Count down to Turkey day!

Thanksgiving will soon be upon us, but its a celebration that I enjoy food wise and of course, me originally being a Redcoat, people think it may bother me, but- if it wasn’t for that day- Oct 19th 1981, well I wouldn’t be here if my original country and planted the flag. So I celebrate Turkey day with open arms, I love the American flag, be it : The Stars and Stripes Old Glory The Star-Spangled Banner The Red, White and Blue I have it tattooed on my left elbow and the union Jack on the right, I guess you can call me an Anglo-American.

But, as it is almost upon us to share and eat the food that  Thanksgiving is based on, a harvest feast shared by the Wampanoag people and the English colonists (Pilgrims) of Plymouth in 1621. This event is known as the “First Thanksgiving”, though the term was not used at the time. It’s the most wonderful time of the year in the US – a time for food, family, friends, and being thankful for everything really.

As a kid I always wanted to be American, My Dad hated it and as I was into Rockabilly music, he used to say I looked like a Yank, I thanked him, much to his annoyance. I have a few special Turkey day sales on right now to say thank you to all my customers over the last 12 months and will be enjoying the Thursday gorging on all the lovely grub that my Girl will be cooking.

I am still trying to come to terms with the New website format, so forgive a few mistakes and placement of photos but just wanted to say that I hope that you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving and Thank you for choosing me for all your parts for your Motorcycle, it means so much.

Awaiting Hurricane Hilary

Well, here we are, I am sat in the office, gazing out of the window at the rain that started to to fall a few hours ago, we are used to having pretty much, 340 days a year of sunshine but to be honest almost year round riding weather in Southern California, so to see some H2O coming down is quite refreshing.  But – We are expecting Hurricane Hilary to be arriving this afternoon, something SoCal has not witnessed in 86 years and, to be honest I don’t think it will be anything like a hurricane, more like a windy day in Seattle I think.

Plenty to do in the workshop as well and need to pull my finger out a little as its starting to fill up faster than Noah’s Ark, but its all good and will get to them, I need to sort a few bikes out, I may let the Katana go cheaply as I just dont have time to work on it, been sat inside for many years and I am sure someone will want that machine for $500, as its a great platform to have fun with, but as yo see, I have many projects to get sorted and the weather will cool off in a month or so and give me to me to see what I can concentrate on here.

I will be building some of the CB750’s to sell, but will of course, show the machines on my website for you lot to have a look through and see if there is anything that may float your boat etc, but I still am making parts for bikes and always continue to manufacture new stuff to get your bike back up on the tarmac.

Just thought I would write a quick blog and show you what I am up to and hope that where you are is warm enough to get out into the Barn, shed, garage etc and start wrenching.



A New Era is now here but, we shall always be riding our Motorcycles, no matter what is thrown at us!

CORONA DIARIES 2020 from the  deep warm depths of La Mirada. California

August is now out the window, on its toes and halfway down the road, thanking god that his part of 2020 is now in the can and hopefully the next time August comes around, we might be able to life a more normal lifestyle.  I mean, the one we have now sucks like a new Dyson and I will be glad when we can count down the 2020 timer on December 31st approaching midnight.

Things here have been quite crazy work wise, as I have exhaust orders up the Ying Yang and many daily custom parts flying out as soon as I make them, which tells me that people are at home building and creating their own unique two wheeled machines and I am super stoked to see that you are putting all your frustrations and down time to great use and at the end of your build, you would of created your own transportation and can enjoy 2021 way better than this year.

So today i thought I would put some vidoes on my Blog to help your day and week for that fact, go by a little easier.

And for the next segment of two wheeled entertainment.
Life in the megalopolis can grind down even the most badass individual. When the city rubs Aki the wrong way one too many times, she hustles her way onto some sweet retro custom motorcycles and gets gone… Tokyo Gone.

Next up is the amazing Jody Millhouse of Thornton Hundred motorcycles, which is based in good old Blighty, over in Milton Keynes, home of the Concrete Cows.

Thornton Hundred Motorcycles work using the latest in CAD design and CAM manufacturing technology to create truly unique designs. They are constantly re-investing and with every success comes fresh investment into new products and manufacturing techniques. They are dedicated to creating a relaxed and personal buying experience from our workshop that is based just outside of Milton Keynes, near Junction 15 just off the M1. They are also committed to delivering exceptional customer service, responding to all enquiries in a timely manner, inside and outside of working hours.

Now, check out just one build of a Brand new 2020 Triumph Bobber, as Jody takes a new ride apart and transforms it into what I would call a “Fat Attack” and creates a beast of a machine that has Cad Custom parts, hand made stainless exhaust and Custom Lower trees, I loved the clip ons that use a snap ring, very Novel. May not be your Cup of Tea but wanted to share his video as he creates some awesome works of moving art. You will have to put up with the odd commercial in between the build but its worth the look at the quality that Jody is known for.

Doing some electrical on a K5 CB750 Honda Four in the Garage today

Well, Project Wire harness is the goal this weekend, I have a customer and friends, 1975 CB750K model Honda four in the Garage and it apparently wafted out a bunch of smoke under the seat, so it was bought here on the back of a truck and here it is at my place where I need to take a look at whats going on with this old 500 pounder.

I need to see what has happened the the wire harness and switches as these do look like they have been on there since it was created in late 1974. Just a few vids I did today with my phone, sorry for the quality.

Below, just look at how dry rotted the connectors are for the wiring, this old bugger has got to be all taken out and replaced im afraid and new switches as well.


Bit more video

I wanted to try and at least record what was going on today and I went on facebook and did a few video’s etc, may not be very clear but you get the idea I think?

Summer is here and time to get back on 2 wheels

We are so lucky here in Southern California, we are blessed with Sunny days most of the year round, albeit the price we pay is we get Earthquakes and we got a couple of big buggers on July 4th and 5th, with a few aftershocks on their way.

But other than that, we are fortunate to have year round riding weather, but thats not the case for most of the other parts of the USA and the world etc, especially places like Canada etr.  They have a very short riding season and its this time of year that many riders are slinging their legs over the two wheeled creations and pounding the tarmac.

If you need parts, well I am here for you all, as well as any enquiries as to how to hopefully come up with an answer to a frustrating system on the bike, maybe Carburettor issue ? Bad coils? or what oil and plugs do you recommend etc.


My job is to help you get your machione on the road for the first time or, for the millionth time again, its all good and this really is the best time of year for the two wheeled industry.

I love what I do and if I can help you get you back on the road, then I am a happy Bloke, I can help you with many parts, I have been doing these cool Vintage Stke Tuck n Roll seat assemblys for the K series Honda’s for many years and they turn our great, fit well and are comfortable, but more than anything, made by me right here in California USA!

So, have a great Tuesday and if you need help you can email me at or even Text me on the same number for a faster response. I ship out the same day if I have the part in stock too.

I make parts for Triumphs too, so stay tuned to the website if you have a Twinline Motorcycle and need help with that as well, this seat style I make for the HONDA and the TRIUMPH and was the first to do this style many years ago and continue to push the enevelope in making new parts for the bikes out there .

Thanks for reading my Blog today, I try and keep you up to date with whats going on, if you have a 350 to a 1000 I can usually accomidate you and get you back on the road fast, but i also have a passion for Motorcycles, been into these bkes for decades and thats where I get a lot of experience from as I have ridden them for so long.

Have a fun Tuesday and hopefully you get some time to wrench or ride on your favorite machine out there.



Here we are 2018 and on the road to a New 12 months  of adventures, I thank you for all your support, I have been into Old bikes, Hot Rods and the like since I was a kid, I love what I do as well as what similar like minded people do, this has become a way of life for me and have made so many friends from all over the globe in what I do.


blog banner

Been building machines for over 30 years and will never stop, too much passion for the 2 wheeled machines.


I have no idea where the Motorcycle industry is going but the ride can be a curvy one, I have been here a long time and ridden the rough with the smooth, opportunities in my life pop up all of the time and I look forward to great things, I shall still be building Motorcycles, making more parts, offering great add on parts and of course another apparel range too.

carpy sunbeam

So I am looking forward to the next episode in my life and hope that you too can join along with me on this journey too.


So-send me High quality photos of your Build and I shall feature it on here. I really love seeing other peoples machines, what parts they used and where they are from, it makes this world a whole lot smaller and, I believe makes for a close knit mechanical Family. So send in some cool pics of finished bikes with great Backgrounds like a Railway Track, bridge, River, Church, old Building, Brick wall, you know the deal as people love seeing photos of rides and I look forward to featuring them as a Blog.



Enjoy this Year and we may even cross paths, that would be cool too.


Coming soon will be New Handle Bars, new headlights, new seats etc and trying to push the fun of creating your own machine to the limit.

gas tank

The main thing is to have fun with what you do and I am here to help, email, call or text I am here to help you out.


Keep watching website for New blogs and also parts etc.

carpy 2018

A Very happy and fun new Year to you and your family from Carpy’s Cafe Racers.

carpy alloy bike

Now get building your Motorcycle.





Short Movie Bonnie Lass

Todays Blog is a short movie about a couple of fellas that ride from one cafe to another to meet a couple of Birds, along the way, riding through their town and a motorcycle garage, shame they didnt stop in there but, they head to the cafe and meet up with a couple of Girls, I guess they hook up and then they ride off into the sunset.

Worth a look, Good Music track though., make your own mind up, takes a lot of time to get a small production together, believe me, been doing that years and I take my hat or helmet off to the director for getting it completed.

It’s a short movie 3 minutes but worth a look, maybe a sequel coming?

bonnie lass2

This short movie celebrates our enduring and timeless passion for motorcycles. The attraction in this story is not limited to two-wheeled machines. If you are a biker you will surely understand. It features young Triumph owners and their friends and although this is a fictional story it sets out to capture the lasting enthusiasm for these British icons.

 The period black & white film style was chosen to reflect the era of classic 50s and 60s British motorbikes. In contrast, the 2017 soundtrack by Black Pistol Fire makes no secret that this is about today’s bikers, both young and old.

My aim was to capture the thrill of owning these beautiful machines through a nostalgic lens and hopefully inspire other young riders who are seeking to express their own individuality. 

 I am excited by the resurgence of café-racers and custom built bikes which remain popular to this day. The road scenes between the two cafés in my movie was inspired by the origin of the appropriately named café-racers of yesteryear.

bonnie lass3

This is a very personal project for several reasons. I took my motorcycle test in 1970 at the age of fourteen and I have ridden motorbikes ever since. Most of the bikes I’ve owned were manufactured in the Far East with one or two from Austria and Germany. It was only two years ago when I bought my first Triumph, a special edition Rocket X. In the past year I bought a 2011 Triumph Tiger 800. I really enjoy riding both these bikes, each one with its own special character.

It was a serendipitous moment when I found the backing track “Don’t Ask Why”. My daughter sent me a Spotify link to a completely different band and when I clicked ‘shuffle and play’ the Black Pistol Fire track came up instead. The title and beat suited the story perfectly and is just what I was searching for. After listening to a few tracks from the album Deadbeat Graffiti I immediately made a purchase and downloaded it. These two guys make a great sound so please check them out.


I hope you like the film and see if you can spot the “Time-Traveller” who features in it.


Bonnie Lass

Being an amateur filmmaker, the project was a new challenge for me, with scripted scenes, a cast, location planning and post-production editing. I am really grateful to the cast who got fully involved in the project and to everyone else who has given me advice and support.

A few cups of coffee was the total production costs so a really BIG THANK YOU to everyone who gave their time freely to take part or let us use their premises as film sets! If people like it then maybe we will make a sequel next summer.​


Jack Mourant

Drew Brackley

Joanna Rathband

Kath Innes


With special thanks to

Management and Staff of

– White Rock Cafe

– Di’s Diner

– BLP Motorcycles

– Island View Kiosk


Tim Davey – DroneGSY


Barry Gavey – Incidental Scenes

 Also taking part

Jeff Harris

Shannon Crew

Jade Ferbrache

Ben Le Page

Alain Branquet

Hannah-Marie Robins

Chris Robins

Claire Hurst

Dieter Hurst

Zak Robin

Colin Robin

Roy de Jersey

Martyn Lowndes



“Don’t Ask Why” by Black Pistol Fire



Directed and Produced by

Dennis Le Prevost

Cool Tunes that I listen too.

OK, for your Morning Cup of CAFE, here we are with a few sounds that I like to listen to from time to time.



Good friends of mine are Big Sandy and his Fly Rite Boys, his lead Guitarist – Ashley Kingman has been a mate of mine for quite a few decades now when we had BSA Bantams and used to head out to Hemsby for a Rockin Weekender, this band has been around for many Moons and never tire of their cool style.
And great to see them on late Night with Conan OBrian, so get this band out to the world on a Major TV network.

So being a blog on Tuesday, here are some tracks I dig that you can play whilst you work, some you may like, some you may not, but I dig it all and thanks for looking.





HAPPY FRIDAY- Just some Tunes for ya!


Well, this time has already got here fast and I thought I would add some cool tracks that I really dig, you may not like any of them, but I love stuff like this.
My Mate Geordie Paul sent me this one and I love the track, as well as the cool filler in the screen, just ROCKS!
So, sound up, and kick back to relive the stress of the day.

And below Curtis Gordon singing Draggin- one of my all time favorite rockin Tunes.

Advertisments with a twist !

Some rather dodgy adverts I thought I would post today- as it may wake you up a little this morning!
I see Burger King like the grab peoples attention with this advert.
Now this is more than a little suspect here, if ya Catholic – don’t look!
Below is a very clever design to show the Girls are Hooked on this brand of clothing.
Now, be careful on the next photo. this is very clever with the use of just 3 beer bottles, but I am sure this will definatly get your attention?
How the hell do you comment on this advert below?
Creepy advert next!!!
I had to put this on as it makes me laugh!
Of Course Nike has a fun advert too.
My Girlfriend has a Mini Cooper, but these means something different to  having a Nose Bra for your car.
This is a very dodgy advert to conserve water!   Yeah Right!
The Courier service is bloody fast that’s for sure.
And what a great advert from Santa for smokes!
Christmas cigarettes, c. 1950
Now, this is a little weird too but the real deal.
What was this company thinking?
Charlton Heston would be so happy if he saw this advert.
For all you church goers, this mac’s for you!
My what a happy bunch, maybe its the Winchester family?
This was an advert I never saw as a kid but wonder how people would react to this these days?
Thanks for watching and have a great Wednesday!