Honda CB750K Gas Tank refurbish for 1976 SOHC HONDA K6

Well, I seem to be trying to do too many things in one go some days and must learn to relax and get to a slower pace and then get it all done. LOL!  Easy to say but they do say that integrity is the winning ingredient in the race for complacency , and to […]

Feeling Exhausted this month at Carpys Garage

I seem to always be burning that proverbial candle at both ends as of late, but, I do see some light at the end of the tunnel and have a few pokers in many fires right now, interesting times for sure, I am also working on a new website to make it less complicated and […]

25 Years in Business- Time sure does fly by.

Where has the time gone? I mean, it seemed like only a couple of years that I took the big Silver bird across the Ocean to land in Southern California, but- There it is, a Milestone for me of course and a quarter of a Century has simply blown by, although I have accomplished many […]

Well, 2025 is well and truly here.

Happy 2025 to everybody that I know and of course to all my customers that have purchased from me, I am so stoked that you love what I do, next month is my 25th year, so more things to come for the Motorcycle builder from me. We have had pretty bad fires around here as […]

Merry Christmas to ALL my Customers around the world

Well, the time has flown by this year, way to fast to be honest, but its here now and whilst I am still busy, i need to stop and charge my own batteries so I can be fully charged for 2025, I hope that you have enjoyed your Motorcycle this year, whether it was just […]

Fella in the States buts a 1975 Norton Commando still in the crate

Back in 1975 I was a 13 teen year old with Motorcycle posters and pages from the MCN plastered all over my walls and even my ceiling, I was always into Motorcycles, and I remembered the day when I saw the article that Norton were bringing out a double disc 850 Commando that had an […]

1966 Honda CL77 Honda 305 FOR SALE only 972 Miles

Here we have the last of Honda’s 305 models, which began with the dry-sump CA76 in 1959, moving on to the wet-sump CA77 Dream in 1960, then the CB77 Super Hawk in ’61, and finally, the model we are dealing with here, the CL77 Honda. I have had this in bits and pieces and a […]

2025 Yamaha XT500 is now back

Time and tide wait for no man, woman or anything to be honest and as a Teenager in the 70’s I always wanted the good old Thumper Motorcycle, but didn’t have the money, but have always loved the infamous “Dinosaur” These 500 machines were almost grenade proof and ran hard on the road and dirt.  […]

Its Sunday but always something to work on

Here we are into the first week of October already, but the weather here in Southern California is not letting us experience Fall yet, it’s almost 100 today and that restricts the amount I can do outside or even in the barn, as its like an oven in there. So, I thought whilst I take […]

Up in the Barn for a little bit.

Well, I got the old Cold Lurgy, messed me right up last week to be honest, very similar to Covid, but tested and said negative, but im a weak right now and hoping to get my strength back as I have loads to do, I am more than willing to get some hard graft some […]

It’s the Weekend here at the Barn

I have no clue where the days go these days to be honest, I get so involved with what I do and achieve in a short amount of time, it seems that life is shooting by at over 100 Miles Per Hour for me, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.  Coming up towards 25 […]

Hot this weekend that’s for sure in Southern California

Hot weather is still here and will continue for a couple of weeks I think, but 112 and 114 is a little too hot to be in the shed this weekend, plus I have stuff to do in our Garden with my Girl. so I have been out doing that, but tomorrow I have to […]

Honda CB750K 1976 SOHC I have managed to revive.

Well, I thought I should at least out down on some what of a lost, the parts that I have either refurbished or replaced with New Old stock on this 1976 K6 Machine as its so easy to get lost in the many parts you need to sort out, to be able to ride a […]

Honda cb750K 1976 Gets a work over

Well, the weather is now Hot as the inside of Gandhi’s Boxers, but I have been doing some work on the K6 Honda, I started to clean a few bits up as she had sat for many years in a back yard.  So I thought I would clean her up more before selling this inline […]

Happy 4th Of July everyone

I love having this day off, gives me time to reflect how lucky I am to live in such a great country, I have always loved living here and especially here in Southern California where the weather stays pretty constant and ideal for taking your motorcycle out and about. I have much to catch up […]

Honda CB750 Super Sport Classic Cafe

I recently came across some old CD’s that I had tucked away in a drawer, glad I took some pics of some of the motorcycles that I have created, they say if you put them on the internet, it’s there forever, but that’s incorrect as I had quite a few bikes on there and cannot […]

CB750 Silver Cafe Bike The Silver Manx

I have built so many Motorcycles over the years and its hard to keep track as to what I have turned out over these 24 years here in Southern California, but every now and again I will be reminded of a unique machine that I created and today is no different. I created this machines […]

Refurbishing the 1976 CB750K Honda Four

Here we are with another episode of tweaking that old 1976 CB750K Model Honda, she has been sat for so many years, I was initially just going to get her running and sell her, but I have grown attached to this machine and its my best year personally, so thought I would remove worn out […]

Honda CB750K 1976 getting a little more work completed.

I decided that whilst I have some spare time and a few parts etc I shall get into the K6 a little more and clean her up, as she has sat for so many years in a Back Garden, its only fair I revamp her a little and put her to a more Original style […]

Honda CB750K 1976 gets a little more cleaned up.

Well, I have decided to continue playing around with this old Original inline four CB750K series Motorcycle, and I think what I shall do now is strip a few parts off and refurbish them to a nice condition. I think that this 48 year old girl needs to have some good cosmetics, so my plan […]

Honda CB750K 17,000 Miles 1976 $2500

Well the old 76K is now running, I pulled this out of a back yard, not run since the 80’s but now she runs and rides and all gears work fine too, I love this old inline fours and the tenacity of the CB750 is unsurpassed by any other model I believe. The 1976 CB750K […]

Have fun on your machine over the weekend.

It’s Saturday and the weekend always seems to fly by and then by Monday you then remember what you wanted to do and forgot to do it, Right?  It’s always the case for me, I try and do my own stuff on the weekends and I really enjoy it, plus the weather is getting better […]

Formula 1 Livery CB750 SS Honda Project

Well, I have been playing about with the F1 project and have decided to fit the good old Rocket 4 seat assembly and then upholster the seat with traditional style snaps, just to show the times of yesteryear and the old school seat set ups of the day. I am happy with the way it […]

Scuderia Ferrari F1 styled CB750 Creation

I have been a fan of F1 Formula race cars since I was a teenager, regularly watching the races on our 3 channel television, I loved watching these guys in the JPS Renault Lotus and my First Motorcycle that adorned the Motorcycle world was based on Emerson Fittipaldi’s Black and Gold F1. Now, over half […]

Wet weekend, so thought I’d rattle on about what’s happening in the Barn and Blog about things I like.

Well, we are getting another downpour in Southern California, something that we really do not get much of down here, the last storm was the worst in over 100 years but i think that this weekend storm is just light rain, just hope the hills hold out a little longer.  But when it rains its […]

TT is such a great spectator race

I have always loved the Isle of Man, I remember in 1975 heading out to Ramsay as a wild teenager and couldn’t wait to see and hear the likes of Rocket Ron Haslam, Mick Grant and Mike the Bike head on off for a 37 mile lap of the infamous Island Road Race. There are […]

25th Anniversary Edition Ton UP Machine CB750K

Well, next year will be my 25th Anniversary of creating machines over on this side of the pond, many people have asked would I replicate the infamous K5 with Cafe on the tank to celebrate a quarter of a Century building Motorcycles, and I thought, I may go along the similar lines to that very […]


Tom Simpson | Owner | Designer | Builder | Barista !  Tom was a blacksmith with an interest in motorcycles that stretched back to when he grass-tracked on mopeds around a field. “The seed of my bike obsession took hold when my dad brought home a knackered Suzuki GT250 Ram Air,” he says. He’d been […]

Few More Exhaust systems available for your CB500, CB550 and CB750 SOHC

Well, the old year is almost up, a New year just around the corner and to be honest, I am looking forward to it, new challenges but new idea’s and New parts to be offered for a number of machines, something that I do like to do and offer to everybody. So, literally a Truckload […]

CB350 Board Tracker “Iowa’s Smith Bros”

Sometimes when an artists hits that “BLANK” wall in designing something head turning, it can be way simpler to go “Back To Basics” and there it is, a work of pure art and creativity. And this is the case with a Motorcycle shop in Cedar Rapids , Iowa. Trying to think outside of the box […]

The Lahaina Project Charity Motorcycle

Crazy to think that 102 days ago the picturesque Polynesian town of Lahaina was engulfed in flames, a sad day for us all and a very meaningful memory for me as we were there a few months back as Jennifer’s family were from there.  In 1795, Lahaina was conquered by Kamehameha I, and established the town […]

Heading to El Mirage Dry Lake for the weekend to watch the Racing

As many of you know, I have always liked anything fast but when there could be a world record at stake, then my eyes and ears are wide open, so this weekend, Jennifer and I will load up the truck and take the 2 hour jaunt up to the desert and to El Mirage Dry […]

Ya just have to love the sound of the Two Strokes, and a Fun French/Italian movie

What a Start to a Movie! Its OK the Hedgehog does not get hit but it gets you watching through your fingers though eh? A Parisian takes the law into his own hands and sets out to find the motorcyclists who killed his wife and child. Release date: December 3, 1975 (New York) Director: Gérard Pirès Screenplay: Gérard […]

Commercial from the 1960’s on Motorcycle Fashion

I look back and laugh but to be honest, this was the new thing as you were not required by law to wear a Crash Helmet at all in the UK, but in the 60’s fashion was about everything and road safety was being pushed quite hard in Britain, due to so many road accidents […]

A day of filming for TV with Larry, Jay Leno etc was a Blast

Hey Everyone, well its the weekend, I have been a bit ill in health recently and have not been on the website as much as I would like to but I am back on my feet, few health issues to try and figure with the Human Technician but I am sure I will get that all […]

Honda Motorcycles goes Electric

Electric Motocrosser CR ELECTRIC PROTO Wildcard Entry in All Japan Motocross Championship Round 8     On first glance it might look like an unassuming CRF250R but this prototype is the most significant indication yet of Honda’s preparations for an electric motorcycle of the future. Revealed at the Tokyo Motorcycle Show, the CR Electric prototype does indeed use the […]

Helping you with New Parts create your ride

Hard to believe that I have been wrenching here in Southern California for 23 years, I continue to make parts for Motorcycles and Hot Rods too, it is nice to be busy and I am a very Positive person with a massive work ethic that I very much doubt I will ever stop from doing. […]

Fun times ahead but still love building Custom Machines.

Well, the Storm has left Orange County, more rain than anything to be honest, but at least over the next few weeks it will get a little cooler, but after September is when I love the temperature to turn wrenches in the Barn. It’s always fun the first time you fire a Machine up after […]

Awaiting Hurricane Hilary

Well, here we are, I am sat in the office, gazing out of the window at the rain that started to to fall a few hours ago, we are used to having pretty much, 340 days a year of sunshine but to be honest almost year round riding weather in Southern California, so to see […]

Summer time at the workshop

Well, the Californian Summer hung off for a while, but now it is in full swing and boy is it getting hard to work in stifling heat and humidity is up the ying yang right now, feels like I am in Florida to be honest, but the show must go on, I have so much […]

Honda CL77 unloaded and now in workshop.

I managed to get the old girl off the Truck and Now its at My workshop and will be a while before I get into it as I have a few projects I must try and sort out, its getting to be a bit of a cluster as I have a lot of bikes at […]

Picked up a 1966 Honda CL77 305 today

Today was a GOOD day, you know, when you find a penny and pick it up?  I had an email from a Client and he said he had an old Honda that had been in the family from new, its been torn apart a few times but was I interested in it?  I said of […]

Bought Home a 1977 Yamaha YZ250 MotoCross Bike

Well, ya just never know what you mind find around here in Southern California and I came across a 1977 Yellow YZ250 Yamaha at an Auction and ended up bringing her home, this old girl has sat out since the 1980’s and left to just sit and soak up the sun, well- I could not […]

Happy 4th Of July Everybody

Time sure does fly by and now it is the 4th July, I wanted to wish everyone that I know in the states a Happy Independence Day, Jenn has made an Apple Pie and the Smoker is full bore cooking some Hamburgers and Hot dogs to celebrate the day. Just some different fun stuff to […]

I went out for a Pint of milk, Came back with 10 CB750 Engines

It’s a funny old world, I mean, I initially went out to get a pint of milk and on the way there I came across a stash of SOHC Motors that a buddy of mine needed to off load as he was clearing his place out for renovations etc, what better way of getting rid […]

Picked up 6 CB750’s today

Sometimes I get a call asking if I could clear out a garage or back yard as it has a motorcycle in it, this time it was 6 CB750’s, so what closed the deal was it was free but a friend of mine I have known many years and helping him out was the least […]

More Exhausts on the go, busy times at Carpy’s Garage

Busy day at home and more 4 into 1 Exhausts systems are now completed, I have been busy as of late and just about caught up with previous orders, I love making these and getting them sent to all over the world. These are the CB750 and Cb500-Cb550 Yoshi style systems, some of these will […]

El Diablo Drag Pipes Ceramic Coated Silver SOHC CB750 Chopper

Thought I would get a set of my ” El Diablo” Drag pipes Cerakote coated in Silver, they look like Polished Aluminum and the advantage of this is that they will not Blue like chrome does. I have always liked the way cerakoted exhaust look and stand out to any weather compared to chrome, I […]

Shop Truck is a timeless Classic for me

I have always had pick ups, so handy and so useful for work and for the ranch house we have too, so this time I thought I would buy a F250, I have had a few F100’s and a number of F350’s but not a 3/4 Ton F250, so I managed to acquire this 1970 […]

Drag Pipes sound byte for cb750 1969-1978 Chopper “El Diablo’s”

I thought that before I chrome this set, I would fire the old Chopper up and try and catch a video with my phone of how they sound, mind you the carbs had no gas in them at all, I attached my Auxiliary Fuel tank that I use to tune carbs and fired the bike […]

Honda Santee Chopper, replacing worn out engine covers

As you may know, I picked up an old Santee framed Honda Chopper in a Local Garage a while back, progress has been slow as I am making parts for it to offer to the Chopper builders that are all around the globe, but i noticed that the engine case covers were looking bad. The […]

Triumph Bonneville 2014 T100 FOR SALE $6500

Up for sale is my Girls Triumph Bonneville T100 Special, this bike is a turn key model and ready to have fun on the tarmac this summer, cleaner than a cats arse and a lot of fun to ride, this twinline is a great all round Motorcycle that will give you many miles of smiles […]

Exhaust Systems I manufacture- Sound Bytes From Customers

Howdy one and all Here we are once more with a small Blog, this time I thought I would look about for some sound bytes of my exhaust systems for the Honda and Triumph etc, I have been selling these for 23 years now and continue to make more performance systems for other makes as […]

Honda 1981 Silverwing now running good.

Well, it took a little bit of fudging about etc, but the old bird is now running and idles well, all the white smoke has gone, no smoke at all, a real bonus.  I will probably have a go at adjusting the cam chain, but without a kick start its a pain in the arse, […]

GL500 1981 Silverwing Carb replacement

Busy day and trying to beat the rain storm that keeps on coming in then out etc, but I was prepared for it and got a lot done today, considering this is my first GL500, no books, service tips or much info about on these 22 degree road machines, but the CX is similar so […]

HONDA 1981 GL500 Silverwing – Making 2 into 1 Megaphone Exhaust Systems

Hey Guys n Gals Well, I picked up locally a 1981GL500 Silverwing the other day, Non running, purchased on a whim, not run for many years, Only just got it home last night as we had bad weather here, but it seems all there, the main reason is I think I may make some 2 […]

Old Video but was fun to look back at the shop in the City Of Orange

I had fun with this shop, had to build all the walls, move one wall 20 feet back, move stairs etc, paint floors and make a brick facade speed shop ewtc, it took a long time but sure did look good. Lucky for me now I have my very own workshop/Barn, so no more renting […]

New Products Coming Soon

Well, its been over 23 Years now since I first started this and I have always enjoyed the journey, anything to do with 2 wheels is a plus for me and I am sure it is for like minded folk like you lot, who have followed me all this time and repeatedly purchased my products […]

The Rocket Four Motorcycle I built out of a non running CB750 Four Honda back in 2007

Time does indeed scream by at a pace that I really cannot fathom these days, but I am glad there are such things as you Tube etc that keep videos that I posted all them years ago. Here is the “Rocket Four” Bike that I created out of an old non running inline four, I […]

The REVOLVER CB750 HONDA Custom Cafe Motorcycle I created and now resides in Australia

Every Motorcycle that I have built from the ground up is always tough to let it go, but- that’s what I do, create and build motorcycles as well as parts etc, this was fun creation that I put together for a Girl out in Australia, she wanted it gold flake and I did my very […]

One of my Old favourite Movies

One of my all time best movies for Motorcycles was of course Mad max but, in the same time and using many of the same bikes this movie came out, I loved it in 1974 and still do today.  New Kawasaki’s were a sight to be seen in this movie. Never as far as I […]

Exhaust for SOHC Honda’s 1969-1978 The SIDEWINDER

I have been getting a lot of compliments on the 4 into 1 Exhaust I manufacture called The Sidewinder, this really is a great performing system that not only fits well, it sounds crisp and is a true Performance pipe. These power houses are available in Raw steel, for that Industrial Look, or you can […]

Robbie Knievel Passes Away

  Robbie Knievel, daredevil and son of stuntman Evel Knievel, has died. A family source tells Robbie was in hospice care for his final days after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He died early Friday morning with his daughters at his side. Robbie, also known as “Kaptain Robbie Knievel,” followed in his dad’s footsteps from a […]

Fun times ahead at the workshop.

Well, a New year and New projects, I have a bunch of bikes that need to get running and then decide which way to go in the way of building and creating something cool from the shop but many different platforms are sat in the Barn, just awaiting some wrench time, but I do enjoy […]

CB750 Honda Super Sport getting some work done to get her going again

  \Here at the shop I always have things to do, but I always help customers out and when he bought the 1976 CB750F here I could see it needed just a little tlc, many people think they will just need a charged battery and some new fuel and away they go?  In some cases […]

HONDA 1977 CB550F Super Sport for Sale $5999

Sometimes  in your life of buying and selling Motorcycles ,you come across a Diamond in the rough, and here is one that I wasn’t going to purchase at first but something told me to go and see it , as I had no photos of it.  I am so glad I did, this was a […]

HONDA Super Sport Comes to shop to get running again

I never know what may turn up at the workshop these days and this time I was surprised to unload a pretty clean 1975 Honda CB750F Super Sport , this has only 8000 miles on the odometer and is a one owner machine that a Customer just purchased locally and then bought it along to […]

Merry Christmas Everyone, here’s a blog on the Millyard RC374 Honda six replica

Wishing everybody a very Merry Christmas and thank you so much for all your orders. Wanted to have a long blog with a few videos at the bottom of here to show you how skilled this fella is, I am sure you will enjoy the video’s over the Christmas period? When rocket scientist and motorcycle […]

Christmas Day is almost Upon Us.

I can almost hear the bells jingling of the Jolly Fat Man from Lapland as he cruises through the sky on his way to everyone’s chimney. Still time to get some great deals on exhaust systems as I Ho Ho Ho my way through this month of Motorcycle parts and apparel etc, so check the […]

Some older machines I built

Funny thing the internet, although it may seem new, it has been around just over 20 years now and I remember when we had My Space etc, the things we did to promote ourselves back then. Anyway, just thought I would add this old video, forgive the clarity, but I created some cool rides back […]

Christmas time almost here

Tick Tick Tick is all I can hear right now, but its all cool, I have managed to get my Customers parts in the mail to them and in time for the big day too. I thought this week I would add a video of stuff that interests me and this time it is an […]

The Festive Countdown begins, Perfect time to buy parts as Gifts

Boy the weather is changing here and its getting a little cold in the Mornings, but I still sling my leg over my steed and ride off to work, but I actually put bubblewrap inside my jacket to keep the cold air out of my chest, an old Motorcycle Courier trick in London that I […]

Only 2 weeks until Christmas day, time is flying by these days

The Clock is ticking and I have been busy filling orders and getting them off as fast as I can to get them in time for Christmas day, its a busy time of the year for all but I thank you all for your orders and repeat customers. I have a busy year ahead of […]

15 days until the Jolly Round Fella Scrambles down the Chimney

Well, just over 2 weeks until the big day, I am sure many of you have only just thought about presents and the like and a mad rush trying to find stuff in the shops or on line? I love this time of year and right now I have been shipping out many Exhaust systems […]

Finally had the website cleaned out, too many software issues.

  Wow, what a crazy time I have just had the last 4 days, the website needed a lot of maintenance and my guy had quite the task of getting it back up to speed, Shipping manager was causing problems so forgive me if you had a tough time ordering the last few days but, […]

December is now here

Well, December has already arrived, this year seems to be flying along and now that the temperatures are dropping, many people will be in their Garage, shed or barn, working on their Motorcycles to try and get it completed for the warmer months. Its a Friday afternoon and I have to go up to the […]

Getting closer to Spiral Ham time

Jeez, time is flying by and I have many projects to get wrenching on, bikes to build and engines to strip but I do make fun Gift idea’s like Mechanical Lamps and also I am coning with new affordable parts for your machines, so be sure to check the website regularly as there may be […]

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Well, its that time of the year already, I will not be working at all in the Barn, its nice to celebrate Turkey day and I will make sure I shall to its fullest. Burp! Hope you are celebrating too if you are in America that is, and so tomorrow, work will be flat out […]

Rebuilding Old Set of CB750K forks 1974 HONDA

For many years I have rebuilt my own forks, and the transformation is so abundant, I wanted to share what I do in the Barn with you lot and maybe you can have a go at resurrecting your own set? These tired front forks came off a 1974 CB750 K and Customer wanted Rebuilt and […]

Thanksgiving Special on Exhausts, $100 OFF

Well, to celebrate Thanksgiving I thought that I would help you all out by reducing the Exhaust Price by $100. how cool is that? Thank you all for supporting me, I value each and every one of you, these exhausts Perform and sound bloody awesome, making these over 20 years now and ship all around […]

Working on Projects in the Barn

Time does not stand still and I now have all sorts of work to do but glad that I still get many emails, Phone Calls and of course texts, asking about builds, parts, service or idea’s etc, I love what I do and even though I really have had not had the time to build […]


You would seem it strange to have forgotten about a Motorcycle I had built for a Customer, but as I have created so many machines over the years, I guess I do get a bit of a Brain Block sometimes, it was not until I was flicking through some photos that I noticed this CB750K […]

1992 Suzuki GSX1100FJ Katana Project

Well, at the shop there is always something in the wings that will one day turn into something and this is just one of those things. This is a 1992/3 GSX1100F Suzuki Katana, in their time these big machines were knowns as the Big Boy Sport Tourer, this is a Torquey Motor. Make Model Suzuki […]

Old CB750 Chop I discovered driving by a Garage near to home. “PORK CHOP”

Sometimes it does indeed pay to be nosey, I am always nosey when I see open garages, Sheds or barns etc and tis was the exact thing I am talking about.  I think it was about a year or so I first clocked the Chromed Girder front end of this CB750 Chopper, it was sat […]

CB500 HONDA Cafe Racer Fired up with Gas tank back on

It is always a nervous time when you get something ready to ride and has not run in many decades and, it was back in the UK when it did run.  So many things can be wrong with it as no history to compare too etc, but, I fitted the Fiberglass Bimota gas tank and […]

Firing up the CB500 with New velocity stacks.

Messing about with the CB500 this afternoon, I fitted some aftermarket Velocity stacks to the bike, with screens, so that should help the bike breath better and I also managed to find a 15mm Die and tap the threads to a course range and the New petcocks I bought, screwed right on. No idea if […]

Honda CB500-4 Cafe Project from England Needing some Magic

This old 1972 inline four Originally came across the waters about 18 years ago now and has never run on this side of the pond, sat in storage for many years, this old girl needs a little pick me up to see if she indeed will ever run again, as no idea on the history […]

Classic Honda CB500-4 Cafe from Back Home now resides here

Well, its always great to add another ride to the stable here at home and this one is a real doozy, as this is a super cool Cafe Bike that was built a long time ago back home in England and is now all the way across the pond with me. This 1972 CB500 Four […]

World’s Fastest NITROUS Street Bike…and how it started as a 1980 Suzuki GS 1100!

A must see for any Suzuki GS 1100 or Pro Street Motorcycle drag racing fan, we head to York, PA to get a good look at Brad Mummert’s restored 1980 Suzuki GS 1100 alongside the world’s fastest nitrous Pro Street motorcycle. We do a deep dive into both motorcycles to see all the modifications from […]

A Cycle One Chopper gets New Life Again at the Shop

Over the years I have had quite a Few Choppers in the shop, some mine, many customers, from Denver frames to Arlen Ness and no two are alike, they have their own design and character, that’s what I like about them. I had an older Gentleman call me a few times about issues with his […]

The Milwaukee Special CB750F HONDA SOHC

Well, here we go with another Model, this time a CB750F model, yes, the old Super Sport, I like the 750F models mainly because of their Disc rear brake, as the K model has a Drum rear, and this machine has some good lines to it, this was a basket case sometime ago and I […]

Building an Inline Four Project out of bits and parts laying about.

Well, I still have not made my mind up how I am going in the design part of this ride, I thought I would use my phone and record a few sessions as I continue creating a machine that I personally like and want to use and I am sure that it will go through […]

Inline Four build out of scattered parts around the Barn Part 3

Here is Part three of the video that I have just done, still no idea where this build will go, and if it will stay the same guys, thats the fun of creating something.   So follow me along the way and see what happens, some good stuff and I am sure some bad but […]

Fiddling about in the Barn.

Well, I am sure that you lot must have some parts tucked away somewhere?  With…. “ I will get to it later” Tag attached to it, and I am no different.  I have an old depressed 1974 CB750 Frame that has been sitting around and needs to be given a New life, so- I thought […]

The Sidewinder Exhaust System for SOHC Honda CB750 CB550 and CB500 Four.

My Exhausts System named the Sidewinder is a Fun and Easy to fit 4 into 1 Performance system that will fit all CB750-CB550 and CB500 Four Honda Machines. I am super proud of all my systems and this one I like because it allows for you to use your main stand if you so wish, […]

Fitted one of my Exhausts to a 750 that hasn’t run in 8 years or so

People ask me about my exhausts all the time, I have had many repeat customers over the 22 years here and just happened to come across this 750F that a Customer bought to me on a trailer and has sat for 8 years, it was a mess and other people could not get it to […]

Women on Ton Up Machines

Always great to fins out other photos of Women on Two Wheels and came across these pics that were taken in the 1980’s. All pictures © Michèle Ebeling   Michele Ebeling was a singer in a couple of bands back then ” Look Back In Anger” And ” Mankind’s Audio Development”. Look Back in Anger are […]

Making a Motorcycle Work Bench from Scraps of Timber

Some of you may know that we have had a Barn built now for my New workshop, and as you know, materials for building have literally gone through the roof- So I thought that whilst we are refurbishing the California Ranch house, I will try and repurpose some of the timber that we ripped out […]

CB500 Honda by Duke Motorcycles

When tackling a custom build, there are a wide variety of approaches available to the craftsman. From extravagant to austere, there is no right way to create art. In the case of the Duke Motorcycles Honda CB500 Four Café Racer, Frenchman Lionel Duke chose to keep it clean, building a chassis around a classic 1970s inline-4 […]

Trail Braking on your Motorcycle

To each his or hers own but, I have been trail braking for quite a few decades now, I power into a curve but touch my brake to dip the forks and then power out, I also at times use the rear too. Its personal choice but unknown tight curves or bends are a plenty […]

The TT is now here, hope to try and catch some on Tv over the next few days

  2022 Isle of Man TT began on Sunday May 29 and ends on Friday June 10. mow, there will be many close calls and unfortunately sometimes riders who have crashes at such fast speed either end up in Hospital and sometimes the Morgue, that’s why this is one of the worlds most grueling Motorcycles […]

My 4 into 1 is still making people happy after 22 years in business

Well, for 22 years I have been sending my very own 4 into 1 exhaust systems to Customers all over the globe and along the way I have many repeat customers. I love hearing from them too, as they perform really well throughout the power curve and sound so cool when you get on the […]

Weekend is here but its going to be damn Hot In Southern California

I know, I know- I should not complain about the weather, but- I left the shores of Blighty back in 1997, this weekend it will be in the 90’s and I am lucky that I now have the Barn to work in, albeit no A/C.  Its surprising how much you can get done when there […]

New set of frame Hoops made and banging out other parts too.

Well, time and tide wait for no man, woman or child for that matter, I have been flat out as of late and will be busy for some time to come for sure, albeit in the Barn designing a few different exhausts and parts etc.  Fun times ahead and I hope to try a few […]

Plymouth to Ivybridge Ton Up Boys 1962

Young Motorcycle Racers are gathered by a transport café on the A38 Exeter to Plymouth road. They are the ton-up boys taking off into the night. British biker subculture originates in the 1950s and is influenced by American pop culture and the rock and roll music of Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochran and Chuck Berry. 1960s […]

Kiyo Builds a Triple Engine CB750 Machine for Speed.

Some of you that may be old enough to remember the Legendary Builder and Racer ” Russ Collins” May well indeed remember the triple engin monster of a machine called  “Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe”, This was named after the famous Rail line and Russ Debuted the bike back in 1973, when I was a […]

Steve McQueen’s 1969 “Sandcast” CB750 Honda SOHC up for Grabs

This is a rare “Sandcast” 1969 Honda CB750 “Sandcast” that’s historically significant for two reasons, firstly it was the world’s first “superbike” and secondly it was bought new by Steve McQueen through his production company Solar Productions. For those who may not know about this 500 pounds of Iconic Motorcycling Mastery, here is a small […]

Fun Time doing an Episode with Larry Romestate and Jay Leno

I had a ball when we were filming this, fun times that I always treasure and hope you enjoy this too, Larry designed his BMW over many years and we used to hang out in my shop brain storming, he did a super job completing his machine and he rides it all over the place. […]

The Dispatch Cafe Machine 1975 CB750 F Super Sport S.O.H.C.

Been a while since I have tinkered in the Barn, I am starting to do a bit of creating on a machine I have had as a stock bike and sat in storage for many moons, and I thought to myself, why not create something that I personally rode back in the day and in […]

A Friend and CMRA Hall Of Famer Passes away in a Motorcycle Accident

It is always hard to write about friends that pass away but even more so when its a Motorcycle Crash. I wanted to share this as Ronnie and I became really good friends about 10 years ago, he commissioned me to build him a Cafe Bike to his specs and he was over the moon […]

Weekend is pretty Much Here

Hey Everyone I have been pretty busy as of late as the Barn is now built but still waiting on a few things to get it functional to be honest, and with the price of Building materials higher than a Coke addict, I shall just take my sweet ass time in getting it completed.   […]


Geoffrey Chaucer once said ” Time and Tide wait for no man.”  And to be honest, he is right, I have many pokers in many fires and as we moved to a bigger place with my very own workshop, I thought some of my stuff in storage can go to others, as I have a […]

Classic CB750 Yoshi Bol d’Or Built in 1975

If a bike like this can’t get your heart beating faster I don’t know what will.  You don’t even have to be into race or vintage bikes to appreciate the attention to detail and engineering excellence here.  We use the term “engineering art” with Bimota alot but this Yosh/Honda just stepped up to the top of the podium as […]

The KC Special CB750 Honda inline Four

I have always loved creating My style of machine for Customers and this one is no exception, the KC Special turned out to be a great looking ride and the Owner Keith Conrad ( Hence K.C.) lives in Milwaukee and asked if I could revamp his old 1975 CB750 into a Silver and Black Cafe […]

I’m still a Pencil and Paper designer but todays graphic Artists are pretty cool

I have always doodled since I was a youngster, I drew Motorcycles on anything to be honest, be it a Napkin on the table, the school folder or on an opened up chewing gum wrapper. But todays graphic artists are on another planet, and Garinca Bali from Indonesia is no exception, I came across this […]


  CCM is baking a birthday cake of epic proportions to commemorate its 50th anniversary in 2022, as the CCM Heritage ’71 is announced. Based on the show-stopping Spitfire platform, the new bike is more than just a rebranded bike with some happy birthday graphics on it. CCM has gone all out to make the Heritage […]

2018 Honda Cub gets some real atention

  in 2018 Thailand is launched one of the most sold automobile in the world, the Super Cub. They will be made in a brand-new factory in Thailand apart from the already existing 16 plants spread across 15 countries that serve customers in more than 160 countries. To celebrate this feat, Honda Thailand had donated […]

Douglas Board Tracker by Sabotage Motorcycles.

I am always impressed by machines that are created down under, I was lucky enough to Live in Victoria and in New South Wales for 4 years and their passion for anything with two or four wheels is breathtaking at times. Here is a write up pipeburn came up with I wanted top share with […]

What Happens When You Stick A Honda CB350 Four Engine In A Monkey?

I love seeing quirky stuff as by all rights, it should not function, but here ut is none the less, and what a great littlke set up this is, I am certain we shall see many different styles popping up from all over the place but worth a look for today, cheers to Janaki Jitchotvisut […]

New beginnings for 2022, Looking forward to it.

The New Year is here, still a crazy world out there and I am not taking any risks to get ill again, I got all my shots, I then caught Covid and then at Christmas got a cold almost as bad as the New Omicron, what a shit start to the year for sure, but- […]

Happy New Year Everyone

Here we are 2022 at last, man – What a crappy 2020 and glad to see the back of it and start a fresh and hope that we all have some good health and enjoy life as much as we can. I somehow caught the Flu over Christmas and it Royaly buggered me up, Only […]

Another Year awaits, Have Fun Building your Machine

Well, what a bloody tough year we have all had, for me it has been crazy, what with moving to another location as well as catching Covid and then on Christmas day catching an awful cold with the same symptoms of Covid but without the temperatures, its been a long battle throughout.  From having some […]


I forget to add pics of Motorcycles that I have built over the years and some times I kick my self for not posting anything, but today I will overcome my forgetfulness and add some photos of a fun creation I built using parts that I had around the shop.   I wanted to build […]

A New Year is almost upon us, what does it bring to the people in the two wheeled world?

Sitting in my office, looking at the fog bank rolling in across the front of the window, reminds me of years gone by when I was back in England, I had an old garage that was built in the 1960’s, the doors were missing and I shared the area with 9 other garages, closed in […]

TV show with great Motorcycle in it.

  Grantchester is a British TV series set in a Cambridgeshire village in the 1950s, where an Anglican vicar named Sidney Chambers — a former WWII Scots Guard officer — helps an overworked Detective Inspector Georgie Keating solve local crimes. Now, I grew up not far from here, 30 miles away to be exact, and […]

Girls and their Machines

I have written all sorts of Blogs on two wheeled machines but I am trying to share more info on the Amazing Women that ride Motorcycles too, I have a few Girl friends that ride and I couldn’t keep up with them, they need recognition, and a little insight to how and what made them have […]

Time and Tide wait for no Man or Woman

No matter what is going on in the world, one thing remands the same, and that is the ticking Clock, she will always continue to grind away 24-7 and I am vert aware at times of that as deadlines come up real fast when yo are a small business, but, there is nothing better than […]

Building your own machine is a fun past time

Over 21 years I have been here and now I look back and think how far the Motorcycle scene and Community has come along in regards to self builds or designs. It is so refreshing to see creative minds out there who have thought about creating their own machine from something that probably wasn’t even […]

4 into 1 exhaust systems for CB750 and CB550 still selling strong

Well Howdy Everyone Hard to believe that almost 22 years ago I started making parts available for these and other machines and continue to do so today, I try and help everybody out where I can, and I really do enjoy what I do for a living. None of these parts are made in China […]

Meeting a Customer whilst in Hawaii

Jenn and I are so lucky to be able to travel the Globe, obviously the Pandemic put a stop to everything for over a year but, we were so lucky to be able to take a well earned trip to Hawaii, it is such a relaxing set of Islands and something we both needed after […]


This is the new Valespeed 28 by Valespeed Motorcycles, it’s a limited run production bike that can be ordered either with or without the accompanying sidecar. Living as we do in the age of Covid-19 social distancing, the humble motorcycle sidecar potentially offers a great way to move two people around by motorcycle without them […]

Beryl Swain- First Woman to Compete on the infamous Isle Of Man

Beryl Swain: The First Woman To Compete As A Rider In The Most Dangerous Motorcycle Race In The World.   IN most peoples opinion the most dangerous motorcycle race in the world is without question, the Isle of Man TT. Its a point to point 38 mile race that is held once a year on […]

Never tire of wrenching on 2 or 4 wheels

With all this Crazy Mayhem with the virus and wear a mask etc., its nice for me to be able to just do my own thing out in the sticks and away from the craziness that has really changed the Globe right now, but I came across this photo of me many years ago when […]

Paint scheme I did almost 15 years ago

Well, it is almost the 4th July, the weekend is almost here, I was looking through my Computer and happened to come across this body work that I did back at home in my garage in the City Of Orange, some 15 years ago.  I didnt use it in the end and sold it on […]

The Old Koppa Kafe was a fun Custom to create in my Garage.

No idea where the time has gone to be honest, but I always loved creating this machine, just because it has so many great Original parts on it that really did make people turn heads. So I started off with a bunch of parts and already had the idea of how I wanted this, as […]

The Aztec HONDA CB750

Sometimes you come across an old photo of something you built and have forgotten about, and today was that time, I completely forgot about building this machine, no idea where it went in the world but it sure was fun building this bike out of parts that I had laying around the garage in boxes […]

How to build a cool set of forks for your CB500-CB550 or CB750 Honda SOHC Motorcycle.

I get so many emails asking about certain things that I create on the bikes and parts that I build here at my place, so- I thought I would do a little Blog on my Custom Fork service that I have been doing for many years and shipping these set ups all over the Globe. […]

Had a Visit from a Buddy on his 1946 Flathead.

Always cool when friends stop by to say hello, especially when they are aboard a 1946 Harley Davidson WL45 Flathead Motorcycle, I love these machines and they are such an iconic Motorcycle. Fires right up and plugs along quite happily around where we live, perfect winding countryside roads for this machine to Blap around. Dan […]

Some Videos for your Sunday enjoyment

Its a Sunday and I have a million things to do this weekend, what with Motorcycles to build, parts to make and orders to pack, its a busy weekend for me and thought that I would add some videos for you to watch of other bike shows and cool things to maybe get some of […]

Another Chopper frame I have is a Santee, built mid 1970’s

I picked yo another frame and this time this one is a Santee Honda CB750 frame, created in their Arroyo ave shop in San Fernando California in the mid 1970’s. Custom Chrome bought them out many years later but this is an original frame and, a some point I will build this as a Custom […]

Picked up some Original Chopper frames

Well, sometimes things come along and you think to yourself- ” I might have a pop at these later” And sure as eggs are eggs, I have them at my place. These are some cool old pieces right out of the 1970s. First off is the Black frame, A Denver Choppers frame, these were one […]

Little OLD 350 I made Scream and boy did it yell and Loved it.

Allo Allo Allo!  Just thought I would add an old CB350 I sorted out and it ran like crap for many moons, it had been to numerous shops and nobody could get it to run, let alone rev, I took a look and came to the conclusion the carbs and exhaust needed sorting, so took […]

New Parts and New projects this year

Hey Everyone Hope that you are all well and trying to continue doing what you enjoy- This Pandemic is a royal Pain in the proverbial arse, but we have to stay strong and continue masking up, keeping your distance and soon after we all get the Jab, hopefully we can get to some sort of […]

New Year, let’s hope this one is a fruitful one

Well, 2020 can go and bugger right off, what a shitty year for everybody around the world, and we still have some ways to go before we can all meet up anywhere, so I tend to think I shall be here at home and will put my time and energy into making New parts available […]

Looking forward to a more positive Healthy year

A couple of days left in this terrible Pandemic year, good riddens to it and sure hope that 2021 will be great for us all, of course it will take probably half of that year for all of us to get back on an even keel so to speak, but we shall get there and […]

Wishing you ALL a Very Merry Christmas.

Well, here we are, on the Cusp of Christmas Day and most people locked away in their houses and told to stay there, so, with that in mind, I wanted to at least try and raise your Spirits by wishing you All a Merry Christmas and sure hope that the New year brings us a […]

Exhausts are going out the door pretty quick these days

Well, a day off at last, albeit I will be catching up on things at home etc, but- I am in my office and for once, it has started to rain.  Something that we do not get much of in Southern California, so I will engulf this as it reminds me of back home in […]

I have always loved working with these machines

Time does indeed fly by and as we now spend a lot of time at home, I thought that I would let you know that what ever I do, there will always be time to turn wrenches and create parts or a cool Custom machine in my workshop, and I continue to do so, next […]

CB550 I am putting together from parts laying about.

Well, here we are and will shortly be beginning a New journey, moving to a bigger place with an acre of land and shall be having a Barn built for my workshop, so I thought I would try and use some of the old parts I have in my storage, to at least get a […]

Working on an old CB550 Honda

Well, this Labor day weekend has been Hotter than a bowl of Chilli peppers, right now, as I type this, its 108 Degree’s. Now, I have a lot to do in the garage and I need to move some parts that have been sat in storage for a long time, I looked at what parts […]

Using up old snotty parts

Well, it is still hot as hell here in southern California, and I have been flat out with work, so not too much time on the Blog side this time but always try to post something to show you guys n gals out there. I have a few bits and bobs laying around in my […]

A New Era is now here but, we shall always be riding our Motorcycles, no matter what is thrown at us!

CORONA DIARIES 2020 from the  deep warm depths of La Mirada. California August is now out the window, on its toes and halfway down the road, thanking god that his part of 2020 is now in the can and hopefully the next time August comes around, we might be able to life a more normal […]

Sunday and many an hour getting this CB550F Dialled in.

A Super Hot Weekend, why do I attempt such crazy work when the weather is like this? I guess we all do right? A long day but managed to get the old carbs out as the idle was not functioning, but a complete redo was needed and boy what a pain in the arse the […]

Thursday and almost the weekend.

As we approach the weekend, I am sure there are many of you that will be sweating your arses off in the garage, shed or back yard, trying to put your long term project together and give you something to do while many places have forced you to stay at home. Be it a Tracker, […]

Sunday and plenty to do in the Garage

Hey you lot, hope things are OK with everyone?  And you are trying to get on with your Motorcycle Project in this Pandemic. I am still flat out playing catch up and thats a good thing to be busy. With the weekend crashing by so fast, its hard to sometimes catch up on a daily […]

Friday at last, the weekend begins

Its that time at last, Friday evening, its nice to know that the weekend is now here, I have many orders to try and get out the door and tomorrow I shall be up early so i can pack a bunch more orders to send to my Customers.  It’s my Birthday Monday and although i […]

Exhaust Systems update

The time is flying her in Southern California, I am so busy right now, mostly with exhausts and making other parts for our beloved Machines, etc and I really appreciate you supporting me in these times that we are in right now.Volume is a little quiet but just wanted to say hello to ALL you […]

A CB500 Honda with a Tough Attitude

I sometimes have to kick myself to remind me that I have created all these Custom Motorcycles sometimes, its amazing that I still have a fluid creativity when it comes to two wheeled powered machines and the next bike i want to show you is a great stealthy bike that I sometimes wish I had […]

One of my Old Dunstall 750 Honda machines

Wow! Where does the time go these days?  I literally forgot about building this bike and found some tiny photos someone took of me, so thought I would try and show them on here, so you can see this Classic machine once again. Fun times when I lived in the City Of Orange, where I […]

New ride arrives at the stable 1977 HONDA CB550F SUPER SPORT

Well, a fun weekend and today being Sunday, I have plenty to do back in the workshop as we acquired another two wheeled machine that is a real classic find and glad that I was able to snag it from the buyer. It does pay off to go through a few listings from time to […]

Corona Diaries- The year of the Mask

Well, here we are, the weekend is almost upon us, things are still bad when it comes to Covid-19, this is a crazy time for us all, but- We have to live life and try and work the best that we can with what we have these days, and I hear from many Customers of […]

Working on Greenday HONDA CAFE BIKE today

Well, time and tide wait for no man whats that about? One must not procrastinate or delay, as in Let’s get on with the voting; time and tide won’t wait, you know. This proverbial phrase, alluding to the fact that human events or concerns cannot stop the passage of time or the movement of the tides, first appeared about 1395 in Chaucer’s […]

I have been invited as a 20 year Long term builder for the Sturgis Exhibition this year in August.

Well, with everything going on right now, I need a little pick me up and a little while ago I was invited as a long term Builder to exhibit a Motorcycle I am building from scratch, to display at the Buffalo Chip at Sturgis this year- but, with the Pandemic, everyone was held up in […]

Balancing on Craziness !

hey you lot, I am super busy trying to Balance all the work thats come in and it is no easy thing but- I wanted to show you this amazing video of a Trials rider ing balance, not much more to say but I am in awe of this. Thanks again for all sticking with […]

My Old Thruxton was a Fun Machine

Having a day to remember this afternoon, remembering my 2013 Triumph Thruxton that I bought as stock as the Proverbial Rock in Brea and then set about changing a few things as I went along and get it to the style and menacing Gnarly Growl of the mufflers as I hit the apex of a […]

Exhaust Orders going super strong right now

Hey you lot, wow! Is all I can say, so many exhaust orders plus tons of parts going out the door, trying to keep up all the demand for parts for you to complete your Motorcycle Projects, so you can get out on the tarmac and blow all of lifes cobwebs out of the New […]

Saturday and busier than heck

Its the weekend and I am trying to get so many orders out, thanks for being cool about waiting as some things like chrome parts etc take a while as some of my own suppliers are closed still, due to the Pandemic, so I have to try and locate other companies, but thank you all […]

Working on Customers parts they send to me

Well, I have been really really busy as of late, many of you are at home and are now working on some long term projects, and this is the perfect time to catch up on them “Need to do” lists that you have mentally noted and tucked into the back of your skull, and I […]

Always here to help if you get stuck on a project at home.

Well, with all this lock down around the globe, people are getting bored, but- on a good note, people are getting into their long term projects and want to finish it in this time that we all have at the moment, so as of late, I have been running around like a headless chicken . […]

Sunday and I am busy in garage

Well, no day of rest for me today as many people need parts for their rides, so I have been burning the proverbial candle at both ends, as I know what its like when you start on a project, you want to try and get as much completed as possible whilst you are still all […]

Time to kick back and listen to some sounds whilst you work in your Garage

Well, Saturday, its here at last, not sure what you lot are up to but I have been flat out with orders for Customers as many people are trying to get some of their long term projects done whilst they have a little down time. Thought I would share what sort of tunes that I […]

Working in this Pandemic time of life

Well, as many of you are in the exact same boat as we are, this Pandemic is a terrible thing to happen to anybody, but, we are abiding by the safe distancing and I continue to try and make parts from home and in a timely manner, but, as so many people are now stuck […]

Little bit more drilling, but this time, the Front Sprocket Cover.

Another day and some more Therapeutic drilling to do, this time I thought I would show you how I drill the Front Sprocket cover, just to give it that Custom look from the standard plain version. It is totally up to you, how far and wild you want to go with your sprocket cover, but […]

Quarantine – How I deal with the Lonesome Blues

Well, we are entering a new World right now, times are hard and quite scary to be honest, most of us have been Quarantined and have to stay at home, in Isolation from the world, but keeping safe, Healthy and away from that nasty Virus. But, I am getting many orders for parts this month […]

Working from home during this time?

Well, the world has changed dramatically in the last few weeks and, for the worse- But, we are all keeping our hands clean and away from our face etc and Social Distancing is the new Norm. Now, I have been quite buy as home at my shop inside the garage as many people are restricted […]

Built a set of Custom forks for a Customer, thought I would share.

Many people have sent me their forks over the years to rebuild, polish or just hop up a bit as they get tired after 40 years of taking punishment from all road surfaces over time. As the photo shows above, this is the old set that I am going to be working with, I strip […]

The Vesco Honda SOHC 1974 CB750K Custom Built Brat Bike

Well, this was a super fun build that I did and it is not often that I purchase an old snotter and then, after building it, sell it back to the owner I purchased it from, but this was how it was, I saw that there was a SOHC 750 in a garage in the […]

A Day in the life of Yours truly.

Well, cant believe I am fast approaching 20 years that I have been over here and creating Custom machines and of course, parts to go with it, I have to stop and pinch myself sometimes, but there it is – 2 decades and still moving along, maybe not as fast as back in 2000 but […]

Sturgis Honda still in the planning, but making some headway.

Rome was not built in a day and the same goes with this old inline four Honda CB750 machine, it is a wee bit of a head scratcher as so many things I am trying out, some work, some do not, but I guess that is the adventure in stepping into the unknown, when it […]

The Sturgis Bike Build Begins on this old CB750 Honda Four

Been busy with a number of other things this week, but I thought I would make an effort and start doing some more chassis modifications on the SOHC 750 seeing as the weather has been really good for January. Such a long way to go and having no game plan can be quite a task, […]


Wow !! How about that, here we are, 2020 and no flying cars or motorcycles.  As a kid I saw the Jetson cartoons and they said in 2020 there are flying automobiles, but its now 2020 and all 4 wheels are still firmly stuck on the tarmac.  but a new year and much to do […]

Wishing you all a Very merry Christmas from Southern California

Well, here we are, almost the big day, this year flew past and to be honest, I am looking forward to a fresh start in 2020, had a tough year with life in general, as my Girls mom passed away, things have been quite stressful in life generally and even though I have been busy, […]

Weekend is pretty much here

Time does fly when you are having fun, especially if you are at home, or in the Garage, slinging wrenches about and seeing what you can create from a pile of old parts and see if you can turn it into the machine that you have thought about for a longtime. The weather is supposed […]

Always fun doing things with Motorcycles and Hot Rods

I have always been interested in Motorcycles and Hot Rods, I had a 3 window Coupe in the UK back in the 1980’s and loved anything that was related to Post WW2 ie Planes, Wooden Chris Craft Boats or Fighter planes of the day etc. So Motorcycles and Hot Rods go together like Peanut Butter […]

Playing about in the garage with an old snotty frame

Well, I need to clean some of my old storage out and thought I would have a bit of a play about today, being its Sunday , and see if I can at least come up with some sort of rolling frame.   So a few bits and bobs were put together to see where […]

Carburetor Restoration Services

Well, for many years I have been rebuilding carbs on the SOHC 750 Honda, as well as the smaller 500 and 550 models, and I am still getting these sent to me to get the old crap and grime off of them and totally get then revamped to a Clean and smooth running set. Many […]

Fast Eddie, the little Legend on a Triumph

At the age of 94, WWII veteran and AMA Hall of Famer Ed Fisher still rides everyday, and even continues to race as an amateur. Ed has always had a throttle in hand, since he was 16 years old. He began his racing career as a factory rider for Indian Motorcycles, before representing Triumph as […]

Basement Find! 1947 Harley-Davidson FL “Knucklehead”

  1947 was a pivotal year in Harley-Davidson history. Not only was it the last year for the iconic “Knucklehead” engine, but the classic black leather Harley-Davidson jacket was introduced! While the jackets may not have changed much over the past 70+ years, the bikes certainly have. You can order a 2020 H-D that comes […]

Exhaust systems for CB750 CB550 and CB500 Models

Need a great sounding 4 into 1 exhaust system for your inline four? Something not only affordable, but made right here in California, not in some sweat shop in China. Back in 2000 I began with the first to offer 4 into 1 Performance 4 into 1 systems, nobody was offering them and I wanted […]

Love what I do

I have always been an outgoing sorta fella and enjoy doing different things, below is just a snippet of some things that I have done for a TV Company and boy had a blast for 2 years, meeting all sorts of great bands, people and looking into the interesting lifestyles, be it Rockabilly, Hot Rodding […]

Doing some electrical on a K5 CB750 Honda Four in the Garage today

Well, Project Wire harness is the goal this weekend, I have a customer and friends, 1975 CB750K model Honda four in the Garage and it apparently wafted out a bunch of smoke under the seat, so it was bought here on the back of a truck and here it is at my place where I […]

My other bike, the Triumph Scrambler

I have always been into dirt bikes as I call them, from when i was a teenager and before I guess, My brother and I used to drool over the pages of MotorCycle News or Dirt bike magazine, we came from a humble home where there was never any extra money, so we made the […]

Motorcycle ‘s built in your garage are still as popular as ever

Well, time seems to fly as of late, been doing a few things and it has been hard to try and blog anything these days, the clock just seems to tick away so many times faster than before, but I thought I might at least start one today and tell you about the old Super […]

The Rice Boiler CB750 SOHC

Well, here was a bike that came together just because of my Grumpy Old man when I was a Teenager, and thought that I would share this creation with you all. My Dad is an Old School sort and, if it wasn’t British, then it wasn’t good enough, and as a kid I had never […]

Count down to Turkey day!

Thanksgiving will soon be upon us, but its a celebration that I enjoy food wise and of course, me originally being a Redcoat, people think it may bother me, but- if it wasn’t for that day- Oct 19th 1981, well I wouldn’t be here if my original country and planted the flag. So I celebrate […]

Back online after some glitches but all good

Well, what a frustrating few days that I have encountered, modern technology is great, until it takes a spiralling fall into the abyss. I have been pretty good on my computer over the years, with no training as such, I just worked my way through any problems and if I was stuck, my web guru […]