Been busy with a number of other things this week, but I thought I would make an effort and start doing some more chassis modifications on the SOHC 750 seeing as the weather has been really good for January. Such a long way to go and having no game plan can be quite a task, […]
Wow !! How about that, here we are, 2020 and no flying cars or motorcycles. As a kid I saw the Jetson cartoons and they said in 2020 there are flying automobiles, but its now 2020 and all 4 wheels are still firmly stuck on the tarmac. but a new year and much to do […]
Just wanted to wish you ALL a very Merry Christmas, I am between festive food right now, so sneaked off just to type this out for you to see. Hope all ave a fun time and will chat again tomorrow when I have slept off all this food.
Well, here we are, almost the big day, this year flew past and to be honest, I am looking forward to a fresh start in 2020, had a tough year with life in general, as my Girls mom passed away, things have been quite stressful in life generally and even though I have been busy, […]
Hard to believe that Christmas is already upon us and not long left until some of you will be burping and snoring as you have demolished anything that was left of the Turkey, well, that is if you are from back home in Britain, out here in the states, Turkey is eaten at thanks giving, […]
Time does fly when you are having fun, especially if you are at home, or in the Garage, slinging wrenches about and seeing what you can create from a pile of old parts and see if you can turn it into the machine that you have thought about for a longtime. The weather is supposed […]
I have always been interested in Motorcycles and Hot Rods, I had a 3 window Coupe in the UK back in the 1980’s and loved anything that was related to Post WW2 ie Planes, Wooden Chris Craft Boats or Fighter planes of the day etc. So Motorcycles and Hot Rods go together like Peanut Butter […]
Well, I need to clean some of my old storage out and thought I would have a bit of a play about today, being its Sunday , and see if I can at least come up with some sort of rolling frame. So a few bits and bobs were put together to see where […]
Well, for many years I have been rebuilding carbs on the SOHC 750 Honda, as well as the smaller 500 and 550 models, and I am still getting these sent to me to get the old crap and grime off of them and totally get then revamped to a Clean and smooth running set. Many […]
At the age of 94, WWII veteran and AMA Hall of Famer Ed Fisher still rides everyday, and even continues to race as an amateur. Ed has always had a throttle in hand, since he was 16 years old. He began his racing career as a factory rider for Indian Motorcycles, before representing Triumph as […]