin wag as to where we are going, whilst everyone fuels up on this hot July day.


Blue Skies on this Sunday on July 12th a nice Breeze from the sea was already on its way and appreciated.

Great fun to have cool people with Mike and His Mrs leading the way.

More bikes here than KFC had nuggets.


I was suprised at how many bikes turned up, this is a great little meet up of which we shall attend again at some point.

Plenty of ringa Dinga Two Stokes here as well.

Something for everyone here at Huntington and sure enjoyed looking around.


Plenty of Triumphs about too as we take in all the fun atmosphere.

love seeing Beeza’s.

This Bonnie was clean and really nicely done.


Here was an Early Curtiss Arrow that would shake your fillings out!

Plenty of Brit iron here and I loved everything that was on display.

Not sure who the owner was as i wanted to ask what Chapter of the 59 Club he was in.

Now this is how I would like to find a trumpy to restore.

Triple trumpies parked together.

How many people learned to Wheelie on these?

An Almagamation of Honda’s too, there is the GCR or gerards I built a few years ago. now has over 50,000 miles on it.

Bryan’s CB650 sat in the sun and looked awesome.

Wanted to chat to this fella with his Norton but he had to dash.


A mixture of all brands and styles and that makes a good bike event.

See if some of you can make this Monthly meet as its sure fun to go to.

Early RD bought back great memories for me.

KH kawasaki 500 were so popular back home but been 30 years since I have seen one.

Plenty of them here and loved it all.


You could smell the Castrol R.

Velocette was such a great time capsule here- loved to of owned this.

Love the Fishtail exhaust.

All sorts to see with many coming in and out all day.

litle harley Sprint was a rare sight to clap your eyes on.


Another Velocette to look at, getting hard to find these days.

Always loved their logo..


I wanted to buy this 305 for Jennifer.

Mach III would pull your arms off.

memory lane here, such a rare find.

Another hard to locate bike is this 400-4 Super Sport and what a great example this was.

69 trumpy was simply lovely.

Little HD was catching plenty of attention.

This guy was 75 years too late and batting for the wrong team!

Pair of Matching Triumphs come rolling in.

A motorcycle delight and so much to see and chat too.

Honda Street tacker looked fun.

Super-hawk cafe, the owner works for HONDA.

This 750 Commando was clean as hell and I would of loved to have ridden it home.

Another rare sight, the good old GT550 Suzuki.

There was a nice turn out and people were all friendly and generally took an interest in what you were riding.

Unusual Green Beemer cafe but it was Nice.

Loved this GMC Swat team special and we need one for the club, anyone got one of these we can buy?

Old customer of mine, I remember repairing the exhaust and adding tail light and signals 5 years back, great to see him still riding the SS.

All sorts of bikes were here and thats what makes it Unique and fun, plus bikes came in and out all the time.

I loved this Little Trumpy Bobber.

Heading out as the infamous Gerard on his GCR Cafe Racer rode down from Palmdale!

Always a cool collection of bikes and people and there were a few Guzzies too!

You never get to see too many CB650 Honda’s but Bryan is a Customer of mine and this bike I redid for him sounds so cool on the pipe!



So we decided to head back but via PCH seeing as there was a cool Breeze and it was great fun.


PCH is always busy in the Summer, especially on a weekend but nice to slow down and check the beach and sights out.



Classic shot of PCH and what a fantastic day we had with no issues.

A few pics Below Steve Fellon in our 59 Club added.




Nice little bit below that they blogged.

L.A. MODS VS ROCKERS #10 This Weekend.

mods-vs-rockers poster


































Well here it is, the next chapter in L.A. and for me this will be the first time I have seen this shin dig and am hoping it is going to be a swell turn out at the event as it would be great to see as many people as possible turn up for something like this.


Jesse Workman aka DJ Astro will be spinning classic tunes!


Shirts will only be for sale on Saturday. No meet and Greet Friday, sorry guys. Please bring cash, no ATMs in the forrest. Remember Camping is a donation of $10, plus there will be a raffle!!!! $1 tickets! and $10 Shirts!



Food Update: Pagan Feast will roast a pig!
Pre Buy Now!!!!!!!!!!
Menu: Free Range, Wood Fire Roasted Pig with Collard Greens, BBQ Beans and a slice of bread for $14 a plate
To purchase tickets in advance and get your name on the list please paypal us at: kelly.kelaen@gmail.com for $14. We will be taking prepaid orders and reserving plates until the end of the day Thursday June 11th. After that the rest will be on a first come, first serve, cash basis at the campground. We only have 75 prepaid plates available so get yours now!!
For any questions please contact Kelly Lopez via facebook.




Lots of fun stuff to do! Mods vs Rockers tug of war! Slow race, horse shoes etc!






Try packing light, no guarantee of chase trucks this year. Please organize with local riders, friends etc.. We got stuck with way too much stuff last year. Pack some food, drinks, etc. We’ll have a communal BBQ, so you can cook your food! Bring some water!!!!!!!


!!!!!!!!RIDING TIP FOR SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!
If both meeting spots are out of the way for you, BOTH rides will stop at the (Shell Gas Station 4530 Angeles Crest Hwy La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91011) before going up to the Bandido Campsite! Be ready at the Shell station at 12;30pm and wait patiently!!! This is the last gas station for 28 miles!


59 club meet

SATURDAY June 13th Scooter and Motorcycle Rally/Ride to campgrounds

-MOTORCYCLES: Meet at Atlantis Motors Inc
3300 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Ride Leaves 12noon sharp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This will probably be a fun and huge ride.. This includes a short hop on the 2 fwy/ 210 then hwy 2 exit! . If you think yer bike is too small or you want a slower scenic ride, join the scooters.

-SCOOTERS: Eatz Cafe in Los Feliz!!!
3207 Los Feliz Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90039
Leaves 12noon sharp! Lead by Bar Italia Scooter Shop!!
Scoots will cruz streets through Glendale/Pasadena before going up the Crest.. NO FREEWAY!



Sunday June 2nd; Ride home, breakfast at Newcombs Ranch! Your on your own or follow a group home!

Remember!!! The Bandido Group campground is just 2-3 miles past Newcombs Ranch restaurant!! We’ll post a yellow sign at the turn, on the 2 highway, keep your eyes open!!!!!!!



Name of Campsite is Bandido Group Campground, it’s just before Horse Flats!!!!


QUESTIONS: MESSAGE ME OR CALL 818-489-4579 EDDIE (11am-8pm M-THurs) (Anytime Friday) (Early Saturday,GOOD LUCK after 11am)


Camp Grounds



This is a really cool camp ground that holds 150 campers+. The site has 4 bathrooms, but no running water! Even though we will have bottled water , it’s a good idea to bring a quart of water for yourself and extra food, we’ll provide a grill and coals! . If you need a bathroom with running water and a cooked meals, Newcombs ranch is open till 10pm and a 3 miles away!
We’ll also provide firewood for the main camp fire and power for music! After that your on your own! But bring logs if you can!!


At 5840ft elevation, it’ll be hot during the day and freezing cold at night! For camping you’ll need a tent, sleeping bag and warm clothes! A small bottle of water, flashlight(!), some extra food(freeze you perishables!) then you won’t need a cooler(put in backback)! Travel light!



If the weather is cloudy in the city. by the time your half way up the 2Hwy(Crest) you’ll break passed the cloud line and it’ll blue skies and bright sun! You will not be disappointed.

Website Directions:
From La Canada at the junction of the I-210 and State Route 2 (Angeles Crest Highway), exit I-210 and turn north towards the mountains on State Route 2. Proceed 28.5 miles to Three Points (two miles past Newcomb’s Ranch Cafe) and turn left onto Forest Service Road 3N17 (Santa Clara Divide Road). Continue west 2 miles to the entrance; gate is on the left.

My Alloy Bike JUST featured in great hard back book !


I was s stoked today when this book came thudding onto the hardwood floor in our will call area.

I now sell these from my parts page $50.00 ready to go and the BEST hardback book out there, makes a awesome Gift!!!



Flipping through this huge packed book and plenty of high quality photos to please everyone.

There she is, these were taken at the Sturgis show last year ad so stoked to be a part of this culture.


Michael lichter is a superb Photographer and journalist, as well as a motorcycle rider too.



A Nice write up and brilliant photos taken of every bike there at the show.


I will be grinning for a number of days now i have this in my collection.

A fun time in my life, I love what I do and always cool to hear from like minded people.

This is a way of life for me too.


If you get a chance, grab a copy as it is packed with brilliant photos of top builders from all over the country.





Available from me right now.








Saturday, so enjoy the weekend.

Saturdays gives me time to contemplate the rest of the week and this morning is no exception, I rode my Triumph into work today, something I love to do, crisp air in the morning, traffic at an all time low, not much glare as the sun is half asleep and the bike responds to the ambient temperature as i wind her open on some of the Roman styled roads here in Southern California.


I am sure Many business men want to do that when I see them in their shirts and ties and are sat stuck in the never ending line of caged Automobiles as I bimble past at a healthy rate and notice as their heads drop down in discontent as I casually make my way to my destination, so when i saw this video, I thought it was very apt and very well done, I loved the whole concept and can really relate to this video and I am sure that many of you will do the same, so sit back, have a cuppa and watch this short Video of 2 mates on their rides.

Be safe and be Aware out there.  Have a great weekend.


Ride Dirty – Oil & Blood from Oil and Blood on Vimeo.