Old CB750 Chop I discovered driving by a Garage near to home. “PORK CHOP”

Sometimes it does indeed pay to be nosey, I am always nosey when I see open garages, Sheds or barns etc and tis was the exact thing I am talking about.  I think it was about a year or so I first clocked the Chromed Girder front end of this CB750 Chopper, it was sat in a garage that had heaps of old parts like lawn mower bits, boxes and general house hold junk we tend to want to keep, ie plastic buckets or old tarps etc.

I did drop by and ask if it was for sale, the old boy said the same old story, the paint cost him $2000 and he had never ridden it but wanted an arm and three legs for it, so I bid him a fond farewell and left him scratching his head, as he thought I would bite and purchase the bike from him.

Life continued as full on as possible and of course Covid etc but always thought about that old Honda in that garage and was it still there, so I thought to myself, its Saturday tomorrow, I shall take a spin down there and see if the fella still has the bike.

Poor thing was just sat in this old garage, there was Dirt and rocks underneath it and it was jammed in with all sorts of house hold garbage and to add to that the front tire was as flat as a pancake. the exhaust were starting to rust and had more cobwebs than the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland.

I went to see him again and a deal was struck, I noticed the old sissy bar was missing though, he said he sold that last week for $70, i was gutted as it was really cool looking and I will have to make my own now but would of been nice to use the old one as a template.

I got her home and after a few advil and a cuppa from the aches and pains of loading into and out of my Van with Jennifer, I sat there and took it all in, a great old Jap Chop from back in the day, of course it had not run since 2013 and thats just the tags on the license plate, it may not of run for many years before that for all I know.

But the old girl was now in the Barn at home, title says the Motor is a 1978, I do not see any ID numbers on the frame at all, not sure who the manufacturer is but am asking around as I am sure it may be from local to the old fella.

It need a wider rear fender for sure later and I will change out the rear tail light and seat, but first off all I have to see what the condition of the Motor is and the electrical as there are wires all over the place. But that Coffin Tank has got to go, was never a fan of them when they first come out, too big and bulky, I shall fit a Peanut one but only have a smaller version but, it will do until I find something later on,  there is no rush on this to be honest and it will be a fun project.

Well, I changed out the Gas tank for something a little more smoother, I like the lines but would like maybe a longer version, but this does look way better than the coffin tank that was on there. Many people do not like the Girder front end but its hand made and period, so I think I will keep it on here, probably change the handle bars and grips though and a different front light too. So stay tuned on the website about this old Chopper, I think I will name this “PORK CHOP”……………….

A Cycle One Chopper gets New Life Again at the Shop

Over the years I have had quite a Few Choppers in the shop, some mine, many customers, from Denver frames to Arlen Ness and no two are alike, they have their own design and character, that’s what I like about them.

I had an older Gentleman call me a few times about issues with his machine and if I could help out over the phone, we chatted for a bit and then a few times after that, he then asked if it was possible to send me his bike from Arizona, so I could get to grips with it and sort it out.

So about a week later it turns up at my door, an awesome Cycle One frame Chopper with a Paughco front end, this was a sweet ride that was built quite a few years ago and he needed a few things sorting out, the carbs were bad and had to be totally overhauled and then tuned for his altitude etc.

This is one fine old girl and it was fun bringing her back to life, the bike will be heading back to Arizona next week but wanted to share a few pics before she leaves my shop.

It sits really well and love the aggressive rake on the front end hand made exhaust sound quite mean and growl as soon as you open the throttle.

A Nice Custom Chopper with an 836 motor to help it get along the tarmac all day long and is a well balanced machine for its length as must be 9 feet long almost.

Forward controls are comfortable and I could ride this anywhere to be honest, big 5.5 gallon tank and a super comfortable seat makes for fun cruisin.

Thanks for checking these out, thought you would like to see something a little different from me and it was a fun bike to get my hands on that’s for sure, runs great now.

The Milwaukee Special CB750F HONDA SOHC

Well, here we go with another Model, this time a CB750F model, yes, the old Super Sport, I like the 750F models mainly because of their Disc rear brake, as the K model has a Drum rear, and this machine has some good lines to it, this was a basket case sometime ago and I plod along adding then taking away as I am not happy until the penny drops.

The Penny may not of dropped far but I think I am almost there with the design and the over look is quite sleek and streamlined, The Motor is rebuilt as well as the carburetors, but I have been to and from on the seat set up and after 6 or 7 different set ups, I came to the conclusion to keep it simple and will be fitting one of my Own Rocket Four seat assemblies to this bike and hopefully get it painted soon.

I think I am going to go with Smooth side covers, these were something I was experimenting with as one side had a hole in it, but I prefer at this time a smooth side cover and will paint a graphic or something on the side once I have come up with a good scheme.

Always something going on in the shop but need to get this completed and painted etc. then get some miles on it and then offer it up for sale for someone to enjoy, but a ways to go with this machine , am enjoying the way it is going at the moment. New rims, pretty much New everything, so this will be a fun and reliable Motorcycle when it is completed and on the tarmac, stay tuned……….


Building an Inline Four Project out of bits and parts laying about.

Well, I still have not made my mind up how I am going in the design part of this ride, I thought I would use my phone and record a few sessions as I continue creating a machine that I personally like and want to use and I am sure that it will go through a few guises before I get on the right track, although that’s half the fun of it.

So here are a few videos I have cobbled together and hopefully you will like what I am trying to achieve, remember, Rome was not built in 7 days.

Fiddling about in the Barn.

Well, I am sure that you lot must have some parts tucked away somewhere?  With…. “ I will get to it later” Tag attached to it, and I am no different.  I have an old depressed 1974 CB750 Frame that has been sitting around and needs to be given a New life, so- I thought that I would look about my place and see if I can at least mock something up, no idea how it will go, I may change the design a few times but, people ask me what I do at home and I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to share with you lot out there what I do in the Barn.

So, I thought I would just use my iPhone as chat as I try and do a few things to this old frame that I have, sorry if it gets a little boring but you can fast forward if you doze off.

Click the videos below to see what I usually get up to in my abode.

Fitted one of my Exhausts to a 750 that hasn’t run in 8 years or so

People ask me about my exhausts all the time, I have had many repeat customers over the 22 years here and just happened to come across this 750F that a Customer bought to me on a trailer and has sat for 8 years, it was a mess and other people could not get it to run , so as the exhaust and motor were in much needed attention, I gave it a shot and she cleaned up pretty good, thought I would share it.

It wasn’t a show bike, just a run around machine that was in bad shape, I spent a weekend and got the motor looking nice, used one of my Yoshimura style 4 into 1 Performance exhaust systems and wrapped the headers with DEI Black 2″ wrap and boy was this a fun ride now, she was a little cold from the get go, not surprised as it hadn’t run in 8 years but, with rebuilt carbs, new gas, chain, exhaust , speedo and even brake lines, this old inline four breathed new life and to be honest, I wouldn’t of minded keeping this as a parts getter, as it was a blast to ride.

I also added a hoop for the Customer, his Original seat was rotted beyond recognition, so made him a seat assembly and upholstered with Diamond Stitching, I used memory foam and it was really comfortable.

I used my rear Custom License plate Holder that has a Model A Ford tail light attached and was an LED version, so nice and bright to get you noticed when you are applying the brakes.

This old Supersport has no turn signals, they were lost many moons ago and ugly as hell anyway, I sell a lot of these Brushed Aluminum 12v Signals and these were just the ticket for this build, you will also notice I made a new Braided  Stainless Steel rear brake line as the original one had rotted out and the Caliper had seized up. The tires were totally rotted out, so fitted my Favorite Bridgestone brand, these look great and handle so well, sits the bike up nicely too.

I also Added a New RED 530 DID chain, this was a good Combination, have always liked Black and red and with New sprockets and the old ugly 630 chain and sprockets removed, this was a smooth ride, no binding noise you get from old chains etc.

The Original headlight was broken beyond repair, so used my own Custom Chrome 7 inch set up that has LED turn signals inside the lens, cleaning the front end up as you may remember, 1977-1978 F models had huge Turn signals that jutted out like elephant ears, you may also notice that I fitted New Aluminum Levers on handlebars, New grips and new cables.

I added a set of 2.5 Mini Gauges, these are calibrated for the 750 and clean the whole top end of the triple tree up, his Originals were missing, so these were a great choice and I think suite the bike well, not cluttered like many you see on the road.

This 78F has the Double Disc front end, which is something Honda should of created on the earlier models, but I had to make new lines for it, went ahead and made some braided steel ones up, took a long time to bleed but it stops on a dime now. The old Master Cylinder was totally rotted away, so I fitted a larger Kawasaki version to allow for the double disc as it needs more fluid and that worked out really well.

I made some New side covers as the original ones that were fitted were so brittle and cracked, these are Urethane and will last for another 40 years, I replaced the Original shocks as there was no rebound left and these are just the ticket and look like original 70’s ones but made with todays materials. The Motor was Black being a 78 F, but in need of some love, so cleaned the motor with degreaser and painted high temp wrinkle that I have made and it came out nice, added Pod filters to the rebuilt carbs and the Front fender was dented on the front and rear, so I cut the Old stays off and shortened the mudguard to give it that Sporty look.

All in all, this non runner Classic has been resurrected  to a fun Bar Hopper machine and pulls quite hard too, still needs paint and a bit of chrome but this sure was a fun bike to ride, I really enjoyed it. The Original Carbs were the keyhole version, they are fine when working but they were toast, so, I always fit earlier intakes, Cables and carbs to the 77-78 SOHC Motors as you can remove the float bowls with the carbs still on the bike, also the choke is a lever on the side, not the ugly cable that goes up in between the gauges, runs smooth now too.

Here is a Video of a little try out in my area to see how the carbs are dialed as this was the first real time on a major road, I loved this bike as it had linear power, have a look and see what you think.

Making a Motorcycle Work Bench from Scraps of Timber

Some of you may know that we have had a Barn built now for my New workshop, and as you know, materials for building have literally gone through the roof- So I thought that whilst we are refurbishing the California Ranch house, I will try and repurpose some of the timber that we ripped out of the ceiling in the kitchen.

The timber is old but solid and of course, ceiling truss material is 9 inches deep, so, instead of sending the old timber that’s in a pile outside, to the tip- What better way than to give that wood a new lease of life and of course, help me out along the way too.  So, I decided to use some of the scraps of timber laying about and see if I have enough to make myself a Motorcycle table/Workbench, as I like using timber and even the Harbor freight tables are $599 and last a couple of years.

Once I pulled some of the old Plater Board off the timber, then spent a bit of time removing the old nails that were in all the timber etc., I then cut the bad pieces off and see what I had, I figured that I would have just enough to assemble an 8 feet work bench for building or servicing Motorcycles and wanted it to be heavy enough to with stand a bit of hammering ad of course welding too.  And I am sure there are many of of you out there like me, that like to repurpose stuff, save your cash for other more important things in life, and feel a little proud of the fact that you made something out of just trash.

You decide what you want to make and then just get on with it, I had no real plan, just a few measurements, I measure the longest bike I have and said well lets say from tire to tire its 7 feet, so an 8 feet table will be just about right for securing a two wheeled machine of up to 800 pounds on this construction.  But, even though its waste material, I want it to be level as there is nothing worse than a wonky table right?

This timber is so thick I am super stoked that I could make use of the materials that were Original part of the Ceiling of the house, so I started to cut and then screw these pieces together and knew that this was going to be a cool set up for what I need here at the Barn.

To say the work bench is sturdy is very much an understatement, I wanted to make sure that this will last for many years, build it right from the get go and you will have something that will last probably your lifetime if done well. I cross braces the bench using the rest of the Rood truss material and this is now super rigid and I will have no issues mounting a motorcycle atop this set upo.

I used 3.5 inch screws to get into the timber with some bite, this thing isn’t going anywhere and am happy with the way it is looking, the work bench will be invaluable for me and so stoked to be able to use up some scrap material that was going to the dump anyway.

I also used some thick MDF I had laying about from old storage racks and that sits across the subframe, giving a sturdy platform and will allow me to use some old wood sheeting that was an off cut. I am lucky to have a chop saw and a table saw, as well as battery screw guns, but this was quick a quick build and I must admit, very therapeutic for me as I enjoying making stuff. Better make sure you have a Vacuum cleaner too as more dust than the Sahara desert that’s for sure.

I did have 5 tables at one point when I had the big shop, but they do take up a lot of space and had them in storage for ages, there is something about making your own workbench though and I will use it all the time, and if I don’t need to, then I can push it over to my racking area and still have room for my Hot Rod to be parked inside so I can do some wrenching on that as well. Of course, I have a long way to go on fitting out my workshop and the fun is taking your time and putting stuff up then maybe changing it if it doesn’t work how you want it, the good thing of now having your own workshop is there is no Landlord breathing down your neck.

As you can see, with an off cut of 1/2 inch Ply on top of the table, it really finishes it off, I have also fitted a Bump Stop on the end of the table for the wheel chock to sit up against tightly.

I shall clean this up as its been sat in the shed, then I shall secure this to the bench using some Coach bolts and a nut and washer underneath as I need this to be really secure, as when I run a Motorcycle up onto the table and into the chock, I need the wheel chock to hold the front end of the bike tightly, so these ones have holes in the legs and that means I can secure it to the platform.

Ready for Bolting down and you can see I have a strong bump Stop right on the end of the table, I will also use some Long Eye Bolts to fit to the sides of the Table, that means I can tie down the handlebars for even more Security when I am out of the workshop.

I am sure I will clean her up after everything is bolted down etc and not sure what I may add but as you can see, this is a super strong Motorcycle table and I simply use my Ramp to run the bike up and into the chock, then simply take ramp off and hang that up. No cost really at all, this heavy set up will last as long as Noah’s Ark I think.

Super stoked to pull a Bike ramp out and Jenn gave me a hand and we loaded this project machine up on the work bench, it was great, sturdy and easy to put up there, the wheel chock holds it in place but I still need to add some hardware to be able to tie the front end down on case we have an earthquake etc.

As you can see, there is plenty of room behind the bike and a CB750 it 7 feet from tire to tire, and I am pleased I created an 8 foot work table so I can weld or grind and get some parts prototyped up at my own leisure.

This bike may take on a few guises until I am happy as to how I want it, thats the fun of doing your own stuff, but now I have a solid table, I feel much better when I have to belt away at a gas tank, as the metal tables you see, tend to flex about too much.

The other thing with this set up is I have the height where I want it, if I need to sit and do wiring, I can use a mechanics stool, I will finish the tie downs this week and maybe later I might paint it but right now I am happy how it is and hope you lot dig it too?

I have plenty to do on this project and a few Customers want me to create their builds, so I have every confidence in my work bench, way stronger than that Chinese crap that you see advertised out there.

I have much to do in the barn and more things to make, hang up or secure to the beams or the walls etc, but- when you get surplus second hand timber, well, you have to use it right away right?

Maybe it will inspire you to get in the Shed, Barn, garage and bung some scraps of wood together, its fun building stuff and even more when it doesn’t cost you anything.

Thanks for taking an interest in what I do, I love my job and enjoy building Motorcycles, servicing and of course, making new parts for these old Bone Shakers.

I will keep you posted as to how this Motorcycle and of course, any others that I work on in the Barn, I get many emails asking for pics of what I am up to, so now I can stop, take a pic and post it, that’s what’s fun about being your own boss. I have my Courier bike to finish too, so plenty of Irons in the Fire, so stay tuned……………….





CB500 Honda by Duke Motorcycles

When tackling a custom build, there are a wide variety of approaches available to the craftsman. From extravagant to austere, there is no right way to create art. In the case of the Duke Motorcycles Honda CB500 Four Café Racer, Frenchman Lionel Duke chose to keep it clean, building a chassis around a classic 1970s inline-4 powerplant.

Although the powerplant is easily recognizable as an air-cooled four-cylinder Honda, most people would expect the more iconic CB400 or CB750 Fours in a café racer. Instead, Duke went with the less-heralded middle child. That, of course, is hardly the point of the build, and the motor was kept relatively stock. Instead, the Duke Motorcycles Honda CB500 Four Café Racer is all about minimalism and a striking chassis.

To give the build undisputed café racer credibility, the Duke CB500 gets thoroughly modern suspension. Despite being painted white, that is an inverted Öhlins fork, a Ducati Panigale single-sided swingarm, and an Öhlins piggyback-reservoir shock. Matching the suspension is high-performance Brembo braking, while Bonamici Racing provided footrests from Central Italy. Retromod, indeed.

Above the chassis is an aluminum tank/seat/tail unit. “It was realized by hand,” Duke says. “I wanted to keep the proportion of the tank and form of the original so that one recognizes the CB500.” The tank also houses a retro-modern Motogadget MST Speedster analog/digital speedometer.

The tank is adorned with a #7, as is the headlight and the aluminum front fender. “I engraved the front with a 7 to recall the decoration of the tank,” Duke explains, “the 7 being the symbolic figure that represents the purity. It seemed to me that was connected to the bike.”

Furthering the purity theme, the motorcycle is overwhelmingly white. “The color white, pure white, it’s something that I wanted to do for a long time,” Duke reveals, “a completely white motorcycle with decoration that I made in 18-carat gold leaf.”

For the rear bodywork, I wanted it to be very short to free the rear wheel and give it a racing side.” The seat is covered in Alcantara, which has a microfiber pile that recalls suede. Nice-based NMB Design was responsible for building the seat.



Throughout the motorcycle are decorative and functional cables. “Stainless steel cables through the length of the bike give it a luxury side,” Duke says, “and a finesse to this preparation.”


Four Keihin carburetors are retained to feed the Honda motor, with the velocity stack intakes made in the Mediterranean coastal town of Toulon by USVRacing. The engine was fully restored by Duke Motorcycles for optimum performance and reliability, with the unique touch of a CNC Racing hydraulic clutch from Arezzo, Italy.

While the exhaust retains the four-into-four architecture, there is a substantial twist. Unmuffled, two pipes exit under the seat and another short pair peak out on the right side—both a nod to modern MotoGP designs and made from stainless steel. Speaking of MotoGP, the Duke CB500 sports Michelin Power Slick Evo racing tires.

The Duke Motorcycles Honda CB500 Four Café Racer is a long-time coming in more ways than one. Getting his start customizing a Honda Dax (CT70/Trail 70 in the US), Duke has built dozens of custom motorcycles in preparation for this outstanding result.

Working alone in his Tourrettes-sur-Loup shop 17 miles east of Nice, Duke has spent 700 hours on this motorcycle. “It is a personal project that I wanted deliberately different from what we can see,” he says, “a project that looks like me and that highlights my style and all the methods of work that I use.”

“I have been passionate about motorcycles since the youngest age,” Duke says, “but especially of design and manual construction. I studied mechanics, bodywork, and painting, which really helps me in my work. I’m crazy about music, and design in general. I have a passion for watches, architecture, and supercars.”


Often, builders have twinges of regrets and second-guessing when they are done with their builds. That’s not the case with Duke and his CB500 Four Café Racer. “There is not really a thing that I would change,” he asserts. “It is really as I wanted it, and when I finish a bike, I think about the next one and do not think to modify what is already done. I tried to bring the French touch and maximum finesse of work to create this bike.” An indicator of that French touch is a French flag embedded in the tank, under a screen between two stainless steel cables.

One reason Duke is satisfied with the CB500 Four Café Racer is that he built it for himself, rather than a customer. “With a client, it is a little different,” Duke explains. “I advise him, and I listen to what he wants. When I make a bike for me, I take the opportunity to do new things, show what I am able to do. With a client, we create a thing for two. The difficulty is that clients do not often project themselves. They often want copies seen on the Internet.”


Undoubtedly, the Duke Motorcycles Honda CB500 Four Café Racer meets Lionel Duke’s standards for individuality. Likely, though, this striking white motorcycle will have clients of other builders pointing to it for inspiration.

Located between Cannes and Monaco, Duke cane supply you with parts to create something of your taste or a complete build for you to ride home on.


Photography by Julius Designs

The TT is now here, hope to try and catch some on Tv over the next few days


2022 Isle of Man TT began on Sunday May 29 and ends on Friday June 10. mow, there will be many close calls and unfortunately sometimes riders who have crashes at such fast speed either end up in Hospital and sometimes the Morgue, that’s why this is one of the worlds most grueling Motorcycles Races and has been for over 100 years.

The rider is OK and was released from hospital custody according to his family yesterday. Great job by the corner workers and marshals!

I cannot tell you how exciting watching this race is, some of the speeds that the riders come by you are almost subsonic to your eyes, the sound, the smell the crowd, the atmosphere is only really understandable if you have been there, but here are just some highlights for you that like me, love the Tourist Trophy Races.

I will try and add videos and when I see them, to keep you updated as to how the TT is going, the weather looks better this year for sure but, even in one part of the island it is sunny, it can easily be raining a few miles further around the circuit.

Enough of my banter and onto what’s going on across the pond and all I can say is turn the sound up on some of these videos.

Memorial Day, I am at home and in the Barn

I often spend a wee bit of time on my own up in the Barn at the back of our place, thinking about what to make next etc., this time I thought that I should do something about all the Hoops I have bent up for the Honda’s, over one hundred of them, and as you know, they take up a lot of space.

So, whilst sat having a cuppa tea, I was going through some old snot boxes and came across 4 old used Connecting rods from a CB750 I stripped years ago, then and there I thought that these would be great to repurpose and make some Rail Hangers that I can affix to the wall and then store my chassis Hoops in a more uniform manner.

A quick look in my storage and had some spare 7/8 tubing that I use to make my handlebars, so I removed two lengths of that cold rolled steel, a few welds for a nut to be inserted into the tube and there you go, all ready to bolt through the Connecting rods, as I bolted them to the Metal upright posts in the Barn.

Nice and easy to get to when I need some for a build I am working for or pulling some out for Customers orders, neatly stacked and boy do have have more room rather than a pile up in a box.

Just thought that I would share today as many people are off work like me and relaxing at home, I am super stoked to have made this and its so functional as well as recycling old parts that are no longer any good to use, I am glad that I went ahead and made this and maybe give you lot a few ideas to tidy up your Barn, Shed, Garage or Workspace?